♥♥ Thank you Devs ♥♥ (probably Levitica in this case)
A thank you to all our Devs for all the hard work getting EJ out, and the all things that I am sure are happening every day behind the scenes.
I noticed this today, though. Looks like Trinsic Rose got a little upgrade, or am I hallucinating? (I don't think our local artist has much to do with fixing bugs and writing a ton of code, so please don't go blasting her for art!) The 2nd pic is some packpack art I did last year, so there are 2 plants plus the red rose that make it hard to tell, but the left trinsic rose seems more defined. Am I losing my mind?

I noticed this today, though. Looks like Trinsic Rose got a little upgrade, or am I hallucinating? (I don't think our local artist has much to do with fixing bugs and writing a ton of code, so please don't go blasting her for art!) The 2nd pic is some packpack art I did last year, so there are 2 plants plus the red rose that make it hard to tell, but the left trinsic rose seems more defined. Am I losing my mind?

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I think the art is changing too. Today i noticed a road and certain animals looked a little better.
Or maybe it is just spring and my eyelids are not stuck together with ice any more :P