This Is Really Getting Old

Our server has not seen much visible cheating, botting, muti-clieting whatever you wanna call it on any of the treasures events. We all worked together pretty well and had a lot of fun in past events. That is until this one. Every night I sit and watch 3 to 4 different *teams* of 2-4 players clearly all controlled by the same person. They often have the same gear or they are a certain mix of templates, they move together one step behind the other when running to the exact same spots. They do not miss a step following the others. Apparently I made one group of 4-5 of them mad so they literally followed me one right behind the other all over the dungeon floor trying to kill everything I was for about 30 min. They stopped when I stopped, they moved when I moved, all together at the same time. I zigzagged a bit and they were right on cue behind me.

It does not take a genius to see quite a lot of single people running multiple accounts all in lockstep with each other. That is when they are not standing in the same spot monopolizing the entire area. Really I don't care what "rights" or "reasons" these people claim or cry about that they should be allowed to do this. But it clearly shows how far down the toilet UO is going. If this is the way future events are going to be going.. well... maybe its time to find a new hobby after 23 yrs of continuous subscription.


  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    Not disagreeing with you, but it is possible they are multiclienting and having their various accounts "follow" the main account in Classic. Multiclienting is different from using a third party program or script. Again, not disagreeing that it's ethically wrong and completely misses the point of playing a video game ...

    All that aside, the best thing you can do is immediately page a GM on them. Target them in the help request (a player abusing game mechanics is most likely your best bet). If they don't answer a GM should one show up, they'll get suspended or banned.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited May 2022
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such. Following you around the dungeon to spoil your game play is, and always has been, against the rules.
    It sounds as if they were using the CC 'follow' command and you were the target of the command.

    It helps if your journal clearly shows that you have requested them to stop.
  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    They should get rid of the auto follow in the cc...or EJ players can't autofollow. I know people are going to say they can control many accounts at once but we all know what's really going on here.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    They added gear change cool down in EC so as to match CC players. 

    Then they should remove auto follow in CC so to be on par with EC.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    Seth said:
    They added gear change cool down in EC so as to match CC players. 

    Then they should remove auto follow in CC so to be on par with EC.
  • Mariah said:
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such. Following you around the dungeon to spoil your game play is, and always has been, against the rules.
    It sounds as if they were using the CC 'follow' command and you were the target of the command.

    It helps if your journal clearly shows that you have requested them to stop.
    Lol… good luck trying to prove that. This is horrible advice from a moderator. Following someone around in a dungeon killing things doesn’t constitute harassment. It’s called playing the game, it wouldn’t be considered “greifing”. Please enlighten us on your reasoning please. Not only that but it seems the person was accusing them of cheating in some form, obviously that can be considered actual harassment.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2022
    Mariah said:
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such. Following you around the dungeon to spoil your game play is, and always has been, against the rules.
    It sounds as if they were using the CC 'follow' command and you were the target of the command.

    It helps if your journal clearly shows that you have requested them to stop.
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such.

    I am sorry to say that, in the past, I have reported suspected in-game behaviour against Ultima  Online's TOS and this, in regards to the same characters, and yet, regardless of my repeated reports, I have kept seeing the same characters continuing the same behaviour in the same dungeon...

    I need to conclude that, either my reports were found as baseless in my suspect that they were being played against the TOS OR, that, regardless my reports, for reasons beyond my knowledge, no action was taken against them...

    Of course, I have no clue which of the 2 holds true... I can only say that I saw multiple characters being used, to my judgement, in a way that was against the TOS, reported them multiple times, and kept seeing those characters playing out with that same pattern after my reports.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2022
    Seth said:
    They added gear change cool down in EC so as to match CC players. 

    Then they should remove auto follow in CC so to be on par with EC.
    "this is incorrect, 
    instant gear change was added to CC, at the same time it was requested to add a cooldown to both clients on gear change, the cool down was added to both clients intentionally to prevent a range of issues"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited May 2022

    It definitely sounds like what you experienced was someone using the CC and setting their toons to auto-follow you.

    But that means they've foolishly put you in charge of where their toons go. Take them somewhere they should not be, then hide and log in/out to break the auto-follow.

    Or something like that. ;)

    Removing auto-follow from the CC is probably pointless, as many of the "other" CC programs would simply accomplish the same thing.

    You can also use something like Quick Macro's, or any other Windows based macro program, to jump to a background window, issue a command (like whatever you just pressed in the active window), and jump back to the active window. 

    Following characters across multiple clients, whether on the same computer or not, is a ship that sailed in...Summer 1997?
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Sorry to ask but what is a gear change cool down?  I don’t change gear that often but the macros I have for that usually work fine.
  • Estel_RandirEstel_Randir Posts: 189
    @ Estel_Randir

    Take them somewhere they should not be, then hide and log in/out to break the auto-follow.
    Sadly it was Destard 3rd floor where there is nowhere to take them especially when 20+ of us are there mass killing.

