120 eval + 100 anatomy not equal to 120 wrestling?!?

is it just me or has anyone noticed lately that 120 eval+100 anatomy gives you less defense than 120 wrestling?

We tested yesterday (on Siege Perilous) and when I hit a mage with 120 eval, 100 anatomy and 120 parry with 45 dci I was able to hit him 5 times in a row sometimes, which should never happen with parry on. I did have 45 hci and 40ish hld on my weapon.

Then he stoned off anatomy and put on 120 wrestling and my hits dropped significantly and never exceeded 3 consecutive hits -. much more like the expected result.

He had a feeling that he was getting hit more than he should with anatomy instead of wrestling and this short test kinda proved his point. It might have been a lucky hld proc, followed by even more lucky consecutive hits... we'll have to do more testing I guess and leave off hld to get a better picture. Then again every dexxer in the game runs hld, so it would be more realistic to test with hld.

Before running more (and longer) tests I wanted to ask here if anybody else had ever noticed something like this?


  • never mind. we ran more tests and it seems all fine:

    120 weapon skill/0 hci vs. 120 wrestling/0 dci got in 51 hits of 100 attempted

    120 weaponskill/0 hci vs. 100 anatomy+120 eval/ 0 dci 50 hits of 100 attempted

    Similar results with 45 hci vs. 45 dci.

    One thing we did realize though was that there were noticeable strings of misses and consecutive hits. Like I would miss 5 times in a row but then also get in 5 consecutive hits every now and then. So our initial test must have really been the result of that...
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    My question is why did you choose to play a parry mage over any other mage setup? Such as Necro-mage, Mystic mage, Tank mage?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018
     The_Higgs_1 said:
    My question is why did you choose to play a parry mage over any other mage setup? Such as Necro-mage, Mystic mage, Tank mage?

    I now play 2 mages for PvP. I am phenominal on both. o:)

    1. Pure Mage.

    2. Parry Mage.

    The mage without parry stands absolutely no chance in any open space or running battle, every hit lands, and every hit is fatal, dexxers tear non parry mages apart in this situation. It specialises at fielding or holding areas where you have an army in front of you making sure nothing gets near you, and you field to take control of space and trap players. It's a confined space group fighter only, good for dungeon spawns in tunnels and harry. It can solo an equal mage, but not a dexxer.

    The parry mage has more chance of open running battles with dexxers. It is good in Yew, and wide open running battle such as Destard. It is critically mana deficient, cannot solo anything, and cannot handle a long running field battle or taking control of ground.

    So for me, it is situational.

    I personally dislike Yew, because you get to witness how OP dexxers are with dismount, and I prefer going with a team to achieve spawn objectives, so I like to use the pure more, where I can cast more, and not be watching mana the whole time. Having said that, I had a lot of fun at Yew gate last night, on my Parry mage, now I have more survivability.

  • My question is why did you choose to play a parry mage over any other mage setup? Such as Necro-mage, Mystic mage, Tank mage?
    my guildmate chose parry-mage because Siege Perilous is dexxer heavy and usually about field fights.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Why would you not use a mage weapon or an actual weapon skill for defense purposes.  its highly more offensive and just as easily survivable as a parry mage.   Also if dismounts bother you that much why not go ninja?  I just don't understand the need for wrestle/anatomy parry in order to pvp.   I think its being used due to how OP it is vs any other mage setup and needs to be nerfed.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018

    Why would you not use a mage weapon or an actual weapon skill for defense purposes.  its highly more offensive and just as easily survivable as a parry mage.   Also if dismounts bother you that much why not go ninja?  I just don't understand the need for wrestle/anatomy parry in order to pvp.   I think its being used due to how OP it is vs any other mage setup and needs to be nerfed.

    I really don't get your point Higgs?

    Parry mage is the weakest form of mage, every other mage can beat it, because it has sacrificed so much, and doesn't have any other additional abilities.

