Make a date with The Crypt Keeper 10/1/2022

Coming October 1, 2022

Make a date with The Crypt Keeper

on the Chesapeake Shard at 5pm est

As we introduce: The Crypt: The House That Evil Built

Gates from Luna Bank starting at 4:50 pm est

To Kick off the fall season, I have let Halloween go to my head.  I have built the most sinister, diabolical EVIL house you have ever seen.   Just when you think you are up, you are down, just when you are left you are right.  Are you on the 1st floor or, the 3rd floor?  Lots of fun, gold, and prizes to be won!

Then after we are done, join us for Deal or No Deal in Luna at 6pm est!

Sponsored by Zedland/SHE Guild

Hope to see you there!!

(after the event the house will remain open until the end of Halloween.)


  • Sounds awesome Z!!

  • Sounds great!!!

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • I want to note that this was the best maze house I've seen. Thank you very much for providing it. I wouldn't even know where to begin building something like that.

  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I had a great time! I didn't finish though because I was summoned to dinner by a higher authority just when I thought I had figured it out  :)
  • Zelda, this was a great event. Your house was just completely amazing. Not only did you create a diabolical path in terms of house customization, but then you used your decorations to make it look homey and spooky AND lead us on the (often false but sometimes true) path. Great job!!!!
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • Damn you guys!  Blush!!!!!  :)   Everyone has a weird quirk...  lol mine is making mazes. Been drawing them since I was a kid... So when it came to making this, it was kinda easy for me.  DAMN ADHD.... I'm really happy you enjoyed the event, and I think we might do it again at the end of the month, looking at the 28th or 29th. 
    I am gonna rework the house just a tad, and make it not so hard.  Not many folks made it down to the first floor.  
    A Very Big Thank you to Maith and Tigger for the awesome help!!  
    Also to UORAD.COM and DJ Sandman!!! 
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