EC: health bars stop updating (part 1)
in Bugs
In EC, healthbars of pets and other mobiles (not in your party) stop updating after extended gameplay. Champ spawns are a common case where this happens.
There may be more than one change for this, hence the "part 1". With the below changes, I didn't see the problem where healthbars stop updating.
There are 3 parts to this change:
- Free various table entries (leaks). (I confirmed certain tables contain many hundreds of elements added per champ spawn round).
- Avoid un-necessary data dependency for updating the healthbar (mobileData can be non nil, while data can be nil).
- Reduce un-necessary calls inside the commonly called MobileHealthBar.UpdateStatus(), as this can be called dozens of times a second.
All changes to mobilehealthbar.lua
MobileHealthBar.windowDisabled[mobileId] = nil
-- added free for these
MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.CheckStatus[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.RegisterTime[mobileId] = nil
-- overheadtext.lua can create these. (low counts over time).
MobileHealthBar.Changelings[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.Irks[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.Guiles[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.Spites[mobileId] = nil
MobileHealthBar.Travestys[mobileId] = nil
local mobileData = Interface.GetMobileData(mobileId, true) -- uses WindowData.MobileStatus[mobileId]
-- local data = WindowData.MobileName[mobileId] -- no longer needed.
-- if(MobileHealthBar.hasWindow[mobileId] == true and data and mobileData) then
if(MobileHealthBar.hasWindow[mobileId] == true and mobileData) then
if(mobileData.Notoriety+1 == NameColor.Notoriety.INVULNERABLE) then -- notoriety check, since most of this is not applicable to other mobiles.
local bodDealer = IsBodDealer( mobileId )
if bodDealer and not DoesWindowNameExist(windowName.."Bod") then
CreateWindowFromTemplate( windowName.."Bod", "BodIconTemplate", windowName)
WindowAddAnchor(windowName.."Bod", "topright", windowName .. "Name", "topleft", -7, 20)
WindowSetShowing(windowName.."Bod", true)
elseif(DoesWindowNameExist(windowName.."Bod") and not bodDealer) then
-- move this above, where CreateWindowFromTemplate is called?
if(DoesWindowNameExist(windowName.."Bod")) then
WindowSetScale(windowName.."Bod", WindowGetScale(windowName))
--WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "GreenButton", data.Notoriety+1 ~= NameColor.Notoriety.INVULNERABLE)
--WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "RedButton", data.Notoriety+1 ~= NameColor.Notoriety.INVULNERABLE)
--WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "BlueButton", data.Notoriety+1 ~= NameColor.Notoriety.INVULNERABLE)
-- all windows started with the green, red, blue buttons showing by default, so no reason to set those.
-- note: these buttons should be disabled on monsters...
if(mobileData.Notoriety+1 == NameColor.Notoriety.INVULNERABLE) then -- only invulnerable targets have these buttons removed, currently.
-- avoid repeated calls to SetShowing.
if(WindowGetShowing(windowName .. "GreenButton") == true) then
WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "GreenButton", false)
WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "RedButton", false)
WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "BlueButton", false)
-- elseif ((data == nil or tostring(perc) == "-1.#IND") and not MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] and mobileId ~= WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId ) then
elseif ((tostring(perc) == "-1.#IND") and not MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] and mobileId ~= WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId ) then -- data could never be nil in prior code.
MobileHealthBar.CheckStatus[mobileId] = true
dev still haven’t yet figured out how to copy paste the fixes into default UI after 2 years
This one I linked to is still broken in default UI even though fix is posted here
i think there have been half a dozen player made fixes over the years. “
Within MobileHealthBar.lua, look for the function MobileHealthBar.UnregisterHealthBar(windowName)
This function will begin on line 288 of an unmodified file.
The first line in the first code chunk of the original post
begins on line 304 of an unmodified file.
Insert the remainder of the code just below that line.
The final function MobileHealthBar.UnregisterHealthBar(windowName) should now read
The second code chunk in the original post goes into the function MobileHealthBar.UpdateStatus(mobileId)
which begins on line 325 of an unmodified file.
The first line in the second code chunk of the original post
begins on line 332 of an unmodified file.
Insert the remainder of the code just below that line.
The function MobileHealthBar.UpdateStatus(mobileId) is long, so I won't post the final chunk here, but the instructions above should be enough to get you started.
Good luck!