Any Advice for Running a Solvent Commodity Broker in New Magincia?

MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
edited April 2018 in General Discussions
Does anyone have good advice for how to run a commodity broker in New Magincia, one that actually stays solvent?  

If you set up one of these brokers, the game automatically deducts for itself 5% of every purchase or sale and there is a weekly fee of 5% of the total sale price of all sellable inventory.  

I had one of these brokers set up on Balhae for a few weeks, with the price that players pay to buy from the broker set at 17% more than the price that players received if they sold something to the broker.  Unfortunately, what I had happen a few times is that people would sell the max amount I was willing to pay to the broker, which would use up most of the gold in the broker account.  But then that commodity would just sit there unsold because I was also willing to sell that commodity but apparently no one wanted to buy it.  So the weekly fee on those unsold goods would demolish what other gold was left in the broker account.  In about two weeks' time, I lost 3-4 million on the broker and was unwilling to keep it going at that rate.

My guess is that maybe the best thing to do is to just set up a broker that will buy commodities from other players and don't even try to sell anything, especially on a low-population shard.

Any thoughts on this from anyone else?  I had really hoped to set up something that would be of use to new/returning players but I'm unsure of how to go about it at this point.  I guess selling stuff in hopes it helped EJ players wasn't going to work anyway because the brokers always sell items in the form of a commodity deed, which EJ accounts wouldn't have been able to redeem anyway.

I think the brokers are a great idea.  I'm just not sure how to make one work, especially on a shard that doesn't have a very large population.  @Kyronix, if you have any ideas, would love to hear yours too.


  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    These are the buy/sell prices I was using, first amount being what I sold things for to a player and second amount being what I paid to buy something from a player:

    darkglow poison878750
    exploding tar potion164140
    fear essence246210
    parasitic poison586500
    potion of invisibility8270
    shatter potion410350
    black dragon scales118100
    blue sea serpent scales5445
    green dragon scales176150
    red dragon scales8270
    white dragon scales4840
    yellow dragon scales2420
    valorite ingots878750
    verite ingots528450
    agapite ingots410350
    golden ingots142120
    bronze ingots234200
    copper ingots164140
    shadow iron ingots264225
    dull copper ingots6655
    iron ingots1613
    frostwood boards352300
    bloodwood boards118100
    heartwood boards8875
    yew boards3025
    Ash boards1411
    oak boards108
    high quality valorite granite11701000
    high quality verite granite1054900
    high quality agapite granite762650
    high quality golden granite644550
    high quality bronze granite528450
    high quality copper granite410350
    high quality dull copper granite294250
    high quality shadow iron granite936800
    high quality granite176150
    enhanced bandage1815
    green thorns5445
    orange petals154130
    petal of the rose of trinsic4840
    powder of translocation1000854
    red leaves5445
    smoke bomb118100
    a small piece of blackrock294250
    blue diamond52664500
    brilliant amber32762800
    dark sapphire1170010000
    ecru citrine29262500
    fire ruby35103000
    perfect emerald11701000
    white pearl1521013000
    abyssal cloth106489100
    bottle of ichor20481750
    boura pelt29262500
    chaga mushroom586500
    crystal shards1755015000
    crystalline blackrock65525600
    delicate scales574490
    enchanted essence136115
    essence of achievement39783400
    essence of balance32762800
    essence of control1170010000
    essence of diligence40963500
    essence of direction35103000
    essence of feeling11701000
    essence of order111169500
    essence of passion81907000
    essence of persistence29262500
    essence of precision1170010000
    essence of singularity70206000
    faery dust81907000
    goblin blood14641250
    lava serpent crust46804000
    magical residue6050
    raptor teeth58505000
    reflective wolf eye586500
    relic fragment21061800
    seed of renewal76066500
    silver snake skin1345611500
    slith tongue200170
    undying flesh586500
    vial of vitriol936800
    void orb1755015000
    zoogi fungus352300
    Arcane Empowerment3000025000
    dryad allure3000025000
    essence of wind3000025000
    ethereal voyage3000025000
    gift of life3000025000
    gift of renewal
    nature's fury3000025000
    reaper form3000025000
    word of death3000025000
    Arcane gem8875
    pieces of barbed leather176150
    pieces of horned leather118100
    pieces of leather3025
    pieces of spined leather6050
    tiger pelts820700
    copper wire936800
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    It's a frustrating system, "most" of the stalls on Siege are buyers at dirt cheap prices.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    First step: do it on a shard with a viable population.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
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