EC: Missing check for luck cool down timers

TimStTimSt Posts: 1,852
edited April 2023 in General Discussions
Inspired by the work of @ForeverFun

The following code changes to the EC will show a buff icons  or  for when your luck has improved and a debuff icon  when your luck has ended.

Create dds files using the images from above and put them in your "icons\my icons" folder

Add the following to the icons\icons.xml file
    <!-- Custom -->
    <Icon id="979551" texture="Icons/My Icons/" name="Luck buff" />
    <Icon id="979552" texture="Icons/My Icons/" name="Luck Debuff" />
    <Icon id="979534" texture="Icons/My Icons/" name="Still feel lucky buff" />
the green icon goes into the files
the blue icon goes into the file
the red icon goes into the file  

Add the following code at the top of the function TextParsing.TimersNbuff in the files source\TextParsing.lua

--start of added code       
	if ( SystemData.TextID == 1079551 ) then    -- * Your luck just improved *
		WindowData.BuffDebuffSystem.CurrentBuffId = 979551    -- use custom luck buff icon.
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameWStringVector = GetStringFromTid(1079534)
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameVectorSize = 0
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.ToolTipVectorSize = 0
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.IsBeingRemoved = false
		BuffDebuff.Timers[979551] = 3600 -- 1 hour.

		local luckStartTime = Interface.Clock.Timestamp
		Interface.SaveNumber( "luckStartTime" , luckStartTime ) --save the time stamp so can calculate how much time is left before can use luck again

	if ( SystemData.TextID == 1079552  -- * Your luck just ended *
		or SystemData.TextID == 1079550 -- * You can improve your fortunes again in about hours *
		or SystemData.TextID == 1079548 -- * You can improve your fortunes again in about minutes *
		or SystemData.TextID == 1079547 -- * Your fortunes are about to improve *
		) then

		local currentTimeStamp = Interface.Clock.Timestamp
		local nextPossibleLuckStartTime = Interface.LoadNumber("luckStartTime", currentTimeStamp) + 86400
		local secsToWait = nextPossibleLuckStartTime - currentTimeStamp
		if(secsToWait <= 0 or secsToWait > 86400) then
			return --do not show debuff icon if odd things happened

		WindowData.BuffDebuffSystem.CurrentBuffId = 979552 -- use custom luck debuff icon.
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameWStringVector = L"You need to wait before you can improve your fortunes again"
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameVectorSize = 0
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.ToolTipVectorSize = 0
		WindowData.BuffDebuff.IsBeingRemoved = false
		BuffDebuff.Timers[979552] = secsToWait
		if(BuffDebuff.BuffData[979534] ~= nil) then
			BuffDebuff.HandleBuffRemoved(979534) --remove the custom unknown luck buff

	if ( SystemData.TextID == 1079534 ) then    -- * You're still feeling lucky *
		local luckBuffTimer = BuffDebuff.Timers[979551]
		if (BuffDebuff.BuffData[979551] == nil) then -- show a different luck buff icon if the normal luck buff is not shown
			WindowData.BuffDebuffSystem.CurrentBuffId = 979534 -- use custom unknown luck buff icon.
			WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameWStringVector = GetStringFromTid(1079534)
			WindowData.BuffDebuff.NameVectorSize = 0
			WindowData.BuffDebuff.ToolTipVectorSize = 0
			WindowData.BuffDebuff.IsBeingRemoved = false
			WindowData.BuffDebuff.HasTimer = false

--end of added code

Add the following lines to the structure BuffDebuff.Good in the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua

--Begin Custom
[979551] = true; -- Luck Buff
[979534] = true; -- Unknown Luck Buff
Add the following code to the function BuffDebuff.Initialize in source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua after the call to UOBuildTableFromCSV

--add custom buff / debuff icons
	if (WindowData.BuffDataCSV ~= nil) then

		local luckBuff = {
			["ID"] = 979551,
			["ServerId"] = 979551,
			["IconId"] = 979551,
			["Define"] = 0
		table.insert(WindowData.BuffDataCSV, luckBuff)
		local unknownLuckBuff = {
			["ID"] = 979534,
			["ServerId"] = 979534,
			["IconId"] = 979534,
			["Define"] = 0
		table.insert(WindowData.BuffDataCSV, unknownLuckBuff)
		local luckDebuff = {
			["ID"] = 979552,
			["ServerId"] = 979552,
			["IconId"] = 979552,
			["Define"] = 0
		table.insert(WindowData.BuffDataCSV, luckDebuff)
--end of added code
In the function BuffDebuff.UpdateTimer in source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua replace this code

		if ( BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId] ~= nil and BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId] > 0   ) then
			local min = math.floor(BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId]/60)
			if min > 0 then
				timer = StringToWString(tostring(min)	.. "m")

with this 
 if ( BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId] ~= nil and BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId] > 0   ) then
			local min = math.floor(BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId]/60)
 -- start of added code		
			if min > 60 then
				local prefix = ""
				if ((min / 60) - math.floor(min / 60) > 0) then
					prefix = ">"
				local h = math.floor(min / 60)
				timer = StringToWString(prefix .. tostring(h) .. "h")
			elseif min > 0 then
				local prefix = ""
				if (BuffDebuff.Timers[buffId] - (min * 60) > 0) then
					prefix = ">"
				timer = StringToWString(prefix .. tostring(min)	.. "m")
 -- end of added code
In the function BuffDebuff.MouseOver in the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua after the line
local nameString = L""
add the following code  
--start of added code
		if(data.NameWStringVector ~= nil and type(data.NameWStringVector) == "wstring") then
			nameString = data.NameWStringVector
--end of added code


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,852
    You can download the DDS files from my github repository
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    Geez @TimSt it's like you're a professional programmer or something...  >:)

    Also, I don't know what's scarier, all that code, or that I understood almost all of it on the first read through. *Shudders* That would have been impossible for me a couple years ago.

    As soon as I have some time, I'll be adding it to my own mod. I want to be sure I can understand each line and how the different chunks interact first though. I may be messaging you in a couple months!

    Thank you for posting it.

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