2023 Wishlist Thread
I have had a running list of things that I've really wanted to see implemented/fixed in the game so figure I'd throw them out there incase any DEV sees. Most are quality of life changes, things that actually would make playing the game and doing things much easier. I run in to at least one of these a week, mainly the first one regarding repairing with 100 cap trade skills. All of mine are only relevant to the CC.
Some will be controversial so please no negativity/attacking looking to see what people are wanting as far as change for the game.
My list, aside the first one is priority #1, no particular order:
Here are a few things from my previous wish lists that are no longer for reasons described:
Some will be controversial so please no negativity/attacking looking to see what people are wanting as far as change for the game.
My list, aside the first one is priority #1, no particular order:
- Carp/tink/bowcraft only go to 100 skill-cap so repairing is extremely difficult, often fail 3-4 times, compared to blacksmith where you can get 120 skill or 180 repair contracts that NEVER fail. A +skill tool or something PLEASE! THIS HAS BEEN A THORN IN MY SIDE FOR YEARS!
- Rental contracts for new commission vendors.
- Auction safe show name of item winner/bidder to owner of safe.
- Idocs: items poof or in owners bank. Some system, perhaps they need to pay to recover them when they come back but automatically lose randomly 50% (just spitting ideas)?
- VvV items: simple solution make them not usable + no stats in tram.
- Pets path through people/other pets in tram.
- EM event items shard bound and then why not allow everyone to have one that participates.
- EM event bosses clearly tagged [BOSS] or something.
- Account gold/plat amount visible on status bar.
- HP bar more smooth, instead of large % increments, make it every %, and add actual % either overhead or at end of name, ie: "A monster [55%]"
- Jewelry box itself item count similar to bod books, not 1:1 (ie each piece in the box makes the box itself count as one more item) so you can move and pick up a full one.
- Context menu trade only works if chars are on same Z axis, allow trade with anyone.
- Party bars completely mess up when a character in the party relogs or a add new added.
- Cross-heal bandage timers: really only multiboxers and bots make use of it, make cross heal timer same as self bandage timer.
- Transfer timers: reduce a few hours to compensate for the time of the actual transfer.
- Option to turn off animations: spells mostly and spell particles... heck even an option for everything that animates.
- Filter for ctrl/shift object handles, monsters/objects/items/customizable/etc.
- All functionalities of uoassist added, no reason people should have to pay for that 25 years later.
- Targeting system overhaul/customization to be in line with videos of 3rd party clients I've seen.
Here are a few things from my previous wish lists that are no longer for reasons described:
- Auction safe auto-renew feature IMPLEMENTED
- Remove gate cohesion/spellbook recharge time TECHNICAL ISSUE, NOT HAPPENING
- Vendor search poor performance A BIT BETTER, STILL NOT THERE
- Blackthorns dungeon minor spawn permanently gone NEVER COMING BACK
This discussion has been closed.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

It's crazy fast especially for solo play.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
And it would also be easily dealt with, to my opinion....
The number of lockdowns that the commission vendor needs to use ?
Make it part of the negotiating between the House owner and the Renter.... if the renter gets given, say, 50 lockdowns, those lockdowns will be temporarily subtracted, until the Rental Commission Vendor is in place, from the total available lockdowns of the House.
Problem solved, and Rental Commission Vendor been made available to UO players....
Just get the crafting tool, get close to the Crafting bench filled up with all materials in load, and craft what needed, without worrying to have to look for the materials, drag the quantities needed and all that annoying part of crafting....
This Crafting bench would come especially usefull when having to fill up Bulk Order Deeds whereas large stocks of materials need to be used up....
So far, only players using those external Third Party applications which permit to script and automize most UO tasks have it smooth and hassle-free ...... why should regular UO players who do not use those illegal Third Party utilities have to have it so much more difficult and annoying as it now is ?
- Cross-heal bandage timers: really only multiboxers and bots make use of it, make cross heal timer same as self bandage timer. We use this on Great Lakes both within our guild and with random people taking damage from para's all the time.
