Why would a spell channeling shield disarm on casting a spell?

A new guy of mine has been blessed with some great kit.  One item is a Gargish Kite Shield:

The guy is a mystic macer.  He has a spell channeling mace that remains armed, but the shield falls into my pack when any Mysticism spell is cast except Enchant.  Both items remained armed with Chivalry spells (as expected).  The shield disarms whether he is carrying a weapon or not.

Is this a bug or is there a reason for the behavior which I do not understand?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • the answer is pretty easy: it gets disarmed because it isn't spell channeling!
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    Yeah, that's not spell channeling.  You would specifically see the spell channeling property listed.  Did you assume because it has the sorcery property that it would be spell channeling as well?
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    edited April 2018
    :o  @Max_Blackoak and @Sable, um, "duh!". I wish I could use Sable's excuse and say I equated "sorcery" with "spell channeling".  But nope, I'll have to admit to stupidity and confusion.

    Note that I had to disarm him to get the screen shot with the Windows Snipping Tool. If armed with the maul, the following happens:

    Note the "cursor" position.  I had to edit the snip to add it, since the tool will not capture cursor position.  Apparently at one point I thought I was looking at shield properties, saw the big "Spell Channeling", but failed to realize I was seeing the maul's properties, not the shield's.


    Here is another point that likely added to my confusion.  The person that gave me this stuff gave me a whole bag at once, probably Gargish loot he had received in the Styggian dungeon.  The bag included two shields, and the second does have Spell Channeling:

    With the character being barely a day old, he cannot yet carry that one. :(
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • most likely those legendary artifacts are not from the stygian abyss but more likely from shadowguard
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