How to select eggs as a Quest Item in an EC macro
The original thread got closed before I could respond.
Add the highlighted code fragment to the Source\Actions.lua file in your custom UI folder.

For those who do not want to type that:
Then create a macro with the following commands
Toggle Quest Item
TargetByType (select any egg)
Cancel Cursor Target
Then have it repeat 10 times.
This has saved me over 7000 mouse clicks.
Add the highlighted code fragment to the Source\Actions.lua file in your custom UI folder.

For those who do not want to type that:
if (type == 40723 or type == 40724 or type == 40725 or type == 40727 or type == 40728) and
(obj == 40723 or obj == 40724 or obj == 40725 or obj == 40727 or obj == 40728) then
for i = 1, #Actions.itemQuantities[obj] do
local id = Actions.itemQuantities[obj][i]
RegisterWindowData(WindowData.ObjectInfo.Type, id)
local item = WindowData.ObjectInfo[id]
if item then
if item.hueId ~= 1258 then
Then create a macro with the following commands
Toggle Quest Item
TargetByType (select any egg)
Cancel Cursor Target
Then have it repeat 10 times.
This has saved me over 7000 mouse clicks.
I am also looking into the EC Lua to transfer items in organizer by type only. Quest only accept items in main pack, so there is a lot of transfers to do.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I copied original file in the same directory. ( I use Pinco UI)
Altered file by altering all function.
Save all . After logging first time my gaming screen was really tiny. I relogin tried to make macro => it didnt work. So I went to check files and both (altered and copy) are gone, deleted by game.
If you are doing something like this save your file soewhere else.
@TimSt can you share your file please.
I have posted an "ignore hue" organizer tweak in the @Arroth_Thaiel thread, please have a look.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Aw... Pinco is heavy... if that is the new EC then I will sit on the CC side...
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Thanks !!
It is unfortunate that it won't work with Pinco's UI....
What I do not understand, is why, at least according to this Post from @PlayerSkillFTW , to my understanding, Pinco, when asked, indicated this addition was not available with his UI because of the many types/hues that eggs come with...
But, in your OP post here, I seem to understand, these many hues/types do not cause a problem.... so, why would they then be a problem in Pinco's UI ?
@Mariah , sometimes, you hurry up a bit too much to lock a Thread.... perhaps ?
If a player regularly uses Pinco and, yet, to avoid having to click Quest items for eggs a zillion times, would want to use the regular (non-Pinco) EC..... would making the changes that you suggest mess up their Pinco UI set up ?
I am asking this, after reading @Gwen post....
How can a player regularly using Pinco's UI can then temporarily switch to the non-Pinco UI just to make it possible to make this Macro to select 10 eggs as Quest items without messing up their Pinco's UI set up that they normally use for playing ?
Thanks !
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
In case you are adventurous you can add that to the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Enhanced\UserInterface\Pinco's UI\Source\Containers\ContainerWindow\ContainerWindow.lua between lines 8668 and 8669. But you will need to skip the autoupdater by directly using "EC PlaySound.exe"
For those who do not want to type that
Do we need to revert this line after this event for other quest to work?
Original line is
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I cannot understand what do you mean by <<directly using "EC PlaySound.exe">>
I tried it. Under Administrator, it replaces my altered file. Doesnt matter I start usual launcher or ECPlaysound. So I just launch UO (with Pinco) and after it all started alter file . I have altered saved in other location, so I just replace it.
and leave the original line in. That will allow the other quests and macros to continue to work while the event is going on.
You mean, it is now possible to make a Macro that self-plays 10 times to mark as Quest items 10 eggs ?
Does it only work if there is precisely 10 eggs in one's own main backpack (that is, if there is 11+ it goes wild not knowing what egg to mark) or does it work regardless of how many eggs one might have in one's own backpack?
Care to share how you created your Macro in EC with Pinco ?
there's a new action called "target by item name". Drag it to a new macro, then right click it and chose the options "ignore hue" and "ignore quest item". Add the Toggle quest item set to repeat 10 times and it worked nicely (but only toggled 9 eggs, so my macro isn't the best example)
Oh, don't forget to have the quest active.. Nothing will happen if you have not accepted the quest
I wonder if the following would be enough:
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Toggle Quest Item
Waitfortarg (wait for cursor under Cursor Targeting)
TargetByType (select any egg)
Cursor Target Current
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Toggle Quest Item
TargetByType, Delay 0.5, TargetByType, Delay 0.5, TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5,TargetByType, Delay 0.5
Cancel Target Current
By getting rid of the macro looping things sped up a lot.
I always thought that after the target by type, for cursor targeting should use "cursor current target". It interesting the above also works for cursor targeting.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I am thinking maybe the button IDs maybe the issue. I've tried 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 without luck.
Any idea of what I am doing wrong?
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs