Idea for recycling of older event drops
While I hope the new event will have several NEW items for us to choose, I know we will have several drops from previous events. For me personally, I do not really care for recycled items because I have made sure I played the other events to get the items I wanted, but I know that some people couldn't get them so it's good to have them.
That started me thinking about another way of implementing "old" drops as rewards. I think it would be a good idea to reskin the old items anytime they are re-used. It would preserve the "exclusiveness" for those that worked (or bought) the original while allowing others to still have the same exact stat item (just different looking). Essentially we are talking about a transmogged item.
Perfect example would be the mask of wildfire. If it's going to be used again for this event, I'd like to see it as maybe wizard glasses or a mage hat (in the event color) instead of the wildfire green mask. It would still have 250luck and all the same stats. Same thing for something like SSI Epps... bring them back but instead of having them as Epps make them like a hawkwinds style robe etc.
By doing this, even people like me who already have enough of the wildfire masks might spend a pick or 2 on the reskinned item if they like the look of it.
- Should items being brought back from previous events be reskinned into a different look (same stats)9 votes
- Yes - I'd pick the items with same stats as before that look different77.78%
- No - I wouldn't pick the new looking item even if I wanted the stats22.22%