"Some players' spell casting text is defaulted to dark gray making very very difficult for people to read and almost all have this color, I am registered blind and it's not problem of UO but is there anything they can do to even change the default text color, as very very hard to read i'm sure even for able bodied persons.
There is setting in uoassist for me but it only affects non magery spells"

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Or stop playing with cheaters and you would never know that info, like 95% of the other players.
but I’m sure they didn’t choose this Color so won’t care if it gets changed.
im not even sure it displays this Color to them anyway so they prob won’t even know if it gets changed to something clearer”
Is this a color that you could choose or do they have a better pallet? If it's not a normal UO color you could ID who is using that client to better page on them.
Mervyn has always been whatever is most convenient to get what he wants.