Ignore players - both clients

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited April 2023 in Bugs
Increased max ignore list cap from 20 to 80.

Both clients, when you add a player to ignore list, you can no longer see their spells being cast, rendering this feature unusable. 

Expected result: for feature to be usable

Please note, it is currently not possible to page on another player for verbal harassment:


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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited April 2023
    Of course, they have to speak their words of power in order to cast spells. When you choose to ignore them, you also ignore the utterance of their incantations.

    Seems to be working as intended. Otherwise, choose who you ignore wisely.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "no post while drunk pls"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited April 2023
    Sorry, I don't drink. You should take your own advice though, and try to remember that no means no, even (especially) when you're drinking.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    If adults acted like adults then there would be no need for an ignore list.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    "you're trolling wrong thread, i don't even log into general chat
    and i can't read ingame chat above heads
    so it's not going to affect me
    you're effectivly all blocked to me by default

    i report for someone else"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Yoshi said:
    "you're trolling wrong thread, i don't even log into general chat
    and i can't read ingame chat above heads
    so it's not going to affect me
    you're effectivly all blocked to me by default

    i report for someone else"
    LOL  So you are the official spokes person for every body else.  Quit reporting for so called every body else, which we all know is BS.  If they are on Gen Chat then they are on a paid account and they can speak for themselves.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    “Other people don’t post reports because of following.
    a) they assume devs already know of issue and they don’t realise devs don’t play game so don’t know
    b) website erroneously tells people to report using bug report form where you cannot see other peoples reports and there is no evidence the bug report emails are read 
    c) if they come here to post report, they assume that dev would know what expected result is and often omit expected result because they don’t realise dev don’t play the game so don’t know.
    d) they can’t post screenshots as their guilds have banned broadsword classic client because of the bugs so difficult to show problems”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited May 2023
    In EC, if you have "Ignore Players" checked, it's a broad based filter.

    Probably for most cases, you can do finer grained filtering yourself, as below.

    Manage the Ignore Players list as usual, but uncheck User Settings->Filters->"Ignore players".

    Add the below to overheadtext.lua, OverheadText.ShowOverheadText()

    	if (IsSpell and Interface.ShowSpellName ) then
    SystemData.Text = SystemData.Text .. L" [" .. StringToWString(spell.name) .. L"]"

    -- new filtering code, drop all overhead text not a spell
    if(not IsSpell) then
    for item, value in pairs(WindowData.IgnoreIdList) do
    if(value == SystemData.TextSourceID) then

    You can do similiar filtering in the chat window log (NewChatWindow.lua) too, though may not be needed for most cases.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited May 2023
    The additional code block below, expands the checks for "bogus" spell casting text as mentioned in the (*) caveat in this thread.  It's best to also have the changes mentioned in that thread, too.

    This will toss bogus spellcasting text, regardless of the ignore list.

    	if(not IsSpell) then
    for item, value in pairs(WindowData.IgnoreIdList) do
    if(value == SystemData.TextSourceID) then

    -- imperfect: check for bogus/obfuscated spell casting text. (leading, trailing spaces, case mismatch, etc)

    if(type(SystemData.TextColor) == "table") then
    -- not player origin text
    -- check player origin text against spell table.
    local lowerText = string.gsub(string.lower(senderText), "%s+", " ") -- compress multiple spaces

    for item, value in pairs(SpellsInfo.SpellsData) do
    local lowerMatch = string.lower(item)

    if(string.find(lowerText, lowerMatch, 1, true)) then -- search within user supplied text string, against table of spell names
    return -- drop the text.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    " here is a thread showing players using an exploit to push spellcasting spells out of view supposebly by using overhead chat

    being able to block players overhead chat only will also fix this exploit

    although i'm not sure exactly how that one user in the video managed to completely remove the mysticism spells"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    Why don't you try some of the changes and report if they work for what you have in mind?

    If you want to drop all non (actual) spell casting overhead text, from all players (except yourself) by default, without using an ignore list, this should work (un-tested).  (just replace starting at the (if not IsSpell) spots as noted above.

     Make sure the filters->ignore players is unchecked, and you have this change: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/12455/ec-spoofed-spell-casting-overhead-text

    if(not IsSpell) then
    if(WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId ~= SystemData.TextSourceID) then

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    "I don't use EC for attended gameplay, i don't like the graphics

    And i can't use CC anymore as I have visual disability that is not catered for as they allow able bodied users to choose my spell text color"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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