City of Yew Beast of the Month for July

JamesJames Posts: 81

The City of Yew proudly presents a new monthly contest for all the citizens of the Realm to enjoy: The Beast of the Month Event!

Each month a new Beast will be announced by Governor James of Yew and will follow the same criteria as The Huntmaster’s Challenge to determine the winner (greatest weight, length, etc.) Hunting Permits must first be purchased from the Huntmaster, who is located inside the Rangers' Guild of Skara Brae, in order to record the date and measurements.
Hunters can then submit their Hunting Permits to the mailbox located at Greystone Castle in Yew. The Castle has a brass sign, which reads "Beast of the Month" and is South of the Yew Moongate just before you reach the road (47-33'N x 35-22'W.)

The game will begin on the first day of each month and conclude on the last day of that month. Only Hunting Permits dated for the current month will be accepted.
Hunters can submit as many Hunting Permits as they desire.
In case of a tie, the Hunting Permit with the earliest date wins. If a tie still remains, the contestants will roll dice and the highest roll will win.
The winner of that month’s contest and the next Beast of the Month will be announced on the 1st of every month.
Prize must be claimed by the character whose name matches the name on the Hunting Permit.

The monthly winner will receive their choice of any non-account bound item(s) from the in-game UO Store valued up to and including 500 Sovereigns!

First Runner Up:
Three Million Gold

Second Runner Up:
Two Million Gold

Third Runner Up:
One Million Gold

Current Beast of the Month:
July Event is now active and will run from July 1st thru July 31st.
The Beast of the Month for July is the "Sea Serpent".


  • JamesJames Posts: 81
    I want to say Thank You to everyone that participated in the July Beast of the Month Event. We had 12 entries.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Rowan with 594 Stones on 07/02/22

    First Runner Up:
    Grobschmieder with 563 Stones on 07/21/22

    Second Runner Up:
    To be determined: Tie between Lola Kristtorn and Gawyn with 486 Stone 07/16/22

    Third Runner Up:
    To be determined: Tie between Lola Kristtorn and Gawyn with 486 Stone 07/16/22
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