New Destard Event : how about giving to the Artifact Trader the ability to Resurrect Pets ?


The Artifact Trader can resurrect Characters, now, why couldn't they "also" be permitted to resurrect pets ?

Yes, one can always ask fellow Tamers with Veterinary to help with a pet res.... yet, sometimes there may not be any there to help... whatever..... I do not see why the Artifact Trader should not be permitted to also resurrect pets...

Thank you.


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Or you could have vet
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    Here we go again....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The Alchemy potion 'Elixir of rebirth' has no delay when used in your own house, so can be used to resurrect a pet.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Mariah said:
    The Alchemy potion 'Elixir of rebirth' has no delay when used in your own house, so can be used to resurrect a pet.
    Sure, but the crafting of it requires a Medusa Blood which is not trivial to obtain (keys to gather, time to kill it and all that) infact, if one checks on Vendor Search the cost of an Elixir or Rebirth, they usually sell quite high.... just checked Atlantic and the cheapest one there is at 125,000 ....

    Additionally, characters can be resurrected by Healers which not only are scattered all over the Land Maps, but their location to Ghosts is also reported by the in-game Radar.

    In short, for a Ghost to find a Healer to resurrect, is quite trivial.

    Nonetheless, the Developers wanted to make it even easier by allowing the Artifact Trader to resurrect Ghosts.

    All good and dandy, I have no problem with that.

    Yet, with Pets resurrection, such a "player friendly" Policy should not also hold true ?

    I do not get it.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Put Vet on your tamer and go play. No more arguments.Yes, vet will fit on template that is viable. 120 taming, lore, vet, magery, mediation, and spellweaving. I have no issues with this template.Go play before we get the "there was not enough time to do this event and get all the items I wanted." post.
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    popps said:

    Yet, with Pets resurrection, such a "player friendly" Policy should not also hold true ?

    I do not get it.
    Because your pets are part of your weapon set. They aren't just oh my pets. You aren't just walking into the dungeon with your friend, the huge slug with a killer skillset. 

    If you don't have vet, then that is the decision you made and one YOU have to learn to play with. The game does not need to change to fit every tamer who doesn't have vet. Seriously. If you don't get it, it's because you think that you shouldn't be challenged in any way during your gameplay. You made your decision with your template, now learn how to either work within those parameters or go make some friends who don't mind healing your pets or put vet on your template. 

    FYI vets are scattered around ... in the cities. So, just like a player who is playing alone, you can go find a vet for your pet. And, unlike a player playing alone ... you will actually know where they are. 

    If other tamers are unwilling to rezz your pets ... that speaks more to the way you play this game than the actual game mechanics. 

    The event isn't even live on all the shards and you are already complaining. *shakes head*
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Put vet on a mule from another account and park it outside. No tamer should have to waste points on vet, itself, a secondary char. should be managing that
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Has someone actually seen Popps on Origin with a built pet?  I call BS on this.

    @Mariah ; The elixer is just like the vet, have to wait ten minutes or whatever.  I carry those around if they were not stolen at last event.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    popps said:

    I do not get it.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited April 2022
    popps said:

    Yet, with Pets resurrection, such a "player friendly" Policy should not also hold true ?

    I do not get it.
    Because your pets are part of your weapon set. They aren't just oh my pets. You aren't just walking into the dungeon with your friend, the huge slug with a killer skillset. 

    If you don't have vet, then that is the decision you made and one YOU have to learn to play with. The game does not need to change to fit every tamer who doesn't have vet. Seriously. If you don't get it, it's because you think that you shouldn't be challenged in any way during your gameplay. You made your decision with your template, now learn how to either work within those parameters or go make some friends who don't mind healing your pets or put vet on your template. 

    FYI vets are scattered around ... in the cities. So, just like a player who is playing alone, you can go find a vet for your pet. And, unlike a player playing alone ... you will actually know where they are. 

    If other tamers are unwilling to rezz your pets ... that speaks more to the way you play this game than the actual game mechanics. 

    The event isn't even live on all the shards and you are already complaining. *shakes head*
    It is necessay to understand, that each and every player can make an Endless Journey character with Veterinary which, mind you, not only can be created with a starting 50 Veterinary Skill, but can also be given a Ring and Bracelet with +20 Veterinary skill each on.... bringing Veterinary to 90 with a very limited effort.

    And, in order to res a pet, 80.0 Veterinary skill is sufficient....

    This EJ Pet "resser" can be parked at the Dungeon entrance and be used whenever needed...