    Parry mage can only survive against dexxers.

    Paradoxically there are so many dexxers, 98% of all other mage types have been wiped out by said dexxers, therefore only parry mages - the weakest form of mage, survive.

    So, what was your point?

    How is the Parry mage OP? It's the only mage-style survivor.

    And why should Mages have to use weapons?

    Why not everyone go full out dexxer, that will be your next desire.

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Correction Parry mage is the easy button way out to fight against dexxers.  Parry mages can also use anatomy healing together and survive easily vs any other mage template, especially since you get a free hand to chug without sacrificing any defense in the process.  To me it sounds like no one has the timing or understanding to play a mage in pvp.   In todays pvp with global loot, parry mages don't sacrifice anything, the dex requirement used to be a downside before global loot, but now its easy to reach 80 dex with literally no stats put in directly by the player.  People resort to it cause its the easy way to play and survive longer, where you could go out and put yourself in situations and work your way out of them and learn how to fight without it. 
  • no mageweapon in his case because one disarm and you're toast.
    we often fight outnumbered -  try running away from 3 moving shot archers when disarmed with 0 defense after disarm...

    the global loot part is nice and all but on Siege without insurance you will have a hard time relying on those suits, especially if they require to reach a certain ammount of dex because one gank and it's all gone...

    I'm not saying it can't be done without disarm and/or wrestling equivalent but having parry makes you less reliant on that high end loot
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018
    Correction Parry mage is the easy button way out to fight against dexxers.  Parry mages can also use anatomy healing together and survive easily vs any other mage template, especially since you get a free hand to chug without sacrificing any defense in the process.  To me it sounds like no one has the timing or understanding to play a mage in pvp.   In todays pvp with global loot, parry mages don't sacrifice anything, the dex requirement used to be a downside before global loot, but now its easy to reach 80 dex with literally no stats put in directly by the player.  People resort to it cause its the easy way to play and survive longer, where you could go out and put yourself in situations and work your way out of them and learn how to fight without it. 

    Look, I hate parry mages as much as you, but again, I'm forced into playing one if I want to play a mage and stand a chance in open large group field fighting.

    Parry mages sacrifice 80 dex, which could have been mana. If you assume a mage requires 200 mana - my base requirement, then a parry mage has sacrificed 40% of their mana requirement, that is a huge amount. There is opportunity cost. A parry mage could be casting far more spells, and larger spells, without having 80 dex used up - he could also have the additional skillset parry is taking away. So people are not taking up parry mages for fun.

    My main is still a pure mage - and he doesn't stand a chance. This is pretty much all I play in UO, and all I have ever played. For you to say something like no-one has the ability or timing, is rubbish.

    We had a 3v3 pvp tournament over the weekend, which not enough teams turned up for. So it turned into a 1v1 tournament. Can you guess who made it to the finals? 2 x Dexxers. And a Dexxer won. Just by standing there, clicking buttons - it was ridiculous. I personally wasn't there, and cannot even comprehend myself how that happened, and I wonder if I could have done better. But they were good players there on the mages, who I cannot beat 1v1. Even one of the dexxers in the final, said dexxers should not have been put against mages - but it was an anything goes tourney.

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
      Sounds to me cookie that there was no good mages there!! ;) :
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Siege is another animal due to no insurance and only one char per account.  IF they would only allow more characters per account then people might play siege more.
  • no just leave it  the way it is. that way reputation matters. what would you need 7 characters for anyway? 2 I could understand but honestly most of Siege is done with soulstones. that way you'll have PvM and PvP templates for the same char and can do whichever you want.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    For @cookie.  My buddies and I had a 2 hour fight late last night on atlantic in despise where 3 of us were on mages versus 5-6 dexxers.   Two mages were just mage weapon and other guy had parry.  We killed the dexxers about 15 times each and only one of us died once.  Explain to me how dexxers are overpowered again?  LOL
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Rubbish Dexxers ? :o
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