Does anyone know why vacuum is messing up my organizers?

Hey all,
I'm not long back to UO and I'm trying to set up some macros to help me with dungeon crawling and harvesting hides. In general it's going pretty well, but for some reason using a vacuum macro seems to regularly bork up my organiser.

I'm just using two macros:
1) Target nearest object, use targetted object, Delay 1.0, vacuum.
2) Target next object, use targetted object, delay 1.0, vacuum.

They're just simple little macros for me to bap when I kill something so I can scoop up the gold and have a look at what's in the corpse(s) while the organizer does it's thing. But it seems like every time I go in and out of a dungeon it will break my organizer.

When it happens, if I use my (1), I can't actually loot anything or do anything at all. The game keeps telling me that I need to wait to do another action. The only way to fix it is to press (2), and then I can manually loot, but the organizer won't work at all. Even if I manually do it on corpses.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on to cause this? It seems to only happen when I go in and out of a dungeon then return to it. For example, I'm currently training up my swords in the Painted Cave near Trinsic. First time I go in, no problem. But if I need to step out to heal (all my skills are only in the 80's at the moment) or I pop to the bank, when I return the vacuum function seems to be completely borked. But if I go kill orcs for like 2 hours, it's perfectly fine.

Thanks for any help ^_^


  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Try putting in some more or longer delays. 
    Some of my simple macros require long delays between each action.
    My guess is the macro system is designed to prevent you from doing things faster just save a lot of clicking.
  • Tim said:
    Try putting in some more or longer delays. 
    Some of my simple macros require long delays between each action.
    My guess is the macro system is designed to prevent you from doing things faster just save a lot of clicking.
    Hiya, sorry for my slow reply. I wanted to test out your suggestion and then my internet decided to be a turd when trying to reply to you. Thank you for the reply and suggestion!

    I tried increasing the delay and I'm afraid it didn't stop the issue. When it does trigger off I can't actually loot anything from any corpse until I vacuum a second time. The vacuum doesn't work, but at least I can then loot and do actions. It's like the game gets stuck in some sort of attempting to organize loop, even with the longer delay.

    The weird thing is that I can actually manually trigger off the organisation and it works fine. But that kind of defeats the point of the macro lol. Mostly I have this so I can concentrate on what's around me while the organizer does it's thing.
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