    My argument being, if that holds true, as it holds true, to my opinion, why then have to see X, Y and Z EJ pet resser characters outside dungeons when it would be much easier to just make the Artifact Trader be able to res pets also ?

    And, the code is already existing, since in stables one can get pets ressed... the Developers would only need to get rid of the delay timer for the Artifact Trader....

    It would be an easy addition, me thinks, and it would avoid having lots of EJ pet ressers outside of dungeons, and would overall make tamers' gameplay experience more enjoyable...

    Honestly, I do not understand a game Design that aggravates players... people, I suppose, play games to have fun, not to get stressed or frustrated.... therefore, i think, the Design should aim at making players' gaming experience more enjoyable, not less enjoyable and more frustrating....

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Once again Popps you seem to think you speak for the “players”. You do not. So please learn to adjust your posts accordingly. As for aggregating players YOU do this with your endlessly long posts.

    So, NO there is no need for a pet res. We the players have coped for the entire life of the game, we have adapted to cope with this particular issue. Only YOU want this changed to suit YOU

    why don’t you have Vet on your tamer? Ridiculous 

    and If your Samp is running a Paroxy, which I doubt due to the cost, I would ask why? A good Samp does not need one

    so is it because when you and your pet die, you get frustrated because all the other players don’t drop everything and rush to sort you out ? So you endlessly spam in gen chat for players to stop what they are doing to instantly sort you out ?

    I would bet this is your issue and you want UO to cater to just your little whines 

  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    popps said:
    popps said:

    Yet, with Pets resurrection, such a "player friendly" Policy should not also hold true ?

    I do not get it.
    Because your pets are part of your weapon set. They aren't just oh my pets. You aren't just walking into the dungeon with your friend, the huge slug with a killer skillset. 

    If you don't have vet, then that is the decision you made and one YOU have to learn to play with. The game does not need to change to fit every tamer who doesn't have vet. Seriously. If you don't get it, it's because you think that you shouldn't be challenged in any way during your gameplay. You made your decision with your template, now learn how to either work within those parameters or go make some friends who don't mind healing your pets or put vet on your template. 

    FYI vets are scattered around ... in the cities. So, just like a player who is playing alone, you can go find a vet for your pet. And, unlike a player playing alone ... you will actually know where they are. 

    If other tamers are unwilling to rezz your pets ... that speaks more to the way you play this game than the actual game mechanics. 

    The event isn't even live on all the shards and you are already complaining. *shakes head*
    It is necessay to understand, that each and every player can make an Endless Journey character with Veterinary which, mind you, not only can be created with a starting 50 Veterinary Skill, but can also be given a Ring and Bracelet with +20 Veterinary skill each on.... bringing Veterinary to 90 with a very limited effort.

    And, in order to res a pet, 80.0 Veterinary skill is sufficient....

    This EJ Pet "resser" can be parked at the Dungeon entrance and be used whenever needed...

    My argument being, if that holds true, as it holds true, to my opinion, why then have to see X, Y and Z EJ pet resser characters outside dungeons when it would be much easier to just make the Artifact Trader be able to res pets also ?

    And, the code is already existing, since in stables one can get pets ressed... the Developers would only need to get rid of the delay timer for the Artifact Trader....

    It would be an easy addition, me thinks, and it would avoid having lots of EJ pet ressers outside of dungeons, and would overall make tamers' gameplay experience more enjoyable...

    Honestly, I do not understand a game Design that aggravates players... people, I suppose, play games to have fun, not to get stressed or frustrated.... therefore, i think, the Design should aim at making players' gaming experience more enjoyable, not less enjoyable and more frustrating....

    At least, that is how I see it.

    In short, because of your poor choices, you want an easy mode button.  I have 6 tamers (3 on Atl, 3 on LS.)  Do you know how many of them have Vet?  TWO - one per shard.  I have never ONCE complained about my other tamers not being able to resurrect their pets, because I always have all 3 of them together.  If something goes, wrong I know the pets will be fine.

    While there is zero risk for me given the situation, I understand that not everyone has that option; playing 3 clients at once is not an easy task if you're not used to it.  Pets are going to die A LOT during the Destard event, because they simply are not worth using.  If you really don't want to risk them dying & losing skill points, might I suggest a different template for it?  Maybe a Sampire.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2022
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited April 2022
    Once again Popps you seem to think you speak for the “players”. You do not. So please learn to adjust your posts accordingly. As for aggregating players YOU do this with your endlessly long posts.

