August 2022 Chesapeake Events and Welcome to all New and Returning Players

JamesJames Posts: 85
edited August 2022 in Chesapeake
There are a lot of different events that are hosted by very dedicated players each week on Chesapeake. There are also one time special events planned for the upcoming month's. These events are designed for all players to participate, regardless of your skill type. If you have problems with completing any of the prerequisites for these events, there are always players willing to help. If you have an event or correction for date and/or time of existing event, please contact me and I'll update the event schedule.

Events are listed for Eastern Time
Events are open to all players

Daily Events:

August 1st 8:30 pm (Monday) Shadowguard Roof
August 2nd 9:00 pm (Tuesday) PaxLair Meeting
August 5th 8:00 pm (Friday) Shadowguard Room Help
August 8th 8:30 pm (Monday) Shadowguard Roof
August 9th 8:00 pm (Tuesday) The City of Yew to Host Drunken Daggers at The Treehouse
August 9th 9:00 pm (Tuesday) PaxLair Meeting
August 10th 9:00 pm (Wednesday) EM Event Lammas
August 11th 8:00 pm (Thursday) More Wrestling (Sponsored by Minoc)
August 12th 8:00 pm (Friday) Shadowguard Room Help
August 12th 9:00 pm (Friday) Auction
August 14th 7:30 pm (Sunday) White Net Toss
August 15th 8:00 pm (Monday) White Net Toss
August 15th 8:30 pm (Monday) Shadowguard Roof
August 16th 9:00 pm (Tuesday) PaxLair Meeting
August 17th 9:00 pm (Wednesday) Royal Council
August 19th 8:00 pm (Friday) Shadowguard Room Help
August 22nd 8:30 pm (Monday) Shadowguard Roof
August 23rd 9:00 pm (Tuesday) PaxLair Meeting
August 24th 9:00 pm (Wednesday) EM Event Back to School?!
August 25th 8:00 pm (Thursday) Bowling
August 26th 8:00 pm (Friday) Shadowguard Room Help
August 26th 9:00 pm (Friday) Auction
August 29th 8:30 pm (Monday) Shadowguard Roof
August 30th 9:00 pm (Tuesday) PaxLair Meeting

Monthly Events:

August 1st - 31st FIZHING CONTEZT!!!!!!
August 1st - 31st City of Yew Beast of the Month for August

Future Events:
Mud Wrestling More Wrestling (Sponsored by Minoc)

Notes on Events:

Completion of all the Shadowguard rooms are required (Time of Legends is required)
Roof will be done after the White Net Toss on the 2nd Monday of the month
Tuesday's are PaxLair meeting at 9:00 pm (Don't have to be a member to attend)
Thursday's are Game Night at 8:30 pm, (Events and locations are announced at PaxLair meeting and are open to all players)
Anyone can sponsor the Thursday Night Game Night. This can be anything you would like to do, hunting, games, tavern night.
Auction at Da Magincia Aucshun Houze in New Magincia (Someone will be there an hour before auction to accept items)
White Net Toss is on Pitmuck Island
Fishing Contest, Fish of the month to be announced. Fish is listed in book at Da Magincia Aucshun Houze FIZHING CONTEZT!!!!!!

Links to Events:

Peerless Boss Quest(s) Peerless Monster Quests – Ultima Online (

Mistaken Identity Mistaken Identity – Ultima Online (

BMV Ararat - Exploring the Deep BMV Ararat – Exploring the Deep – Ultima Online (

Twisted Weald Twisted Weald – Ultima Online (

Zippy The Zealotry of Zipactriotl – Ultima Online (

Queen Exterminating the Infestations – Ultima Online (

Pitt's The Myrmidex Threat – Ultima Online (

Charybdis Charybdis – Ultima Online (

Roof Shadowguard – Ultima Online (

Corgul Corgul the Soulbinder – Ultima Online (
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