Garden of Gratitude
Beginning tomorrow, October 27th, Moonglow Chesapeake will host a Garden of Gratitude event, which will run through Thanksgiving (November 24th).
Books with red leaves will be available at the garden (Trammel, on the SE side of Moonglow, just north of the Sorcerer's Guild @ 21N 126W) and at the governor's official residence, Verity Manor, (Trammel, just south of Moonglow @ 34N 140W) at no cost to you.
Grab book, share your gratitude (no restrictions ... in-game or RL gratitude, you can do more than one book), seal it with a red leaf and drop it in the mailbox at the Garden of Gratitude. The books will be displayed at the Garden for everyone to view and enjoy. After the event, the books will be donated to the Corwyn Library (Felucca 56S 33W).
The Garden will be open to those visiting from other worlds so if you are visiting Chessy, please note your home shard.
After Thanksgiving, there will be a random drawing of all participants (Prize TBA), as well as a People's Choice Award and a Governor's Cup Award for those entries that make our cold hearts melt
*This event is open to anyone, even if Chessy isn't your main shard.
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
SO ... just put your gratitude in the book and drop it into the mailbox. I'll seal it with a red leaf and life will go on as planned!!!
I'm thankful at least one person came to Moonglow to shop
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
(Maith has had a hard week LOL)
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant