Trammel is like having training wheels and never going off them

crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
edited May 2018 in General Discussions
Just sayin' its like being a perma child or something. Helicopter parents of UO got too worried and made a safe space for everyone. Real UO is dangerous because of the players, that's whats fun. Not predictable Mobs u just hunt day in day out.

Also, the UO world is too big now, duplicate towns should never exist in this game. I'm just venting because I already know that trammies will never cede any ground on this argument, and the game has pandered to them for the past 18 years.


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Please learn the history of a game before opening mouth and inserting foot.  TRAM SAVED UO.  UO FEL ONLY WAS A FAILED EXPERIMENT.
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    Sure wasn't the way I experienced it, or the countless thousands of players who will never return because the game was neutered to go full care bear coddling. But please continue to write in caps Bilbo, its definitely helping your argument.
  • PinkertonPinkerton Posts: 105
    Hey, are your arms tired from beating that dead horse for a decade and a half?

    Nobody cares, seriously.  I mean, sure, this is a troll job, and a boring, tired, played out one at that.  But, really, nobody cares, but you and 6 people.

    Tram saved UO.  UO was at its peak because of Tram.  You are wrong.
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    edited May 2018
    Nope, I love bringing it up, because the forum is so one sided, somebody has to talk about it. Tram did not save UO. It changed the game to something entirely different.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Sure wasn't the way I experienced it, or the countless thousands of players who will never return because the game was neutered to go full care bear coddling. But please continue to write in caps Bilbo, its definitely helping your argument.
    Is that why everybody left Fel for Tram or better yet why isn't Fel the most populated facet on every prodo shard.  Fel was still there but all the sheep left so you had no one to play with.  UO pre Tram was losing players and how funny your thousands turned into 350,000 subs pre AoS because of Tram compared to the 50K subs pre Tram.
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    UO had 50k subscriptions in the first 3 months Bilbo, Yes it peaked in 2003. But Fel wasn't killing it. Trammel had all of the content added to it. Fel was left for dead by the devs.
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    UO isnt a PvP MMO.  Without some way to stop players from ruining other players experience (PKing and looting everything they owned) something had to be done.  I agree a mirror was the wrong way to go about it but its done and long since over. 

    I wouldve fixed push through and I'm amazed the Devs never did. Losing some stamina and not being able to push through anything after that is wrong, running out of stamina after pushing through X amount of players/mobs would be way better then how it us currently.   

    AoS started the downhill run and look at the game now.  The items you got on matter a whole lot more then it did way back when.   
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    UO had 50k subscriptions in the first 3 months Bilbo, Yes it peaked in 2003. But Fel wasn't killing it. Trammel had all of the content added to it. Fel was left for dead by the devs.
    LOL and out of those 50K people, pre Tram, subs were being canceled or not being renewed so EA told UO fix it now or close the door so they fixed it and wow UO got more and more new subs and returning players and we lost a few PKers due to lack of sheep so please tell us how Tram didn't save UO.  Can't wait to hear this fairy tale.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    They could have opted for other solutions in terms of game design, rather than duplicating a facet. Without Trammel UO could have also thrived. Pirate servers didn't explode in popularity for no reason. The whole UO debacle just misdirected the the MMORPG industry, and it wasn't until Blizzard with their RTs background just made a few PVP servers that it became clear there was a huge market for it.

    So...Trammel was just one type of solution..I think a pretty unfortunate one. A combination of insurance, penalties for killers, and other such things could have also been implemented.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I really don't think we need to go through this again
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