    I have no hope things will change. It just gets old. For this event, all I want to do is grind out the minimum of what I need and get this over with. Previous treasures events I played from start to finish day and night. But Destard has reduced the majority of players to mostly sitting in one spot or very small area, spamming ranged AI or AoEing as fast as possible for hours on end. And we get to do it vs a bunch of people running 3-4 accounts. There is nothing whatsoever fun about the way this event has turned out.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Mariah said:
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such. Following you around the dungeon to spoil your game play is, and always has been, against the rules.
    It sounds as if they were using the CC 'follow' command and you were the target of the command.

    It helps if your journal clearly shows that you have requested them to stop.
    I disagree this is harassment because if that's the case then all of the people/bots (call'em what you want) auto shooting everything that spawns .01 seconds after it spawns making it impossible for me to kill anything would be considered harassment. The dungeon is a public place and the person that is going around killing stuff can say they are just looking for stuff to kill. I'm not saying that this person was actually doing that but them getting in trouble for essentially just killing stuff seems like a stretch on actual harassment.

    Honestly blame the Devs for leaving the static spawn points. There is so little spawn in the rest of level 1 that whenever I do go to Destard, I find myself in a race to go kill stuff before others do (like in the back of level1).
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Arnold7 said:
    Sorry to ask but what is a gear change cool down?  I don’t change gear that often but the macros I have for that usually work fine.
    "The fact that you don't have any problem with it or even realise there is a cooldown is testament to the cooldown that was introduced working absolutely fine and without issue if you're playing the game as intended. 
    The cooldown only comes into effect if you attempt to switch clothes twice in a short time"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Any form of invis breaks follow. Or going to another floor.

    As said talk in overhead chat. Tell the player what they are doing is bothering your game play. If you are lucky, they may respond back with another actionable offense. The responders see the chat history.

    Angry people are easy to make say something that is an offense .
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited May 2022
    Following someone in a dungeon during an active event of powerful monsters being spawned isn't "harassment" in fact I would argue that it's more "entitled snobbishness" to think of it as harassment. You don't want people to be within your proximity during a public event? Find an inactive server with little to no players and play there.

    It's the same toxic mindset that was created when people adjusted to no longer having to worry about being PKed while hunting, and started assuming their presence in the woods where liches spawn meant that they owned that area, and that the longer they were there for the greater their entitlement was to not be interrupted by another player also looking to kill some liches. It's called Trammel Brain Syndrome, and it's been a cancer to this game for over two decades.

    This game has looting rights specifically for this very reason, to be honest you're probably going to get more drops by focusing on the mobs that those players are targeting, and vice versa, you will benefit by them targeting the things you target, because those mobs will die quicker.

    These events are created in a way to force people to work together, not so little Timmy can get his rocks off taking 20 minutes to kill a paragon drake, then take to the forums and complain about how strong they are.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Yoshi said:
    Arnold7 said:
    Sorry to ask but what is a gear change cool down?  I don’t change gear that often but the macros I have for that usually work fine.
    "The fact that you don't have any problem with it or even realise there is a cooldown is testament to the cooldown that was introduced working absolutely fine and without issue if you're playing the game as intended. 
    The cooldown only comes into effect if you attempt to switch clothes twice in a short time"

    Or if you switch clothes and then try to get on your horse, drink a potion, use an item, etc. Fun being item use locked for 10 seconds.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Yea - the "cooldown" essentially prevents you from using anything or moving anything in your pack for 5-10 seconds. Plan accordingly.

    That said, you can use the dress macro to swap over your jewels and only have a second or 2 delay which isn't that bad
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I never had any delay doing anything, if you dress before you arm”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    gay said:
    Following someone in a dungeon during an active event of powerful monsters being spawned isn't "harassment" in fact I would argue that it's more "entitled snobbishness" to think of it as harassment. You don't want people to be within your proximity during a public event? Find an inactive server with little to no players and play there.

    It's the same toxic mindset that was created when people adjusted to no longer having to worry about being PKed while hunting, and started assuming their presence in the woods where liches spawn meant that they owned that area, and that the longer they were there for the greater their entitlement was to not be interrupted by another player also looking to kill some liches. It's called Trammel Brain Syndrome, and it's been a cancer to this game for over two decades.

    This game has looting rights specifically for this very reason, to be honest you're probably going to get more drops by focusing on the mobs that those players are targeting, and vice versa, you will benefit by them targeting the things you target, because those mobs will die quicker.

    These events are created in a way to force people to work together, not so little Timmy can get his rocks off taking 20 minutes to kill a paragon drake, then take to the forums and complain about how strong they are.
    I think you are generalizing too much. The OP is a specific incident with a specific result.

    Looks like he said something to them and they got mad and started following him.  They were not just happening to be going in the same direction out in the woods.

    popps said:
    Mariah said:
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such. Following you around the dungeon to spoil your game play is, and always has been, against the rules.
    It sounds as if they were using the CC 'follow' command and you were the target of the command.

    It helps if your journal clearly shows that you have requested them to stop.
    This behavior, whether using multiple characters or not, is harassement and should be reported as such.

    I am sorry to say that, in the past, I have reported suspected in-game behaviour against Ultima  Online's TOS and this, in regards to the same characters, and yet, regardless of my repeated reports, I have kept seeing the same characters continuing the same behaviour in the same dungeon...

