Are you seeing a lot of new players because of EJ?

Here's hoping <span>:smile:</span>


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,666
    We have on LS.  PvP and PvM.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Yes, tons. And many have subscribed too. I've probably spoken to 20 or so who subscribed while starting on EJ. I've seen many more than the ones I spoke to run around. 
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • Same on Europa. New ones, returnees from all all time periods, many well known players , guildies.. several bringing in old friends...  alot better than expected !
  • I subbed 3 days ago to check it out. Not sure how I feel bout it.......haven't played OSI since 1998-2004 and there's a huge learning curve not knowing what the modern templates are with the new skills.  Seems like they made the game more gear based than it used to be.

    I made a bard thinking that's how I usually make money on a server but it seems really grindy as a new player. The normal places I'd go are dead or different mobs than I remember.  Even raising stats is completely different, I macroed herding for Str and it only raised int/dex, Used to start with 1 herding and macro until stats were set, then train, not anymore.

    But the biggest thing that will probably make me quit is lack of Razor/UOSteam utilities, even sheering wool from sheep, targeting, double clicking doors, training characters, etc is giving me carpel tunnel for no reason in a 20 year old game.

    Macroing using a screen clicker means my client has to be in focus, can't do anything else on the computer. I installed the enhanced client and quickly closed it, not the game I remember. I hate to say this but I've had a lot more fun on the private servers... 
  • DavoDavo Posts: 46
    ive been seeing returning players only
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