Is it please possible to add some Felucca Monsters to carry Hoard and Trove Treasure Maps ?
According to the UO Wiki

Neither Hoard nor Trove Treasure Maps can currently spawn in any Monster that can be found on the Felucca facet.
Yes, there is the Felucca Hag Quest which can add, randomly, a Treasure Map.....
Though, the randomness makes it way too difficult to get a Hoard or Trove Felucca Treasure Map from the Felucca Hag Quest...... why then not add the ability for these 2 Treasure Maps to also spawn on some Felucca Creatures ?
For example, it would make a whole lot of sense if NPC Pirates both on Trammel or Felucca where to carry Trove Treasure Maps or, at the very least, Hoard Maps....
Other candidates to carry Felucca Hoard or Trove Treasure Maps could be Grobu in Painted Caves (so far not listed among Creatures that can spawn Treasure Maps), Unbound Energy Vortexes in Felucca Shame and I am sure that other Creatures spawning in Felucca could be thought of to have it added to their loot Table a Felucca Hoard or Trove Treasure Map....

Neither Hoard nor Trove Treasure Maps can currently spawn in any Monster that can be found on the Felucca facet.
Yes, there is the Felucca Hag Quest which can add, randomly, a Treasure Map.....
Though, the randomness makes it way too difficult to get a Hoard or Trove Felucca Treasure Map from the Felucca Hag Quest...... why then not add the ability for these 2 Treasure Maps to also spawn on some Felucca Creatures ?
For example, it would make a whole lot of sense if NPC Pirates both on Trammel or Felucca where to carry Trove Treasure Maps or, at the very least, Hoard Maps....
Other candidates to carry Felucca Hoard or Trove Treasure Maps could be Grobu in Painted Caves (so far not listed among Creatures that can spawn Treasure Maps), Unbound Energy Vortexes in Felucca Shame and I am sure that other Creatures spawning in Felucca could be thought of to have it added to their loot Table a Felucca Hoard or Trove Treasure Map....
Allosaurus, Corgul the Soulbinder, Scalis the Enforcer,The Great Ape, Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Well 3 out of 5 of those are fel.
as for hoard, 3 of them spawn in fel. Plus you can get a ton of hoard maps from khaldun dungeon chests.”
I seem to understand that, currently, there is no Felucca Creature capable of spawning them, directly...
Yet, it does look odd that no Felucca creature has been added to its loot table the ability to spawn a Felucca Hoard Treasure Map.... doesn't it ?
Putrefier is in the Palace of Paroxismous like Miasma is in the Labyrinth....
That I know of, Miasma (also listed to spawn Hoard Maps) gives random Maps in the Chests which spawn on it... why would then Putrefier give consistently Felucca Maps and not work like Miasma does ?
Not to mention, how a tough kill Putrefier is.... considering how the odds of having the corpse spawn a Treasure Map is 1%, imagine having to kill 100 Putrefier to get 1 single Hoard Map....
Dimetrosaurs are in Eodon, that I know of, and they, therefore, yield Eodon Treasure Maps....
The best way to consistently obtain Fel hoard maps is to do Fel cache maps which spawn on a variety of monsters in Fel (among many other means like pirate rug placed in Fel).
This is likely going to be just like your other thread though where you want to debate on whether or not that should be the case, at least the way you see it. You have your answer now though.
As one can see, Abscess is the very first listed Creature indicated as carrying "Cache" Treasure Maps....
As in regards the Dragon Turtle spawn, it does not really look like a practical way to try get Treasure Maps, especially considering how, to my understanding, the spawn odds for Treasure Maps are 1% thus asking for 100 kills of the same one creature "potentially" carrying that Treasure Map on the corpse, to get 1 Map....
It looks to me a Design that forces players to "farm" a single type Monster spawn (kill non-stop, over and over...) in order to get Treasure Maps and clearly, the Dragon Turtle Spawn with many assorted creatures spawning, does not look to me a very efficient way to try getting Felucca Hoard Treasure Maps with a 1% spawn chance to appear on a corpse....
And this, especially if one considers that other Thread whereas players lament how bad loot is in Treasure Maps.... and they only spawn with a 1% chance.....
I frequently bemoan the fact that it is difficult to reduce the number of maps in my Davies Locker because so many chests have a map in, sometimes 2 maps!
Cache maps in Fel are easily gotten from Demons.
Question/suggestion was answered so it is time to lock this BS.
What if his posts are the reason they don't talk to us anymore?
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
For Fel. and other maps best way to get them is to buy them on vendor search, if it is still alive and well and not dead. Players unload maps every week or so on my shard. You just have to monitor vendor search and act quickly when they come up for sale.
As has been mentioned cache chests generate hoard maps. Buy those or go to Wind and kill demons. I get maps out of cache chests fairly often and in Fel you often get 110 scrolls as well.
Or, specialize in killing one of the game’s easier to kill minor bosses that occasionally includes in it’s loot a chest with a hoard map. Since this is UO you know hoard maps are never going to be easy get in game.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
My belief is that all hoard maps that are looted are via "paragon" chests and those are all random facets so you do not need to be in Fel to get a Fel hoard map.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs