Siege Perilous - Events for July (intended)

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 201Event Moderator
Apologies for the very basic post. If you've read my other one, you'll hopefully understand why.
The intention for this month is to hold the following:
2nd : Council Meeting (already done)
9th : The Fortress, Conclusion : With the enemy revealed, and the architect dead, the time has come to push the invading forces back once and for all. The corruption of our moongates has already begun, and denizens of the Abyss are pouring into our land... hopefully it is not too late!
16th : Johnny Reaperseed, mad orc (or perhaps a troll) gardener, is sowing havoc across the land!
23rd : PROBABLY no event - If there is, there will be a separate announcement.
30th : The Pollution of Jhelom / Slimes at Sea / Put your own title here!

Those are the intended events. If I'm not able to fulfil them this month, I'll let you know. 
Thanks for all the messages of support that have already come in - Siege's community spirit is alive and well, and even greater than ever! You guys are the best. 
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