    So, NO there is no need for a pet res. We the players have coped for the entire life of the game, we have adapted to cope with this particular issue. Only YOU want this changed to suit YOU

    why don’t you have Vet on your tamer? Ridiculous 

    and If your Samp is running a Paroxy, which I doubt due to the cost, I would ask why? A good Samp does not need one

    so is it because when you and your pet die, you get frustrated because all the other players don’t drop everything and rush to sort you out ? So you endlessly spam in gen chat for players to stop what they are doing to instantly sort you out ?

    I would bet this is your issue and you want UO to cater to just your little whines 

    As I said, it is quite easy to make an EJ character with sufficient Veterinary and park it outside of a Dungeon with the sole purpose to resurrect a pet to one's own main account Tamer...

    But then, if so, is my argument, why not just give to the Artifact Trader the ability (without the delay timer...), for which code already exists (NPCs in stables can resurrect pets....) so it is hardly any additional work to be made available, and avoid to players to have to make EJ pets resurrectors and park them in loads outside of dungeons?

    This way, other players would not need to stop what they are doing to resurrect fellow players' pets, and players would not need to have to make additional EJ characters and park them outside of dungeons with the sole purpose to resurrect one's own main account Tamer's pet....
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    So,  you have found a way to solve YOUR problem, this in itself is an amazing amount of progress even for you, then, as per normal you then argue the point?

    IF, they were to actually listen to you and put in a vet to res pets, you with then start moaning about the cool down timer associated with that.

    Just fire up the EJ acct and play the game

    and like I said above change "players" to  PLAYER. YOU. you do not speak for others


    please consider locking this stupidity

    he has found a way to solve HIS issue and is now arguing against it!

  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited April 2022
    A 10 mile thread complaining about the new event, the same day it started? this is my shocked face.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    A 10 mile thread complaining about the new event, the same day it started? this is my shocked face.

    Wait.... I thought that was your "happy to see me" face....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Pawain said:
    Has someone actually seen Popps on Origin with a built pet?  I call BS on this.

    @ Mariah  The elixer is just like the vet, have to wait ten minutes or whatever.  I carry those around if they were not stolen at last event.

    Actually, no, I've used it to rez my warrior's swampy. There's a delay in town, or out in the wild, but I've always rezed with no delay in my own house.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    edited April 2022
    Cool I can recall home and res him. Thanks.

    @Yoshi not everyone logs off to save pets. Mine die often. Would not be easy to do that in Destard anyway.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "So what you're telling me is that it IS possible to play the game as it was intended without cheating?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
  • keven2002 said:
    A 10 mile thread complaining about the new event, the same day it started? this is my shocked face.

    Wait.... I thought that was your "happy to see me" face....
    Actually it’s my “drunk and don’t give a funk” face but it works here as well. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited April 2022
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes one can... w sacrifice, gift of life, or that other potion
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes you can.  As someone said to argue with Popps, make an EJ account.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited April 2022
    Feigr said:
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes you can.  As someone said to argue with Popps, make an EJ account.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Archangel said:
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes one can... w sacrifice, gift of life, or that other potion
    And he was offered multiple solutions..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Feigr said:
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes you can.  As someone said to argue with Popps, make an EJ account.
    I opened this in another tab and forgot about it.  It started playing randomly some minutes later and I was lost as to where it came from LOL
  • It seems to me that these events are designed to encourage players to ... actually ... play together? Which means asking one of the numerous tamers at the event on any shard for help with a pet res if you, yourself, cannot res your pet.

    Otherwise, go do a few medusa runs for the blood and craft your own pet res potions.

    Or go to a town NPC vet and wait the few minutes to get your pet res'd.

    No matter what, the solution is *NOT* to ask the Devs to make things so easy that people can do this stuff with their eyes closed.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • Feigr said:
    Feigr said:
    McDougle said:
    Feigr said:
    Every player can also do the same thing with healing/anatomy... but they added the NPC.  May as well let it res pets too IMO.  I don't see why there's this public tarring of popps about this one.  It's a simple quality of life request.  Either they think it helps gameplay or not.  
    Because UO is about choice and the consequences of choice 
    And you can't rez yourself...
    Yes you can.  As someone said to argue with Popps, make an EJ account.
    I opened this in another tab and forgot about it.  It started playing randomly some minutes later and I was lost as to where it came from LOL
    i was on my phone or otherwise it would have been the video player showing up in the post

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

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