Looting Macro with the Classic Client : possible ?



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited August 2022
    Arnold7 said:
    Can a looting macro be selective?  It’s easy to loot any container in EC even without a macro but it’s all or nothing. I don’t use this feature because most containers are mostly filled with worthless crap.  If I was into unraveling, I might find this feature useful but otherwise don’t see as being that useful for looting the dead unless you like being overloaded.
    Not to pour salt in @ popps wound, but yes Arnold, a simple looting macro can be selective.

    In the EC you'll notice the corpse container has more than one button at the top.

    Write yourself an organizer or restock agent for Gold and Nightshade, set the destination container to your hot bag, set the organizer/restock button to your Gold/Nightshade creation, and push the corresponding button rather than loot all. This will "loot" the gold and nightshade from any container into your hot bag, leaving things you don't want behind. (If you're using Pinco's UI, I believe you can expand this to filter items by property.)

    You can also write yourself a macro with Action>Other>Vacuum that will execute an organizer (Gold,Nightshade) on all open containers except your main backpack. So, if you killed 5 critters and opened all their corpses, then ran Vacuum, it would run the organizer on each container (corpse). However, it would take a while to run, as Vacuum would be moving up to 2 items per container at 5 containers (2*5 =10), at 1 second per item. You'd need to stand still for 10 seconds, or set a macro delay of 10s, for the Vaccuum to work properly. 

    Anyway, yes, selective looting is native to the default EC. You can combine it with Target Nearest Object, Target Next Object, objects being the corpses at your feet, to reduce button clicking even further.
    Sorry popps.  :'(  
    What really upsets me, is that, those players using unauthorized Third Party applications, CAN, with the Classic Client, not only get a looting macro, I understand, but also, make it selective and the looted items go into a designated inside container, other then the main backpack....

    Now, if those who wrote these unauthorized Third Party applications were able to do this for the Classic Client, why on earth cannot Utima Online's Developers do it as well ?

    Expecially, considering that the Enhanced Client has it.... why then the Classic Client, since there is no technological issue since unauthorized Third Party applications do make this ability available for the Classic Client, I understand, does not have it also ?

    I do not get it.
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