One of my houses is really bugged up
First and most obvious thing is the House Sign is gone, then you can't move because you are trapped in the floor. All the around the house tele tiles are gone, The Store tele tile is there but does not work, get the message *You do not have access to the destination house* (On the House owner), It is NOT a safe log out for the house owner or co-owner/friends of the house. Can't retrieve the store tele tile. Can't release the tile with the house owner.......get "You must be in your house"
LOgged in and out = Same. Set the cached houses to ZERO closed the client and restarted = Same. Sent HELP request around 1:30AM...... 7:17AM now = Same. Server down and up = SAME. Same in Classic and EC.
It is my second house from the Homare Moongate on Lake Superior.

Teleporting out works. Only way I can get the Dark Red guy out is to use *Help/Stuck*

Guy has no mage/chiv to leave with, so help stuck is only exit option.

Nope not a bleed over LOL I get plenty of off shard houses sitting on top of a on shard house since most of my houses are in the same locations on multiple shards. Looks kind of cool to have two houses stacked together but that is not the malfunction here. It is more like the house does not exist at all but it does exist. Regular bleed overs you still have the house sign and house commands like *I wish to secure/release this* still work. This is a whole new one for me, that I have not ran across before.