Male wraith form broken in EC

ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
See picture, almost impossible to see & use male wraith form in EC.

  1. Male wraith is in transparent hue 16385.
  2. Male wraith appears offset in the tile, so hard to judge where it is standing.


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Wow always wondered what that was.  Don’t see that form very often on my shard but really like it.  In EC client think it is the most striking site in the game especially the orange hair.   May have to change the sex of my necro mage.  Agree it’s hard to center on transport tiles with a male wraith.  My gargoyle has the same problem when flying.  Usually he has to land first.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited October 2022
    If somebody wants to re-imburse me a change token for the male wraith character, as a temporary work-around, that would be fine.

    Female chars do have more armor choices, better off against semidar.  But, they are more susceptible to being naked in the presence of a satyr.  Funny little details.

    p.s. you can turn off the "flying animation" for gargoyles, so they appear in the right square.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited November 2023
    This is still very much true today.

    I suggest broadsword try playing a male wraith using EC.  Even looting corpses can be challenging, due to the "alignment" issue.  Dropping loot on the ground also doesn't work well, for the same reason.

    Perhaps you can (server side) fix the HUE to not be transparent, and then be OK with others to fix the other aspect of this?
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