Suggestions for a sea faring pirate build

Hello there. New player here that wants to experience some of the high seas content. I just love the fact that I can hunt down pirates and merchants here. Just kind of looking for some suggestions on some different pirate based builds. I wasn't super interested in using archery. But everything else was kind of fair game to me. I don't know if it's better to have a separate character for treasure hunting, or if I could just have the fantasy all on one character. A little bit of melee mixed in with casting some spells kind of made me look at Spellweaving, but I don't really know what skills are like "must haves" on a pirate build. Any advice would be welcome.


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited September 2022
     anything with ranged attack thrower tamer with a casting pet but will also need sdi to deal with beacons sdi caster 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    SDI human mage with wraithform scrolls.
    repond book and chain lightning kill the orcs.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     Mystic/archer/Mage is my favorite for all around high seas killing.  can do 6X120 Focus/Mystic/Arch/tactics/mage/eval.  RC +Range+Mage or Mystic spells with a SC repond bow are fairly powerful toons. Very effective template for taking out beacons fast. 
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