Whats the Deal with all the Scripters ?

In the history of this game have been always people doing something against any rules...dont tell me!

All thoose Egg Collectors in middle past, thoose idoc bots and of course thoose privileged people placing Castles, Keeps, 18x18 all nice spots...only them are able to place a decend spot, does anybody of our developer team leaded by Mesanna take notice ? Does anybody of them take care about this circumstances? It seems "no, they dont & they wont"! Why they are not interested to give every new player a chance to get a nice house without paying alot ingame gold or realcash for it. from where get new player alot of gold? easy answer...everybody should now. Why is nobody interested to solve this problem?

Current trend is now running rails in deceit, tram or fel, they dont care. Since weeks now they have been seen on every shard. Special on thoose PvP Event Weekends. Turn on script and defend my bots with my pvp toon...WTF is this Game going on? Outch...i forgot autowalls, autospells & autoheals...

But stop. We still have some GM´s too? Where are they? Are they arround? Of course they are arround. But it seems they are only availlable in a special time window? or they just show up for special people...arrrgh...i mean they will not show up if somebody paging their friends maybe ? And all thoose little villain know exactly at wich time they bring up their bots farming in dungeons on one point or by rail, autoattack, autoheal & autoinsure ftw! thoose people gain alot gold, plats and Cash $$ too!
Shouldnt GM´s are arround and availabe on every shard in their prime time? shouldnt GM´s watch and investigate what we report? Maybe sometimes out of their standart time?

Maybe its time for some more GM´s?

dont tell me...that im really pissed! :-P


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited December 2022
    Why so many scripters ?

    Well, to my opinion, because of mostly these reasons....

    1) - Even though the TOS forbids their use, apparently, there is not much consequences to using illegal Third Party clients and running scripts a go-go so, why not ?

    2) - Players running scripts from unapproved, illegal Third Party clients, may be using free, disposable Endless Journey accounts which, even if they get banned, who cares....

    3) - But the #1 main reason, I think, for using these scripts, is "motif"....
    That is, that in doing that, players who do it, can do it AFK, thus, not using their own time  at the keyboard but doing whatever else they may like.... they get items in the game which they then sell for hefty gold and then might sell this gold for real world money or perhaps sell the items themselves for real world money.
    Basically, without using their time, players can raise real world money thanking to these scripts....

    If players refused to buy either items or UO gold with real money, I would imagine that most, if not all of these AFK scripters, would magically disappear.....
    Unfortunately, with a Design which "consumes" great bunches of players' time (time sink) to get certain items, there might be some players who might think that, rather then spending countless hours of their time in repetitive actions to farm gold or to get certain items in the game, they may be better off spending some of their real world money which took them way less time to earn, to buy that in game gold or items.... unfortunately, to my opinion, this might result in further incentivating some players to script, when they see that they can profit real money from that and, this, perhaps even without spending their time at the keyboard because scripting AFK....

    And what could the Developers do in this regards ?
    To my opinion, make obtaining items in UO without scripting, more readily possible....
    As long as the Design of game mechanics calls for intensive time to be needed in the game to get certain items (time sink....), of course that there will be players who will resort to scripting or, if they do not want to use illegal Third Party clients to script, will spend real world money to buy the gold to then purchase those items in the game or to straight out purchase those items with real world money thus, somewhat, motivating some UO players to want to use scripts, even when illegal....

    Change the Design of the game, make items, even high end items more readily available in the game without the need to script, and I think that scripting will go away, as well as Real Money Trades....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Not sure the game could survive their loss.  After all years stands to reason they are by far the best heeled players in the game.  Wonder how much of the real estate they own or control.  Shard bound may have concentrated most of them in Atlanta based on the complaints in this forum.

    Wonder if anyone is actually responsible for UO’s internal controls.  Would like to see this game survive but that does not appear to be the direction it is going.  Sorry UO.
  • There is a lot that could be done to prevent massive scripting or third party client use - like utilizing the UO Store for actual purposes, such as allowing players to buy gold directly from UO in microtransactions. Or allowing players who allowed their accounts to lapse at some point to buy up the game time they lost.

    In game ... about 90% of the quality of life changes the dev team has announced they're making specifically for New Legacy? We've been asking for all of those for years - shorter skill gain times so it doesn't take months or years to train a character; changes to the crafting system to make crafters viable again outside of the Artisan Festival, etc. So implementing all those changes for the game that actually exists now that we pay to play would be a huge step in the right direction.

    But these are just my lowly opinions.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    edited December 2022
    Just finished what I wanted in FEL on Sakura Made 230 drops with a new toon (started with 90 swordsmanship) . Saw no bots . there were PvP guys but since drops are insured they got several pinks from me . Nothing more. All blues were helping each other and ressing.. Nothing shows any of them belong to that red guys..
     Havent seen any bots on other shards I play. Dont forget: multi-window is allowed. Same as "folow me"bard after a warrior (though I never did this , i am no good with CC). . I played with 2 windows alst time in Hytloth , placing bard on the bridge. And running wth a warrior around. But never unattended : not funny )) Eggs event was awesome. Was able to get rewards on shards where I have no fiighting toon , just by making a mage and marking runes.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Gwen said:
    Just finished what I wanted in FEL on Sakura Made 230 drops with a new toon (started with 90 swordsmanship) . Saw no bots . there were PvP guys but since drops are insured they got several pinks from me . Nothing more. All blues were helping each other and ressing.. Nothing shows any of them belong to that red guys..

