How do you enable chat in this game?

condanlzcondanlz Posts: 5
I just reinstalled UO and logged in with the enhanced client.  However there is no overhead text or chat window.  I tried removing and reinstalling the game with the same result.  Does anyone know how to get the chat text/window thing to show up.  Even if I go back to old client and try using "/" nothing happens.  On the enhanced client nothing happens when I hit enter.  Does any ideas?  This makes it impossible to play the game.

Someone suggested turning on legacy chat and I found that under user settings under the legacy tab but that had no impact.  I imagine there is a setting somewhere that is in a logical place in my thinking.


  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited April 2022
    Turning on Legacy Chat only means that you don't need to press "Enter" before typing. (I personally prefer having Legacy Chat turned off in EC so that any keyboard macros don't continuously go off while I'm typing, because I find that annoying. But that's literally just me and my personal preference.)

    In EC, though, your chat box should automatically appear when you log in. It's not like the Chat Journal in Classic - it's a box that you can resize, set the opacity so that it fades out when you're not using it, add tabs to it (which I find helpful for EM Events: one tab that only shows system messages to cut down on lag), etc.

    You do have to join a chat channel, though. You can do this by clicking the chat bubble in the hotbar and joining your shard’s General channel. (Unless you’re in an EJ account. I don’t believe EJ accounts can leave the Help channel.)

    As for Overhead Text - that's a whole tab in the User Settings menu ... "Overhead Text".
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Your chat window may have moved outside of the screen's viewing area. If so you have two options:
    1. Click on the "Reset UI Loc" button under the "Options" tab.  This moves everything to its default location. So you will need to move everything back to where you want it.
    2. Rename or delete both files found under the directory Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\User Data\UO_ChatWindow then restart the game.  This moves just the chat window to its default location.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    As previously mentioned it is easy activate keyboard macros when you are chatting in the enhanced client.  Always try to be aware of where the cursor is when you are chatting.  Glad to see I am not the only one that has that problem.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    edited April 2022
    Just a note in the enhanced client two screen resolutions are available.  One is full screen and I forgot what the other is.  But one is much better than the other.  Remember when I was first starting the one was pretty bad.  Can’t tell you how to use them but think it is the first menu option under user options when you click on yourself.  Will check tonight when I log on.
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