Magic reflect stuck on

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited February 2023 in Bugs
Bug/Change request

"This is quite a complicated spell . So may make for difficult reading if you don't fully understand the way the reflect pool works.

The way the spell magic reflect works, there is no way to switch off the spell once casted when being harassed in combat - even with protection (save using a talisman of ward removal on yourself which takes off all buffs)
Because the spell reflect pool must be at maximum pool when you recast the spell to turn off the effect,

however if someone is depleting the pool, the spell will be stuck on.

suggested result: for spell to just come off once reflective pool reaches 0
this would mean you don't have to constantly mouse over your magic reflect buff to see if there's any left in the pool,
Also currently if you recast the spell at somewhere between 1%-99% of your maximum spell pool, the spell pool gets reduced to 0? reflect pool should be refreshed upon recasting if you're not under cooldown.

Also, if spell worked this way, a cooldown check could be made prior to spell casting instead of after"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "(also if you cast during cooldown, it consumes mana)"
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Solution is simple, model it after the original intended method that was somehow botched and never addressed.

    If the pool is 0-100% and the re-charge is on cooldown (also this is where the spell bugs out) then simply have a re-cast toggle the buff off.

    If the buff does not exist, and the re-charge is on cooldown, casting should toggle the buff on but with a 0% pool.

    If the buff exists and pool is 0-99%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should refill the pool to 100%.

    if buff exists and pool is 100%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should toggle the buff off.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "i think that was what i suggested too"
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited April 2023
    No, what you suggested was for the buff to be completely removed once the pool is depleted. Which is how it worked pre-AoS and was fine then, but with AoS we gained elemental resistances which this spell has an interaction with making it more than the one dimensional spell that it used to be. Plenty of people out there still play around the way this spell affects their suits resistances.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    gay said:

    If the pool is 0-100% and the re-charge is on cooldown (also this is where the spell bugs out) then simply have a re-cast toggle the buff off.

    “Mmm, this is where the dual functionality causes problems.

    Let us say you’re using mf for resists like you say some people do and you want to use the reflective pool. 

    Realistically how are you going to know you’re on cool-down? Say your rough estimate of 30 seconds ended up being 29.5 seconds. You would end up accidentally switching the buff off during combat, and would receive additional damage and loss of mana instead of reflecting anything. 

    I could foresee some broken keyboards. 

    Instead maybe it should give a message about cool-down without casting the spell.

    i would then have to yield that the only way to switch off the buff would be at 100% pool which was my initial issue. 
    I can’t think of another way around it.
    The dual functionality makes this v complicated”
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    could we agree on the following expected result then:?

    If buff exists and pool is 0-100% and the re-charge is on cooldown, then should be presented with a message about cool-down and the spell not cast.

    If the buff does not exist, and the re-charge is on cooldown, casting should toggle the buff on but with a 0% pool.

    If the buff exists and pool is 0-99%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should refill the pool to 100%.

    if buff exists and pool is 100%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should toggle the buff off.

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  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Yoshi said:
    “ @ gay
    could we agree on the following expected result then:?

    If buff exists and pool is 0-100% and the re-charge is on cooldown, then should be presented with a message about cool-down and the spell not cast.

    If the buff does not exist, and the re-charge is on cooldown, casting should toggle the buff on but with a 0% pool.

    If the buff exists and pool is 0-99%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should refill the pool to 100%.

    if buff exists and pool is 100%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should toggle the buff off.

    We can't even make straps work...
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023

    if you are at 0-99% pool, and you want to replenish the pool,
    if you cast magic reflect to replenish, the magic reflect comes off (which it should not do)
    you then have to cast the spell again to put magic reflect back on and it be at 0 pool (if you actually need the resists it gives), you then have to wait 30 seconds for cooldown which for some reason restarts at this point? and then recast the spell after 30 seconds...

    Alternatively if you are at 0-99% pool, and you want to replenish the pool, , you can cast a spell/s on yourself to deplete the pool down to 0, and then wait 30 seconds then cast magic reflect...

    It is really crazy right now"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "another minor issue is, because the reflective pool is based on skills - resisting spells and magery (and inscription)
    these skills are subject to change during combat, under discordance, or commonly magic reflect if you cast protection (or magery if using a mage weap armed/disarmed)
    so if I cast magic reflect under protection, mousing over the buff tells me 44% pool, if i then remove protection pool stays the same. This could give the impression that you're at less than your maximum pool,
    it should perhaps instead say 44/44 pool, because after magic reflect is off, you may believe you're at 44/60 pool when in fact the pool is at max amount and recasting the spell would remove magic reflect.

    if the thread is getting complicated,
    it's because the spell is overly complicated "
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “I just figured a change that would allow you to remove the spell under harassment of combat without using a ward removal talisman on yourself and wiping all wards,
    some spells like polymorph and mana shield, if you go to cast it again while it’s active, the spell will deactivate without requiring you to actually cast the spell and use mana
    this is how magic reflect should work if you’re at full reflective pool. Being able to remove this spell is essential as it has both positive and negative effects (-5max phys resist), casting protection to remove the spell under harassment doesn’t work as reflective pool will continue to deplete under protection.

    So for clarity final expected result:

    buff to display pool as value current/max EG 40/56%

    If buff exists and pool is 0-99% of max and the re-charge is on cooldown, casting should be presented with a message about cool-down time remaining and the spell not cast.

    If the buff does not exist, and the re-charge is on cooldown, casting should toggle the buff on but with a 0% pool.

    If the buff exists and pool is 0-99%, and re-charge is off cooldown then casting should refill the pool to 100%.

    if buff exists and pool is 100%, and re-charge is on or off cooldown then casting should toggle the buff off (without casting the spell/using mana)

    @gay do you concur?

    I do have memories of bleak adjusting this spell at some point during testing based on player feedback and some things were improved from initial release however as you can see it’s difficult for a dev to do something the way a player wants it done when players struggle so much to describe what is wrong and moreover what they want to happen. This is especially difficult with such a complex spell and I hope this final expected result will simplify and fix all issues.”
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "(Just fyi for how its currently broken)"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "fyi, second big problem with magic reflect
    (solved with expected result listed above)"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Publish 71 
    • Enemy of one has now been changed to a Spell Toggle. You can remove the effect before the duration expires by recasting the spell. (Recasting while the spell is in effect will cost 0 mana and 0 cast time)
    It’s an already used solution to toggle a spell off, so should be extended to magic reflect”
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