City of Yew National Arbor Day Celebration

JamesJames Posts: 94
April 29th is the 150th anniversary of National Arbor Day. In celebration, the City of Yew will be giving out Void Pool Lumberjack maps for Yew and Heartwood locations. The maps will be announced in General Chat at random times during the month on a first come basis. These maps give you a location where you are guaranteed to get the specific type of lumber for a pre-determined number of tries. These maps are good for 24 hours after they are claimed. The City of Yew will be planting 150 new Trees in commemoration of Arbor Day.


  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    The first recipients of The City of Yews Arbor Day celebration Lumber Maps are CJ, Melima, and Shadeweaver. Thank You for participating!
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    The recipient of The City of Yews Arbor Day celebration Lumber Map is Golden Goose. Thank You for participating!
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    The recipient of The City of Yews Arbor Day celebration Lumber Map is Gwyneth. Thank You for participating!
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    The recipient of The City of Yews Final 150th Anniversary Arbor Day celebration Heartwood Lumber Map is Elixir Fizzbang. Thank You for participating!
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