Chivalry casting

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited September 2022 in Bugs
“Will presume this is a bug as cannot find any documentation.
when casting chivalry spells that use a target cursor EG holy fist, cleanse wounds.

it is possible to cast a second spell that does not use a target cursor EG holy light (multiple times) without losing the first spell target cursor, so you can stack 2 spells together.
This is not possible in any other spell school.

expected result: for casting one spell to cancel the previous held spell like all other schools”
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  • Didn't you also post a request/observation asking for one targeting cursor not to interfere with another targeting cursor?

    I'd approach this a little differently, reducing the cases where targeting cursors are even needed...

    An example here would be the likely most common cursor in the game:  the "All Kill" targeting cursor.  If there was a direct way to target this operation, with no cursor (like many other operations in EC), that would reduce the network ingress/egress.

    In the EC, I find the targeting cursor to have some issues, it doesn't always go away, the wait for cursor operation isn't 100% reliable, etc.

    Chiv is a warrior based school, so having some slightly different casting rules seems ok.  (A great one is it doesn't require spell channeling).

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “don’t recall any such request.

    Is a bit OP to be able to cast unlimited holy light whilst holding a holy fist cursor. 
    Can’t hold an Energy bolt spell while casting thunderstorm. 
    Considering it is a warrior school, having more magic attack than a mage is OP.

    as for making an ‘all kill’ into a cursor less macro, ask @lynk he uses a script to auto all kill on an enemy mount, god knows how that script works considering it even works on first encounter of enemy mount no matter what the mount is named. It’s not official client script he uses but he might share”
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  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited September 2022
    I can't say whether holding that spell is OP or not, it seems a pretty niche thing that impacts a small number of players (if that is used to prioritize the myriad requests in this forum).  I wouldn't lose any sleep over it whether it stayed as is or was changed.

    My naive assumption about how "all kill" usually (inefficiently) works:

    client sends "All kill" text 
    server sends "all kill" speech text to valid players in the area, based on "yell, whisper, say radius", etc
    server replies with a targeting cursor
    client sends cursor target to server

    A variation of the above uses the pet context "KIll" command, though that is likely rarely used and is still inefficient compared to a direct targeting approach.

    I'm not interested in unofficial clients.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “also your comment about chivalry casting being unique that it doesn’t require spell channeling.
    Necro doesn’t require spell chan
    spellweaving doesn’t require spell chan, 
    both of those schools you cannot hold say poison strike and cast wither while keeping poison strike held.

    as for it being niche, I’ll just ignore that

    even if you cast Ebolt then cast confidence (warrior spell) it correctly cancels ebolt cursor”
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  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited September 2022
    I wouldn't be opposed to all the schools allowing for spells to be held in the way you describe.  That would bring player capabilities closer to what monsters can effectively do.

    Unique wasn't something I mentioned above.  There are slight differences in the schools, and the behavior of some of the "like" spells across schools can be slightly different too.  Sacred journey has slight differences vs. recall, you cannot go into stone form from wraith form, etc. 

    Nothing here I'd lose sleep over.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “Oh well if you personally wouldn’t sleep over it then let’s just let chivalry casters stack holy fist with multiple holy light..

    What does that even mean?”
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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:
    “Oh well if you personally wouldn’t sleep over it then let’s just let chivalry casters stack holy fist with multiple holy light..

    What does that even mean?”
    Another issue only for pvp with possible crap for everyone 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    McDougle said:
    Yoshi said:
    “Oh well if you personally wouldn’t sleep over it then let’s just let chivalry casters stack holy fist with multiple holy light..

    What does that even mean?”
    Another issue only for pvp with possible crap for everyone 
    AMEN  Leave it alone.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Because you use chivalry? What if I kill you using this double stack, is that okay then?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Imo if we can still channel Spirit Speak while holding a spell, and Holy Light while holding spells, we should be able to use specials while holding spells.

    Alternatively, since we can use tele rings without having to stop for the spell to be channeled, using wands should also no incur a movement penalty with their use.

  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited October 2022
    Didn't you also post a request/observation asking for one targeting cursor not to interfere with another targeting cursor?

    Yoshi said:
    “don’t recall any such request.

    It was actually your observation that [auto] opening of corpses in CC interferes with targeting cursors. Haven't looked for the thread, but that's from memory. (indeed, it can be tricky pre-casting a spell and opening a door in time to surprise a monster behind it, as a different example).

    Looking at the state of PVP, things like popping and releasing new VVV mounts, etc, I can see why some of this can be frustrating. perhaps this is relevant - "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2022
    “So you’re somehow conflating that casting holy light multiple times while still holding holy fist is the same as casting a spell and a corpse auto opening on death. 

    All you’re doing is proving my point, if a magpie dies on the tile next to you (one that you didn’t even kill) you cancel the holy fist (which is a bug). Yet you can cast holy light and divine fury etc while still holding a second chiv spell.

    no other combination of spellweaving/necro/mage/mysticism spells allows you to cast and hold one spell and also cast another while continuing to hold the first spell.

    (Gay mentioned spirit speak but that is an action not a spell).

    and I don’t recall open door macro cancelling a spell.

    i am not sure if you’re just trying to outcompete mcdoogle on pointless +1 posts”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    This is a non issue merv/yoshi 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Yoshi said:
    (Gay mentioned spirit speak but that is an action not a spell).
    • Spirit Speak is able to be disrupted.
    • When trying to cast a spell while channeling a spirit speak cast, you are given the message "You are already casting a spell".
    • It costs mana if there is no corpse nearby to drain.
    It's both a spell and a skill with functions for each.

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