So tomorrow is the 22cd

Will we start the next phase?
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Probably not. The publish notes say:
    The champ spawn will conclude on or about April 22, 2022. The next phase of the event, Wrath of the Fey, will begin shortly thereafter.
    If the champ spawn does finish tomorrow, my best guess (only a guess, I have no 'inside' knowledge) would be sometime early to middle next week.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    I hope it lasts 2 months.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    The eggs can end but devs please keep the colorful rabbits going. The RNG continues to hate me and not spawn a green rabbit.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    it seems like the eggs and rabbits would end as well like most holiday events only running about a month or so

    I asked  -crickets-

    didn't seem like a complicated question 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Every event i ask the same questions and just can't comprehend the reason for such a lack of communication 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I would expect the eggs to continue to spawn until the npcs are withdrawn around July 1st.
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited April 2022
    Mariah said:
    I would expect the eggs to continue to spawn until the npcs are withdrawn around July 1st.

    ^^^ This ^^^

    I have repeated this ad nauseam to people on GL. This question has been asked over and over and over "So will the eggs be done on the 22nd, too?" and I direct people to the publish notes that state the SPAWN ends the 22nd but the NPCs/Quests are up til July.

    Why would there be NPCs and Quests that rely on the eggs if the eggs are not spawning any longer? Yeah, a lot of people have collected a lot of eggs - but they have also been turning them in for chances at rare hue stuff so it's not like people have stock piles of thousands of eggs to keep turning in for two more months.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Easter eggs in July ? can we get holiday gifts as well :)
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Skett said:
    Easter eggs in July ? can we get holiday gifts as well :)
    Some people complain about not having enough time to "do stuff" so this is the result. There is another thread asking for all of this stuff to be permanent.... that means Easter Eggs in December !! lol
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited April 2022
    To be fair? They're called "Curiously Decorated Egg" or some such ... not "Easter Egg" ... so ... just ... Easter-ish Eggs in July?
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Too clarify i don't care how long i want communication and set dates. 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    This thread seems eggzactly where I should wish the UO Team and Players a belated Happy Spring. 

    The hunt for, trading in of, and decorating with eggs and the new spring items has been so much fun! Thank you!

    P.S. McDougle, I don't think anyone is going to call you and personally explain this to you...

    "The champ spawn will conclude on or about April 22, 2022. The next phase of the event, 
    Wrath of the Fey, will begin shortly thereafter.

    Oracles & Quest NPCs will conclude on or about July 1, 2022."

    P.S.S. McDougle, if you don't care how long we can keep collecting eggs then I guess it's not all that important for you understand this...

    "The champ spawn will conclude on or about April 22, 2022. The next phase of the event, Wrath of the Fey, will begin shortly thereafter.

    Oracles & Quest NPCs will conclude on or about July 1, 2022."

  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    LilyGrace said:
    This thread seems eggzactly where I should wish the UO Team and Players a belated Happy Spring. 

    The hunt for, trading in of, and decorating with eggs and the new spring items has been so much fun! Thank you!

    P.S. McDougle, I don't think anyone is going to call you and personally explain this to you...

    "The champ spawn will conclude on or about April 22, 2022. The next phase of the event, 
    Wrath of the Fey, will begin shortly thereafter.

    Oracles & Quest NPCs will conclude on or about July 1, 2022."

    P.S.S. McDougle, if you don't care how long we can keep collecting eggs then I guess it's not all that important for you understand this...

    "The champ spawn will conclude on or about April 22, 2022. The next phase of the event, Wrath of the Fey, will begin shortly thereafter.

    Oracles & Quest NPCs will conclude on or about July 1, 2022."

    Your muppets are AWESOME!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    McDougle said:
    Too clarify i don't care how long i want communication and set dates. 
    The plumber will be at your house between 8 and noon.

    UO is bigger than one plumber and his daily route.

    Its called life.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231

    They NEVER set EXACT dates...because of this very reason, and they've said it time and time again. If they said this event will 100% start on the 22nd and something happened and they couldn't do it...people would complain YOU SAID THE 22ND! WHAT THE HECK BLAH BLAH

    ON or ABOUT gives them some leeway should any problems arise. You want communication? It's right there in the publish notes, can't get any clearer then that.

    People just need to relax.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    So July 1st isn’t really exact ? 
    Nothing in notes about the rare rabbits or eggs just champ spawn and npc/quest 
    lots of people in game keep asking same questions others here have…..
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    In a game where THE RNG from hell dictates that nothing is ever for certain, Y'all should be used by now to not expect definitive outcomes.

    Just pretend the rabbits staying or leaving is dependent on RNG, and just catch'em while you see 'em, or go do what you enjoy!

    Like supermarkets say where I live " once it's gone, it's gone".
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Skett said:
    So July 1st isn’t really exact ? 
    Nothing in notes about the rare rabbits or eggs just champ spawn and npc/quest 
    lots of people in game keep asking same questions others here have…..
    You can tell us tonight when Europa has maintenance.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Archangel said:

    Your muppets are AWESOME!
    Thanks! I've had such fun with that one little piece of real estate. :-)
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    I know you are all coy UO Dev people.  I see what you're doing on Test.  I'm on to you. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    edited April 2022
    LilyGrace said:
    This thread seems eggzactly where I should wish the UO Team and Players a belated Happy Spring. 

    awesome job.
    I love what you have done here.
    Happy Spring
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Thanks, Cin! *hugs*
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Skett said:
    So July 1st isn’t really exact ? 
    Nothing in notes about the rare rabbits or eggs just champ spawn and npc/quest 
    lots of people in game keep asking same questions others here have…..
    Just so everyone can rest assured...

    Eggs and colored rabbits ARE still spawning as of this morning when I checked (even though the dynamic champ has been cleaned up).

    **waits for a strong gale wind from all of the collective sighs of relief from all the posters saying the same as above**
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Spawn is active....destard that is...

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Who would have thought it would be destard.  :)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Only find it live on Origin and the points will last until fourth of july
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