Basic Luck Suit.
Killed Bunnies all day with this character. Starting with ZERO luck. I did buy a EJ Cheater Kit to get the blackthorn robe the easy way. LOL I dropped my 60 magery by accident when I put imbue on. Nothing reforged gloves and head are imbued to 100 Luck (Mining gloves +5 and Enhanced to 140) Figure the gloves was not much of derail since 100 Luck gloves are a real common drop. See people complaining about Pay to Win so did not use a forged metal of artifacts for enhancing and I BROKE A LOT of 110-150 Luck Loot

Here is where I ended up when I called it a day. Eggs were SLOWWWWWWW but finally got enough to get Yukios and a Quiver. Shield is a 150 SC Antique that tells me it is already enhanced with a special material when I try to enhance/break it. I broke every 100+ Luck Weapon drop so dagger is SC 100Luck. I am working on a luck tally and clean up jewel set and am up to 211k Clean up points from trashing bunny loot and old regular colored eggs ( Placed the 8x8 house spot south of the south bunny field and put a trash barrel in it for easy trashing) Add in the Jewel set that will improve the current jewel luck by 200, Killed goblins for some lucky coins to toss and will eventually get soles and another 80 Luck on the feet, lucky clean up tally another 150 and need to make 100 leather caps and enhance them to 140 for another 40 luck guess I will do the same for weapon for another 40. I broke A LOT of arms so still wearing unehanced 100Luck on them will craft some leather ones and imbue and enhance for another 40 on them. Doing all of the above will add 550 more luck for 2330 Suit put together from bunny junk, clean up points and tossing the lucky coin.

Without the Blackthorns robe and no reforging or using forged metal of artifacts.

Just enhancing and breaking bunny loot. I did end up with 190 Legs, chest and neck. Jewels are 45 LRC, 200 Luck and +20 Mage, with the 60 mage not that I need it. I do have 50 fencing and 50 Tactics now + a 1 Slot fire beetle which is more than enough to kill bunnies
Raised my dex and dropped my mana to swing faster.

At 1400 Luck there was a very notable increase in the egg drops LOL started getting 12-14 per hour VS the 2-3 per hour below 1400. At 1780 Luck + 1000 statue I was 21 for that hour. Was also using 2 of my max luck toons and partied so that made for better Bunny Loot. Lesson here is if you have crappy luck and a single acct. find 2 people with high luck to party with and be a sport and let them have the corpse eggs when they drop. Would have been far fewer if any 150 Luck Items drop if not for being partied with the 2 high luck toons. I also scrounged other folks bunny corpses and picked up a lot of luck stuff from theirs. It seems a lot of folks either don't know or don't care that a egg can be on the corpse and they don't even bother to open the corpse

To wet after all of the rain the last week for me to do anything other than feed the livestock and complain about the mud
So I spent like 15 hours getting from the 140 luck on the Mining Gloves and 100 on the Mask and 140 from the robe so started out with 380 Luck. and casting blade spirits to support the fire beetle. Actually killed a lot faster after I dropped the mage and Spent some New Haven time getting fencing and tactics to 50/50.

Still not seeing a need to bag ball them, the beetle chased them down just fine on the few occasions I was slow to target them. I solo killed them for a few hours after getting fencing and tactics and never lost on due to burrowing or running away of course I was in the South Fenced in field........... Did move to the Yew Wheat field when the glow field got really crowded and the L33Ts started killing my bunnies so fast I couldn't get looting rights. Didn't lose any bunnies there either, just had the beetle guard me and he got them corned and the bunnies stayed gray to me.
Anyway I hope this helps the folks that are struggling to put together a luck suit or don't know they need luck to eggs and wander in here trying to figure out why they are not getting egg drops. NO LUCK/LOW LUCK = NO EGGS
Can cure that problem in a day with loot and a Imbuer Mule and can easily kill them with the imbuer mule and his/her fire beetle as well. The suit can be total crap so long as it has Luck. It is impossible for a bunny to kill you contrary to what some claim. And if you do get killed by a bunny, you just need to uninstall UO and consider growing luxurious and sexy beard.

Blackthorn's robe? Is this a noob quest item?
Better than any of the other armor sets and blessed to boot. Throw in the Robe and a MR or Dex Obi and you are pretty well set. And the EJ Cheater kits work just fine on no EJ accts. Making it the biggest bang for the buck in the UO store.