    This is what I typically see when the event is in Fel; there will be PKs but there will also be blues that are not aligned with the red so they will help each other. Sometimes a few of the blues are even good enough to scare away the reds completely. This is why I like the idea of these events being in Fel to allow that interaction. I have yet to see a Fel event where one group completely controls the spawn the entire duration of the event.

    This is a good message for the anti-Fel people like @JohnKnighthawke to see that the reds don't actually all band together to prevent anyone from doing the event. Even someone with a new-ish toon was able to partake in the event and tally quite a few drops.
  • keven2002 said:
    Gwen said:
    Just finished what I wanted in FEL on Sakura Made 230 drops with a new toon (started with 90 swordsmanship) . Saw no bots . there were PvP guys but since drops are insured they got several pinks from me . Nothing more. All blues were helping each other and ressing.. Nothing shows any of them belong to that red guys..

    This is what I typically see when the event is in Fel; there will be PKs but there will also be blues that are not aligned with the red so they will help each other. Sometimes a few of the blues are even good enough to scare away the reds completely. This is why I like the idea of these events being in Fel to allow that interaction. I have yet to see a Fel event where one group completely controls the spawn the entire duration of the event.

    This is a good message for the anti-Fel people like @ JohnKnighthawke to see that the reds don't actually all band together to prevent anyone from doing the event. Even someone with a new-ish toon was able to partake in the event and tally quite a few drops.

    *sighs* Most players, when Trammel was created, left and did not go back. By definition it's going to be emptier. Few people seem to remember that Publish 16 happened because the devs at the time felt the need to balance out the server loads. And why? Because most people left and didn't go back, because they didn't want the Fel lifestyle. Why might that be? See other post.
  • I can confirm that in Europe and Drachenfels scripters farm in Sanctunary Szavetra almost all the time. They have autoattack, autoloot and autoinsure.
    They often don't notice when they get killed. But when a GM addresses them, they wake up. Presumably there is a script for that as well.

    I have also seen the bots in Deceit.
    They run their rails and collect their drops.
    In the PvP event they are protected by PKs.

    Feel free to take a look for yourselves.

    I don't think this thread will interest OSI, Mesanna or anyone else. Too bad.

  • *sighs* Most players, when Trammel was created, left and did not go back. By definition it's going to be emptier. Few people seem to remember that Publish 16 happened because the devs at the time felt the need to balance out the server loads. And why? Because most people left and didn't go back, because they didn't want the Fel lifestyle. Why might that be? See other post.

     Publish 16 brought people back to Fel, I mean droves of people, you don't know what you're talking about.  even the trammies were loading up fel dungeons...

    powerscrolls were new at the time and everyone wanted them...  you must be thinking of an earlier publish cause trammel existed for a couple years at that point.

    There was also a system in place that allowed blues to keep all their belongings and be teleported out of the dungeon if they died (before insurance) with a short lock-out before you could re-enter the dungeon, reds had to manually leave the dungeon or be ressed by someone there, while their corpse could be looted by anyone.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    I don't think many actually ran from fel.

    I think they ran from paying subs because fel only freebies are pretty packed with thousands of players. Especially the more modern one i can't name OUT loud. 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited December 2022
    Urge said:
    I don't think many actually ran from fel.

    I think they ran from paying subs because fel only freebies are pretty packed with thousands of players. Especially the more modern one i can't name OUT loud. 

     yea, i agree with this based on what some people I play with have said, I haven't logged into any freeshards myself in at least a few years.... but i never bothered to check any shards that don't have pvp... I wonder how many people play on those free PvE shards?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    CovenantX said:
    I wonder how many people play on those free PvE shards?
    Idk but i found one with custom deco. Something for everyone out here.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022
    Urge said:
    I don't think many actually ran from fel.

    I think they ran from paying subs because fel only freebies are pretty packed with thousands of players.

    "Well we lost a whole bunch of PvPers recently to a new free fel shard where the appeal is apparently they're only allowing people to log in on one classic client with a uoassist like program, and they're not allowing cheats.

    Yet the same people who left to play uo without cheats, were the same people using cheats on broadsword shards...

    this actually just goes to demonstrate that broadsword allowing cheats on their shards is hurting everyone, even the people who use the cheats! Just goes to show that the people who were using cheats are perfectly capable (and willing) to play the game without cheats.

