Looking for a new home for some old Catskills relics

After a long run of keeping them locked up in my house where nobody could see them since I never had enough time to rebuild my library and make them accessible again (let alone make out of game copies of them like I originally intended to do years ago)... I think it's about time my hundreds of player-written and event books get transferred to a new caretaker.

I'd like these to stay within the RP community, preferably handed off to someone I know enough to trust they will treat the books with respect and who is willing to take the time to make them publicly accessible in a library. Is anyone up to the task of taking on these books? Or is there someone you know that you think would be a good steward of these books?

I also have several items from numerous past events of all varieties that I would also like to pass along to worthy owners. If there is an event that has significance to any guilds or individuals (preferably in the RP community, but also outside it) that didn't get an item from that event (or got one, but has since lost it)? Are there any non-event rares that have significance to any guilds or individuals? Let me know, and I'll search through my collection to see if I have one and if so I'll probably be willing to give it away.
Better known by many as Gildar, Sahra Swift, and Zah'Qim.


  • PitrPitr Posts: 187
    edited April 2018
    Long time no see :)
    I hope you have some time to play again and retire in uo!
    Some of Gildar's work:
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    Hey Gildar, Aedon here from Aegis. If you need a good home for some old relics I would be happy to offer them a place in Aegis. I could set up a permanent museum so that others would be able to come, look at the past, and remember old times and tales. My ICQ is 312213645 or you can reach me here. 
  • Aedon is a pretty good caretaker and welcome back
  • Glad that somebody I know and trust wants to take it - Aedon will get everything after people have some time to ask for items directly related to them or their guilds (or just make copies in the case of the books... it's always nice to have duplicates of the books floating around).

    Don't get too excited about my return - I'm probably going to continue playing only about 10 hours a year... I'm just cleaning house so I don't need to worry about keeping my house up if I decide I want to save some money and switch to an Endless Journey account.
    Better known by many as Gildar, Sahra Swift, and Zah'Qim.
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    It is indeed nice to be able to have guild related items to treasure. 
  • JudasJudas Posts: 262
    Aedon would definitely make a great caretaker.

    Also, I'm not sure if we ever crossed paths, I'm an old Catskills role-player (from 1998-2003) who returned to the shard a few years ago, but I would love to look through some of your stuff or just chat if you had the time.  Not sure if you use ICQ, but mine is #6082388.
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    But can he call you John?

  • JudasJudas Posts: 262
    Aedon said:
    But can he call you John?

    Hahah. This forum needs a like button.
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
  • We definitely have crossed paths a few times, but I don't think I have any books from you... though I probably don't remember all the characters you've played, so I could be wrong. Which characters have you played?

    I don't have an ICQ any more. You can message me here or send me an email (uo@illandril.net) if you don't want to just post a comment here.
    Better known by many as Gildar, Sahra Swift, and Zah'Qim.
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    Gildar the name you may know Chant by is Judas D'arc. Bard of Yew.
  • Yep - I remembered Judas, I just couldn't remember if there were any other characters he played as well.
    Better known by many as Gildar, Sahra Swift, and Zah'Qim.
  • illandrilillandril Posts: 6
    Aedon has transferred everything over to his library, and he's going to be making everything publicly accessible when he has time (if he hasn't managed to do so already - he managed to transfer it all over to his house with lightning speed). If you want to see any of it and/or get copies of your own, you'll now need to bug him now.
    If anyone does ever make any out of game copies of any player-written books, I'd love copies - feel free to send me an email if you do (Aedon and Bink have both said they might do this, so consider coordinating with them if you plan to do this to share the workload).
    Better known by many as Gildar, Sahra Swift, and Zah'Qim.
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