    I need to conclude that, either my reports were found as baseless in my suspect that they were being played against the TOS OR, that, regardless my reports, for reasons beyond my knowledge, no action was taken against them...

    Of course, I have no clue which of the 2 holds true... I can only say that I saw multiple characters being used, to my judgement, in a way that was against the TOS, reported them multiple times, and kept seeing those characters playing out with that same pattern after my reports.
    A GM probably talked to them and they responded.

    I have 3 monitors. I could have all my accounts doing something and if I had fast reflexes and the coordination of a 60 yr old instead of a 100 yr old, You may think I was a bot. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    I don’t have a problem with following someone around in a dungeon.  I did it quite often during Yukio’s event in the mine.  But Estel was not talking about that.  She was talking about having four programmed bots following her around.  I think a lot of players might not appreciate that.  Just an idea.  Use them if you can.  Take them where the really powerful stuff is, invis so the powerful stuff focuses on them and then cast area damage or other spells or use your weapon to do as much damage as you can so you get partial credit for the kills.  Don’t know if that would work but using the scripters bots to get drops might feel good.  Or, lead them to that area of the dungeon where the water elementals are.  Realize this might have occurred on the third floor where it probably would not work.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    They were not programmed bots they were someone who got mad and started following the OP around to harass them.  

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited May 2022
    Let's say if u pissed off someone, it is proven possible that they can easily get even 10 characters to auto follow u and shoot arrows or cast fast fire ball spell. So you can't play at all. 

    Multi-client and auto follow.

    EJ is fine, since fireball is fast and require low magery.

    So sad for a paid game. This was not the reason why I signed for this game.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Yoshi said:
    Seth said:
    They added gear change cool down in EC so as to match CC players. 

    Then they should remove auto follow in CC so to be on par with EC.
    "this is incorrect, 
    instant gear change was added to CC, at the same time it was requested to add a cooldown to both clients on gear change, the cool down was added to both clients intentionally to prevent a range of issues"
    Keep telling lies and forwarding your agenda.

    Kyronix said:
      This is to increase parity between the functionality between both clients as well as maintain balance. 

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited May 2022

    @Mariah @Rorschach
    So forum banned players can return to post by setting up a new account?

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 646
    edited May 2022
    Yep. I ran into Atlantic Destard last night around 11 PM PST on my Macer, and all three levels were completely dominated by scripters. The Devs just need to flat out release Sudiva into Destard every now and then so she can clean house of all the afk scripters.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited May 2022
    Don't worry, these players are legitimate:

    Destard, Atlantic. So many dressed entirely the same. Another broken exploited part of the game is VvV artifacts lol. Wonder how many are EJ, probably all.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    All day and all night scripting in Destard on Atlantic. Great event. 
  • Estel_RandirEstel_Randir Posts: 189
    @Kyronix. The point to the developers (in case it got lost in sidetracks) is a large portion of players are sick of trying to compete for drops in rather limited spawn areas versus single players who are running 3-5 accounts - a large portion of whom clearly seem to be doing so illegally. It is not just one person doing this, I see multiple people doing this day in and day out. You, the developers have created roughly only 3 small areas in the entire dungeon that are worth fighting in. So these players are attempting to monopolize the spawns. Some of them then set up vendors houses outside the dungeon to sell the drops so they can carry the cash back to whatever shard they came from. They do this on my shard.

    I may be alone in this opinion, but so be it. No one in any MMO should be able to sit and click a macro that automatically cycles targets, attacks them and then loops - whether done legally via the game client or via some third party program. You are only encouraging afk play and botting. Every single attack that is not an "auto respond" should require a physical click. From multiple threads I have read during this event explaining the EC targeting system, that is exactly what is being done via the EC. Someone even posted in the feedback thread how to do it. The CC targeting macro is not nearly as powerful. There is no auto looping in the macro system and there is also lag in the CC macro system that will not allow you to be nearly as efficient at spam targeting as the EC. But in the CC, you can simply hold your finger down on the macro to try to keep it spamming for the next target to attack. But you will still be "outgunned" by those using the EC target system.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    From multiple threads I have read during this event explaining the EC targeting system, that is exactly what is being done via the EC. 
    No one who is running around in Auto-Follow is using the EC. They are using the CC, with xtra's. Those extras can be far more efficient than the default CC.

    You make it sound as though this is an EC issue. It is not. You are not competing with the EC. Stop trying to make this an EC thing. 

    This is a CC with xtra's issue. 
    You are competing with the CC with xtra's. 

    The default CC has difficulty competing with the CC+xtras.

    The CC targeting macro is not nearly as powerful. There is no auto looping in the macro system and there is also lag in the CC macro system that will not allow you to be nearly as efficient at spam targeting as the CC+xtras. ... you will still be "outgunned" by those using the CC+xtras target system.
    That's what you are actually seeing.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    So now yall can tell what type of account someone has and what client or clients they are running.

    Can you also see their age sex and credit card numbers with your mythical powers?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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