Treasures Drop Rarity For Certain Pieces

Estel_RandirEstel_Randir Posts: 189
edited November 2022 in General Discussions
In every treasures event there are certain pieces that drop very rarely. They are also in high demand for collectors. This goes beyond RNG streakyness or one persons luck vs another in getting them to drop. This happens every single time. The top 2 on my server are bone helm & female plate breastplate. The point of the event is not to collect the items for show (that is a player thing) but to turn them in. So it should not matter one bit to the dev team to purposely make them rare. So devs, Why are they often so rare?

This is typical of my runs in the events (all treasures events to date). Currently in 1850 drops, I have 2 bone helms, zero female plate bp, zero female studded chest, 4 longswords, 2 halberds. I cannot keep track of how many shields, other plate pieces, etc that have dropped. 2 halberds are also a record for me this event. Now, Hythloth was a bit more generous on plate. I actually got 2 or 3 female plate bps - but I also had 2800+ drops.

These are the pieces I notice "missing" the most:
Bone helm - rare
Female plate breast plate - rare
Female studded leather armor - rare
Longswords - very uncommon
Halberds - very uncommon


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited November 2022
    Because those are what players want to collect.  If you are looking for a Mage hat or a bear mask then you could do the whole event and not get it.

    I will think all the items have the same chance to drop until proven different.  

    I usually do keep all my items for weeks until I am ready to turn some in. I do not get all the hats in every event.

    How many Human elf pieces are there? You have a 1 in Total chance to get a piece on every drop.  There has to be more than 100.  So 1 in 100 chance to get a piece every drop.  The game does not remember what you get, so you get repeats.

    Gargoyle hard to get items are earrings and necklaces.

    Why do you think the devs decided to weigh certain pieces? 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Suspect it is just the luck of the draw unless it is the same on every shard.  Even though the chance of every item spawning is the same in events like this there are always outliers that spawn more or less often than everything else.
  • In every treasures event there are certain pieces that drop very rarely. They are also in high demand for collectors. This goes beyond RNG streakyness or one persons luck vs another in getting them to drop. This happens every single time. The top 2 on my server are bone helm & female plate breastplate. The point of the event is not to collect the items for show (that is a player thing) but to turn them in. So it should not matter one bit to the dev team to purposely make them rare. So devs, Why are they often so rare?

    This is typical of my runs in the events (all treasures events to date). Currently in 1850 drops, I have 2 bone helms, zero female plate bp, zero female studded chest, 4 longswords, 2 halberds. I cannot keep track of how many shields, other plate pieces, etc that have dropped. 2 halberds are also a record for me this event. Now, Hythloth was a bit more generous on plate. I actually got 2 or 3 female plate bps - but I also had 2800+ drops.

    These are the pieces I notice "missing" the most:
    Bone helm - rare
    Female plate breast plate - rare
    Female studded leather armor - rare
    Longswords - very uncommon
    Halberds - very uncommon

    Kinda curious where does it say the ONLY point of this event is to turn in the drops? 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    “Well actually the reason bone helmets are in fact uncommon is because.
    The drops are actually quite evenly spread, but spread per item slot.
    But there are many different hats. 
    So bone helm is in fact rarer than say bone gloves. 

    Same with the weapons I can’t image one particular weapon being more rare than another weapon, but as there are a lot of weaps, Halberd would definitely be harder to get than studded gorget for example.
    I haven’t farmed on mass but I have a feeling bone armor in general is less common than other types. 
    I know some people who run bots and get 1000s of drops so I’ll check with them about what is most common
    but I’m sure other players here can share their findings too.

    I think also if you’re gargoyle you get chance of gargoyle armor, maybe if you’re elven you get higher chance of elven items? “
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Elves or humans get both human and elf pieces. Neither dominant on type.

    Gargoyles only get Gargoyle pieces.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2022
    I thought the shepherd's crook is the weapon of the Lich, so it fits the Arch Lich gear. 

    I collected full bone set for Demonic.

    In the Fey event, i looked for elven gear. 

    Everything looks cool in wildfire.

    They should design item rarity based on event.

    I don't care about rarity if I don't even know it's a rare esp when i don't need the item.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
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  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited November 2022
    Agree with the majority here that comes down to luck of the draw and probably isn't coded to make something like a bone helm drop less.

    I think it's probably a combination of what Pawain and Yoshi said with a mix of RNG in there.

    I didn't really think about it until Yoshi mentioned it but something like the head slot does have many options so on top of needing to get a head piece it also has to roll being bone versus something like arms where the options are more limited.

    It's also likely that most people are only keeping track of "wanted" items like bone helm / plate helm etc so they don't actually track how many quarter staffs, as an example, because they are mainly looking for something like a halberd. Do you know how many random weapons you've gotten like a cutlass or a war mace? It's likely around the same number of halberds (or maybe 1 or 2 more) if I had to guess.

    Then of course RNG plays a role in all of it. Perfect example is that I think I've gotten 5-6 halberds since the event started (ballpark is maybe 1200ish drops?) but only 1 quarter staff. I've also had 3 bone helms drop for me but only 1 orc mask. Now that I think about it... I'm not sure if I've even had a war mace for me drop this event that I can remember but I'm not looking to keep those so I might have just turned it in without thinking.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited November 2022
    i dont think bone helm is rarer than any other head piece.  what makes helms rarer than other armor slot is that theres a ton of head piece graphics.  bone just happens to be popular.

    i have a feeling that for female studded armor, and female plate its because it checks for plate, or studded, but then female is a another check / rng subset.  was probably coded to spawn female less than regular, because anyone can wear "male" plate but only females can wear female.  it wouldnt make sense to have female vrs male be a 50/50 split because of this.

  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    Yumi, ring and bracelet are 3 most commonly drop items for me every single time
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