    I am not sure what the relationship is between broadsword and the cheat client makers, but here are some facts for the tinfoil hatters:
    1. nobody has ever been banned solely for using cheat client with inbuilt cheats
    2. screenshot was taken at last meet and greet (posted on stratics) with someone asking a question to the devs/Mesanna using cheat client and none of them mentioned anything or took any action
    3. criticism of cheat client is not allowed on this official forum
    4. broadsword stopped fixing bugs that get fixed on cheat client, calling them features instead (pushing people to download cheat client for bug fixes instead??)
    read into that what you will

    I don't have any theories to explain broadsword's behaviour, when EA itself is really tough on cheats"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Interesting how do they enforce only one client and no add on cheats?
    I can see maybe programming to allow only one client but don't see how the stop add on programs.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    Yoshi said:
    Urge said:
    I don't think many actually ran from fel.

    I think they ran from paying subs because fel only freebies are pretty packed with thousands of players.

    "Well we lost a whole bunch of PvPers recently to a new free fel shard where the appeal is apparently they're only allowing people to log in on one classic client with a uoassist like program, and they're not allowing cheats.

    Yet the same people who left to play uo without cheats, were the same people using cheats on broadsword shards...

    I thought i recognized some familiar names. 
  • CovenantX said:

    *sighs* Most players, when Trammel was created, left and did not go back. By definition it's going to be emptier. Few people seem to remember that Publish 16 happened because the devs at the time felt the need to balance out the server loads. And why? Because most people left and didn't go back, because they didn't want the Fel lifestyle. Why might that be? See other post.

     Publish 16 brought people back to Fel, I mean droves of people, you don't know what you're talking about.  even the trammies were loading up fel dungeons...

    Thank you for proving my point. Publish 16 would never have happened had incentives not been needed to get people to play in Felucca.
    CovenantX said:

    *sighs* Most players, when Trammel was created, left and did not go back. By definition it's going to be emptier. Few people seem to remember that Publish 16 happened because the devs at the time felt the need to balance out the server loads. And why? Because most people left and didn't go back, because they didn't want the Fel lifestyle. Why might that be? See other post.

     Publish 16 brought people back to Fel, I mean droves of people, you don't know what you're talking about.  even the trammies were loading up fel dungeons...

    Thank you for proving my point. Publish 16 would never have happened had incentives not been needed to get people to play in Felucca.
     So people went to Trammel without "incentives" (lol -ridiculous)... have you not noticed 99% of the content in UO is in fel, and... even still most every shard is dead enough for botters to farm Trammel AND Fel? 

    Scripting is a great incentive btw... farm spending minimal amounts of your own time?   in a place where other people have no 'legal' options to stop it other than paging a GM which may or may not respond in time?  You do realize that one of the most popular 'scripting programs' came out less than a year after, Trammel, right?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Arnold7 said:
    Not sure the game could survive their loss.  After all years stands to reason they are by far the best heeled players in the game.  Wonder how much of the real estate they own or control.  Shard bound may have concentrated most of them in Atlanta based on the complaints in this forum.

    Wonder if anyone is actually responsible for UO’s internal controls.  Would like to see this game survive but that does not appear to be the direction it is going.  Sorry UO.
    Well, maybe it's time to just "pull the plug" on UO. @Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • RomRom Posts: 51
    Yoshi said:
    Urge said:
    I don't think many actually ran from fel.

    I think they ran from paying subs because fel only freebies are pretty packed with thousands of players.

    "Well we lost a whole bunch of PvPers recently to a new free fel shard where the appeal is apparently they're only allowing people to log in on one classic client with a uoassist like program, and they're not allowing cheats.

    Yet the same people who left to play uo without cheats, were the same people using cheats on broadsword shards...

    this actually just goes to demonstrate that broadsword allowing cheats on their shards is hurting everyone, even the people who use the cheats! Just goes to show that the people who were using cheats are perfectly capable (and willing) to play the game without cheats.

    I am not sure what the relationship is between broadsword and the cheat client makers, but here are some facts for the tinfoil hatters:
    1. nobody has ever been banned solely for using cheat client with inbuilt cheats
    2. screenshot was taken at last meet and greet (posted on stratics) with someone asking a question to the devs/Mesanna using cheat client and none of them mentioned anything or took any action
    3. criticism of cheat client is not allowed on this official forum
    4. broadsword stopped fixing bugs that get fixed on cheat client, calling them features instead (pushing people to download cheat client for bug fixes instead??)
    read into that what you will

    I don't have any theories to explain broadsword's behaviour, when EA itself is really tough on cheats"

    My theory is that they only want to address it for certain small applications, instead of broadly. There were many complaints after the Destard event. This was in part due to the design of the event itself and the alternative method for collecting points, egg collecting. I personally complained due to the unfairness of me using my real time to collect eggs and having to compete against people using script programs to accomplish the same.

    My sentiment remains, allowing for some population of the game to automate play ruins it for the rest of us. It also creates a slippery slope where as you have more people exploiting, more people feel forced to exploit to compete and/or not waste their time.

    Do whatever is required to highly discourage the use of unauthorized 3rd party programs. Starting with clear rules and enforcement of those rule. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    A number of posts have been removed, my apology to those whose only offence was replying to the offending posts.
    A reminder that the CORRECT method to report bugs is through the feedback form, through the dedictated option in the EC menu or through bugs@ultimaonline.com,

This discussion has been closed.