EC: Missing timer buff for invisibility potion

The following code additions to the EC will add a timer to the existing invisibility buff when you drink an invisibility potion

In the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua add the following code somewhere near the top
--start of added code	
BuffDebuff.checkIfInvisibilityPotion = false
--end of added code

In the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua add the following code to the function BuffDebuff.Update after the line
	if (BuffDebuff.Timers ~= nil) then
--start of added code	
if(BuffDebuff.checkIfInvisibilityPotion) then
BuffDebuff.checkIfInvisibilityPotion = false
local potionTimer = 20
local playerRace = PaperdollWindow.HUMAN
local mobileData = Interface.GetMobileData(WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId, false)

if (mobileData) then
playerRace = mobileData.Race
if(playerRace == PaperdollWindow.HUMAN) then
potionTimer = potionTimer + 5 --humans get 5 more seconds
if(WindowData ~= nil and WindowData.PlayerStatus ~= nil) then
local ep = WindowData.PlayerStatus["EnhancePotions"]
if(ep == nil) then
ep = 0
local serverId = WindowData.SkillsCSV[1].ServerId
local alchemy = WindowData.SkillDynamicData[serverId].RealSkillValue
alchemy = math.floor(alchemy / 10)
local epal = ep
local altep = ep
if (alchemy > 0) then
local alBonus = 0

if(alchemy == 100) then --gm bonuses
if(ep == 50 or ep == 0) then
alBonus = 100
elseif(ep == 45) then
alBonus = 95
elseif(ep == 40 or ep == 35) then
alBonus = 90
elseif(ep > 15) then
alBonus = 85
alBonus = 85
altep = 20
alBonus = math.floor(alchemy / 3.0) - 5
epal = altep + alBonus

potionTimer = potionTimer + math.floor(epal/5) --every 5 points of EnhancePotions gives 1 additional second
BuffDebuff.Timers[1012] = potionTimer --add timer
--end of added code

In the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua add the following code to the function BuffDebuff.CreateNewBuff. I recommend putting it above the line
if (buffId == 1015) then
 --start of added code	
if(buffId == 1012) then --either hiding or invisibility potion
BuffDebuff.checkIfInvisibilityPotion = true
--end of added code

In the file source\TextParsing.Lua add the following code to the function TextParsing.TimersNbuff

--start of added code
if(SystemData.TextID == 501240) then -- You have hidden yourself well
BuffDebuff.checkIfInvisibilityPotion = false
--end of added code


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    “There’s a bug report open for this for both clients because it’s wrong buff, buff is for hide skill not invisibility 

    dev team been working tirelessly for 10 years trying to fix”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,852
    The code above is a work around to that bug by putting a timer on the buff if the invisibility potion was used and not putting a timer on the buff if the hiding skill was used.
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