Necro Spells - Vengeful Spirit and Exorcism - Broken?

CookieCookie Posts: 1,833
edited January 2023 in Bugs
A question for the Devs - and opinions of players interesting also.

Do the Devs consider these 2 Necromancy spells to be broken?

{And are there plans to fix them?}

I personally do consider them broken.

The Revenant walks limply towards its target, barely hits, then gives up - no teleporting in sight, no following stealthers etc. The Revenant is the Necromancers top Summon - and should have a power equivilent of 2 EV's (Mage), RC (Mystic), or Reaper (SW).

Exorcism always gives the message - not valid at this location - I've never seen it work yet?

These spells represent 2 out of 17 of a Necromancers spells, and they should be a powerful addition, instead of a barely anything as they are right now?


  • Even though I don't get the "not valid at this location message", my exorcism doesn't do anything either.
    I consider those two spells broken as you do.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    "I have actually seen revenants following and teleporting,

    however i have now identified the issue,

    they cannot chase gargoyles at all, they won't teleport, they won't follow gargoyles through dungeon entrances/exits or internal dungeon levels at all

    @Mariah please move to bug section

    As for exorcism, it just doesn't do anything anymore because it's done automatically already without exorcism. What it's supposed to do teleport a ghost from a champ spawn to a shrine (if the body has decayed) but that is automatic now without exorcism
    suggest they make the spell do something else"
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  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,833
    edited January 2023
    Yoshi said:
    "I have actually seen revenants following and teleporting,

    however i have now identified the issue,

    they cannot chase gargoyles at all, they won't teleport, they won't follow gargoyles through dungeon entrances/exits or internal dungeon levels at all

    @ Mariah please move to bug section

    As for exorcism, it just doesn't do anything anymore because it's done automatically already without exorcism. What it's supposed to do teleport a ghost from a champ spawn to a shrine (if the body has decayed) but that is automatic now without exorcism
    suggest they make the spell do something else"
    I agree they do sometimes work, but quite rarely. Happy for it to go to Bugs - was just checking it is recognised as a Bug first, if there is agreement on this - I see it failing on far more than just Gargoyles. (I tested this morning v a mounted character and fail - he was using a newish mount - maybe it's dependent on mount type?).

    Re Exorcism - quite frankly - I think it should forcibly remove any Ghost from any Feluccan location - to a shrine - that would deal with Ghost Cams scouts etc, and make the game far more fun, and enable players to resolve their own issues. It should go wider than just Champ Spawns, as Scout spots are often at entrances/exits, not the spawns themselves. In Trammel, I can see this causing Grief, so I dont believe it has to be applied there, but in Felucca, it would not cause Grief, only help fix other game mechanics.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I agree with Cookie’s thoughts on the exorcism spell. 

    Reverent needs help too. It’s a rather pathetic summon. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    "our spawn cams don't use ghosts anymore

    ghosts are actually already automatically teleported to a shrine after 20 mins

    @dvvid thanks for the tip on the mounts, i'll do some further testing, will take me some time as they're currently not available on TC"
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  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,833
    edited January 2023
    Yoshi said:
    "our spawn cams don't use ghosts anymore

    ghosts are actually already teleported to a shrine after 20 mins"
    I'm not here to judge, or discuss the latest spawn cam mechanics as such - I don't care, I just believe in move, and counter move - like Chess. :)

    An example - we did an awesome 3 hours PvP Harry last night, tons of pvpers showed up, we had enemy Scouts all over us - I was able to track, detect, kill, then it would be perfect to be able to kick them out, rather than the Ghost still sat there giving useful Info.

    {And even if you think about it - you've killed someone, they ress up instantly and come straight back at you - fine, but wouldn't it be awesome to get a chance to kick them out, to make them have to come back - there should be a slight (time bonus) reward for killing them in the first place - it would make the dynamics of a fight much more interesting - and give a Necromancer an important role}.

    As I say, I don't mind any of the mechanics being used, but I want to also have effective counters, and if they Fixed Exorcism, we would have it. So the Use would extend beyond your Champ Spawn usage.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Cookie said:(I tested this morning v a mounted character and fail - he was using a newish mount - maybe it's dependent on mount type?)

    "I have tested the following strikethroughed ethereal mounts and the revenants still appear to be working,  non ethereal Rideable Polar Bear (9 year) ethereal cu sidhe (10 year) . ethereal reptalon (year 11), ethereal hiryu (year 12) , armored boura (year 13) ethereal tiger, hell hound, tarantula, war boar (15 year), ethereal dragon (year 20)

    is only against gargoyle i observed the revenants failing to teleport and failing to enter server/sub server boundaries"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    " Why uo's advice is to send bugs primarily to
    Imagine if the OP sent this as bug report:

    Let us say they have someone working in QA who reads report (not sure if bug reports to this email address get read, no evidence they do)

    (bearing in mind it's policy for broadsword to not respond to bug reports)
    QA person would test revenant and find all is working okay...
    and never respond to OP..

    QA would never ever know that revenants don't follow gargoyles because nobody at broadsword has ever stepped foot in fel, (or they would've realised years ago that client is unplayable with missing debuff for nerve strike and select nearest hostile selecting neutral animals and grey/red guild mates hence why people DLing third party fixes just to play)

    This is why this forum should be primary source for bug reports"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    As a necro mage don’t summon relevants much anymore, as I can more reliably cast magery summons spells.  As I remember the relevant never did much damage, but you could target it and it could distract the target just enough that you could then go in and kill the target while it was fighting the relevant.  That’s how I used it anyway.  It was effective as a distraction.  That was pvm though.  Never used it for PvP.

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