My highest priority would definitely be:- EM event items shard bound and then why not allow everyone to have one that participates.
Something I would add is:-Imbuing upgrade for armor and jewels: Time invested training imbuing + secondary skillsets + time farming ingredients should not equal the low quality low mod suits. Base resist increase. More mods.
-More focused easier reforging menu to dial in on desired mods. Can still be extremely hard to achieve max mod chosen.
-New armor and clothing choices. I've been asking for this for years. Why is this so hard?
-Upgrade for stealing and dungeon chests. NOT ALL OF US ENJOY BASHING CRAP
-More ridable pets for tamers. Would even be willing to pay UOStore for colored skins
-More imbuing choices for shields. Swing speed, damage increase, regins, stats ect.
-Less grindy stuff in general. It gets old fast.
-End shard and account bound on limited time items. Duplicate versions (blackthorn?) should be available for trade.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
In terms of specific development, I don't think there's any chance of this happening, but I would like to see bug fixes, modernization of the classic client, and balance/content updates to make useless skills/templates relevant.
I would prefer that over having another vet reward to store the resources
Allow marking of runestones at the Sea Market.
Add grass, snow, sand, lava, swamp, and water tiles to the UO store.
Thanking to some Third Party utilities which many players use already, and, I seem to understand, without much fear to get banned from using them if one looks at quite many UO videos that circulate on the Web, lots and lots of UO players who use these unapproved Third Party applications can already pretty much achieve this by "automating" with scripts the dragging of resources from a container where they might be stored to the character's main backpack where they are getting used.
The only players greatly disadvantaged, are those who play "by the rules" and do not use these unapproved Third Party utilities....
I think that, it is about time that this disparity of gameplay is erased and that also players who do not want to use unapproved (illegal) Third Party applications, are permitted to be able to craft using resources off of a container or new crafting bench...
I would prefer it not to be "only" a bank box, because so far, bank boxes are not accessable from one's own UO home.... and, I reckon, crafting is better from one's own UO home, rather then at a bank...
2- fix gargish Grugor Shield so it can be repaired
3- allow gargoyles to go in vamp form while flying
4- unnerf ninjia animal form : allow special moves in other than dogs form at least. Or in tiger and uicorn ones.
Do nothing with shard bound, it is just fine.
that's a good idea, *cough, cough* this other old mmorpg I play has a supply depot. While in your guildhall all guildies with access to the depot can just craft from the resources deposited.
It sure was a welcomed addition solving many of your stated issues.
1 grass, snow, sand tiles added to the clean up officers as claimable rewards.
2 the rarer rubble grass, which looks like iris unbloomed give a common name and added to clean up rewards.
3 i still want that greenhouse! that holds wheelbarrow or growable plants up to like 1500 of them
4 would also like some of the scattared leaf graphics added to a dungeon reward -dyable with natural dyes
5 same with poppies dust graphic, as that as a dungeon reward and make it dyable with natural dyes
6 would like to see a rerun of some of the deco items , hemlock, snowy hedges,birdhouses, pentagrams.
7 more statues added to the zoo list...including an eagle statue
8 i would like to see giant ice wyrms be able to go to 5 slot pets @Kyronix how many times have i bugged u about a glacial danger noodle...
9 i really want an Egyptian themed dungeon event.. with the rewards themed as well... a sphinx statue that is normal hue, ankh themed deco, Anubis statues, book of the dead, book of life, reeds, pharos headdress , stone slabs, obelisk tips, heck maybe even a scarab pet that was like the wildfire ozzy.
10...i want the graphics of the fish in fish bowls....i want to be able to use those graphics in game so badly.
and i would love to be able to craft wooden floor tiles, like the hardwood floor.
Just imagine how much a healing scroll will go for
Well at least I know you are not speaking of me since I only recently posted on this forum since my return. But yes blocking on this forum would be very nice.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
at this point ore and lumber should be put back to static how it use to be.