Last parry chance (minor issue)
"I have seen some new and not even new players with bushido + parry using balanced weapon and i suspect they don't realise it means you can't parry at all.

Even when you evade there is still no chance to evade or parry anything. Last parry chance does not display at all not even 0 when carrying balanced weapon.
This is a little odd because even if you carry a non balanced weapon and have 0 parry, it still tells you Last parry chance 0%.

Same for ranged weapon, does not display last parry chance (as there is no chance to parry with range weap).
(There is no indication for people when they evade that it is not going to have any effect at all, perhaps even evade should not be possible to cast if carrying balanced/ranged weap)
I feel if Last Parry Chance 0% was displayed, they would understand game mechanic better and not use balanced weap or give bad advice to other players
Expected result: for balanced and ranged weap to display last parry chance (0%)"
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