Noob questions for current event


I've been trying to read through the event page and the forums to find out actually what to do, but I don't know if I'm overlooking the answers or if I'm the only new-ish player that just doesn't understand ><

1. I have a bunch of eggs from last year. The event page seems to say I can use them, but how do I? I go to the trader with a bag full of eggs and he says I have no reward points to spend. I tried dropping eggs on him but that didn't work 
2. I've seen lots of talk about planting thorns in a field to fight abomination bunnies. How do I get these thorns? Is it any field? I have 100 necro/spirit speak, 100 swordsmanship, 56 tactics, 74 magery and 82 Evaluating int. Is this an event I could do with minimal pve knowledge? I usually just go out fishing and fight Sea/Deep Sea Serpents, but I can hold my own in the Shame Dungeon haha.
3. I've seen people say it's easy, but is it dull copper and arcane armour easy? I read one thread that said you needed pretty good gear

Thank you for any assistance :)


  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Last years eggs no good thorns are grown if you don't already have you must buy you need a luck suit at least 2500
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    1. Last years eggs are no bueno this year.
    2. You grow them or buy from a grower.  They are called green thorns and you simply click on the green thorns, target the ground in a field outside the guard zone. Yes, you will be able to kill the fast moving bunny.
    3. Yes.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    If you're on Legends I can help get you set up.  You don't need to worry about the fight with the bunny as it won't damage you at all.  You do want to have as much luck on your gear as you can possibly get as it will vastly improve the amount of eggs you get.  Don't need to worry about resists for this.  Best methods I think are with summons or pets as the bunny is fast and they'll chase him and damage him even in guard zones.  So if you can cast EVs and fill up on luck, you're all set, just need the thorns.

    Thorns are grown via gardening.  I can give you a bunch of seeds if you want to read up on how to grow plants.  It will take a couple weeks to grow them but you can get the thorns just by gardening.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    You can grow or buy thorns.  Think you need to plant snake plants.  If you are working up skills, you can go to the New Haven mine and kill earth elementals and get fertile dirt you can use to make snake plants grow faster. Think you will probably have to buy seeds and plant bowls.
    At the event only the first spawn generates eggs.  Your character could handle that and maybe get a couple.  If you make it to the end you have a good chance of getting some nice boots.  You need pretty good gear, but not great, to melee with the boss and later spawns.  Give it a try and work with other players.  These events are a good way to meet other players.  Don’t get too frustrated.  Work out what works for you.  It takes awhile to do that.
  • Oh awesome, thanks for all the advice everyone!
    Unfortunately, I don't play on Legends, I play on my local low-pop server, so no one has any seeds for sale, or thorns at that. 

    How can I get the seeds to plant Green Snake Plants?

    I knew there was going to be an event, but it seems I should have been preparing from January and not just log in when I think the event will start >< I only play every other weekend for an hour or so when I get a chance, so I usually just keep to myself, which makes it hard to prepare for things like this unfortunately. 
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    hrmmm... you've gotta cross pollinate and grow a few tiers of different plants in different colors before producing a bright green snake plant (which is the one that gives you the thorns)... what shard are you on?  You might be able to call out in gen chat and ask for a few seeds or maybe someone on here can help you out.  The people farming thorns are going to have 1000s of seeds as a byproduct because each 1 plant gives you 8 more seeds.
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