Classic Client update suggestions

gaygay Posts: 406
edited July 2022 in General Discussions
In this thread, let's discuss some updates and quality of life changes that would be nice for the Classic Client. Just some ideas to kick it off.

  1. Clean up the data processing to reduce client lag.
  2. Remove the health bar limitations, let us pull as many health bars as we want.
  3. Let us control our visual Z axis, A lot of effort was put into helping players deal with the existence of messy and often maliciously laggy houses but they're still a problem. Let us choose what we want to see when we run through busy and otherwise congested areas, via the selection of only seeing the first floors of houses from the outside, or the entire normal view.
  4. Save password feature.

PS: Classic client only thread. If you want to make EC related suggestions, then make your own thread, heathens.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    Make things not stick thru to the floor above. Would be nice to use all paintings without brainstorming a spot.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    This will never happen.  Manage expectations.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Drago said:
    This will never happen.  Manage expectations.
    With the lack of communication from the Dev team about what we can expect for the next 1/3/6 months this is what most people start to do; make suggestions or give ideas on things to help the game. I agree with you though that any major effort / initiative will not be taken on anytime soon; especially with NL being the "big" thing. 

    People can dream though!  :#
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Mobiles bar would solve every problem with CC”
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited July 2022
    Personally I don't feel like the ability to "Target Nearest/Next/Enemy/Friend/Party" should even exist to begin with. I can see the benefit to it from the perspective of someone PvMing, but from a PvP standpoint it's done nothing but help erode the concept of PvP as a whole.

    In an ideal world PvP would consist purely of player's capability and control over their space while fighting other players. Pulling bars and selecting targets, while being a basic thing on paper, is probably one of the single most important things outside of positioning that a player could become good at, and have directly translate in their performance in the field. It took awareness, patience, timing, and coordination.

    Now you just push a button and the lowest health enemy/friendly is automatically targeted, or the nearest enemy/friendly is targeted. At most, the only thing out of the lot that should exist is Target Next, and it shouldn't discern between mobile types.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "you realise it's not possible to manually pull the healthbar of a person who is using EC or unoffical client unless they stop for some reason (cast a spell)...
    Even pressing ctrl+shift the bar skips around faster than you can click/drag due to the way the clients handle cornering"
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited September 2022
    Ctrl-Shift lets me do it just fine, I've never had an issue pulling bars of someone just because they are on EC/**** while moving. Some issues you might be having though are the following:
    1. Scroll wheel click through bug. When you scroll your mouse wheel, you have to click somewhre (anywhere) on screen before trying to interact with a healthbar by clicking on it to cast a spell, and sometimes an object/mobile handle ingame (player body). I personally haven't had it happen with the nameplate before but i also subconsciously click after scrolling to avoid "clicking through" a health bar when i need to manually target the health bar of someone I don't have on last target.
    2. Enable "Run mouse in separate thread" in options. (Options>Mouse Icon it's the first setting at the top)
    3. Lead the object handle slightly when trying to pull it.
    Some other options I have enabled that may seem counterintuitive to their intended meaning:
    • Reduce  Display Framerate.
    • Enable Frame Skipping.
    These are both located in the eyeball tab of options (right side, under the mouse icon). Because of how the client interacts with the server, Frame Skipping lets the client ignore waiting for the server's reply to draw the position of the player and reducing the frame rate (which sounds counterproductive) means allowing the client to draw less frames while moving around, ultimately reducing client load.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I don’t recommend changing those frame rate settings at all, game feels a lot slower” 
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2022
    “ *Frame skipping is okay, I have now enabled this and not experienced anything negative,
    but enabling reduce display frame rate makes game slower.

    i have not consciously experienced the issue with the mouse scroll wheel you speak of,
    I have a utility called x mouse controller to set some additional mouse options, there is an option to always make whatever window the mouse is on the active window, perhaps something like that might help your scroll wheel issue”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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