Least hassle way would be to write an organizer that has each type (icon) of fish and the ships hold as the destination container.
Run the organizer on the bushel when the bushel is full.
I have three organizers for fish in my organizer list, Shore, Deepwater, and Dungeon. That way I can run any of the three on whatever container, whenever necessary.
If you're into modding, you can write a function to empty the bushel (or any other container) into the hold (or any other container) when some condition (weight or item count) is met.
I wish Fish caught would automatically go into the Fisherman's Bushel if another Fish of that type was already in there, instead of manually having to move the Fish into the Bushel. The bags for Mining and LJ should function the same way. One reason i like the new gathering methods described for New Legacy, no messing with that crap.
If i'm Sea Fishing, i don't even bother using the Bushel, i just throw the Fish from my pack into the hold. When Shore or Dungeon Fishing, i'll have a Giant Beetle that has 3 Fish Bushels on it, and when i start to get full on weight, i'll throw the Fish from my pack into one of the Bushels on the Giant Beetle. My leveled 4 slot Vollem with Magery+AI guards us as i fish.
I think for NL changing resource harvesting is fine.
For production, physicalized resources are a big part of the game. Altering that to some sort of Diablo 3 inspired inventory-less magic resource bag thingy would gut a chunk of what makes UO...UO. Fine control over physicalized resources.
However, that fine control, without the UI necessary to easily manage those physicalized components, is also what makes harvesting and crafting such a chore.
Leaving the fine control, while adding functionality, such as (as you @PlayerSkillFTW suggest) resources appearing in a stack within range, where a player has already defined the type of and position of stack, that would be a big add for the base game. So would adding container selection to the crafting menu so you could choose where to draw resources from, or where to place crafted products (plain here, exceptional here), etc.
The team could do alot, alot, with the current production system for resources and crafting, by optionally increasing player control through the UI, leaving the fine control and physicalized resources people are familiar with.
@Arroth_Thaiel, Something similar to the "Toggle Loot Bag" action perhaps? Lets call it "Toggle Resource Bag" and all resources appropriate for the targeted bag are automatically dropped into it instead of the top of the player's backpack.
@ Arroth_Thaiel, Something similar to the "Toggle Loot Bag" action perhaps? Lets call it "Toggle Resource Bag" and all resources appropriate for the targeted bag are automatically dropped into it instead of the top of the player's backpack.
Yeah, that would be nice. I'm betting that's something you could actually add with a mod. Is that actually in Pincos? Hopefully soon I'll be done with a real life project that's taken about the last year, and have some time again for UO. Browsing the forums and doing a little damagy testing on TC has been about it for me. I'm sure some of the recurring EC questions could be answered with a bit more exploration of the code.
Is there way in EC to set it to automatically empty into ships hold ?
It would be nice if there is an "unzipping" function where we drop the bag inside, right click and choose "extract to container".
I think you can do that with the Loot bag already? Set the loot bag as the container you're dropping the item bag into, drop in the item bag and click loot all on the item bag? It's something like that.
I think for NL changing resource harvesting is fine.
For production, physicalized resources are a big part of the game. Altering that to some sort of Diablo 3 inspired inventory-less magic resource bag thingy would gut a chunk of what makes UO...UO. Fine control over physicalized resources.
However, that fine control, without the UI necessary to easily manage those physicalized components, is also what makes harvesting and crafting such a chore.
Leaving the fine control, while adding functionality, such as (as you @ PlayerSkillFTW suggest) resources appearing in a stack within range, where a player has already defined the type of and position of stack, that would be a big add for the base game. So would adding container selection to the crafting menu so you could choose where to draw resources from, or where to place crafted products (plain here, exceptional here), etc.
The team could do alot, alot, with the current production system for resources and crafting, by optionally increasing player control through the UI, leaving the fine control and physicalized resources people are familiar with.
Yep. The actual harvesting method described for NL is great, and would be an awesome addition to regular shards as well. Hit one button, char automatically starts harvesting viable nearby resource nodes until they're depleted or the harvesting is interrupted by the player. The digital "Resource Tab" from New Legacy would be too much though for regular shards. Regular shards could gain the harvesting from New Legacy, but still have the physical resources placed in pack (or preferably automatically into a bag that reduces resource weight if carried, or even a ship's hold when fishing/mining from ship).
The resources could change on live shards like checks and gold. They stay as they are until you add them to the bank. I would add all of mine fast.
And apparently @ McDougle the satchels and bushels do not work like a standard container for EC. Not a good design.
How do they not work as normal? I ran a fish organiser agent, it
happily moved fish from my back pack to the bushel, and from the bushel
to another container. I ran 'loot all' on the bushel and it moved the
fish into my loot bag. What you can't do is set the ships hold as your
loot bag.
I think the problem might be with how a ships hold is coded i know it's a secure container for commodity deed but not secure container for filling a quiver how it's "broken" i haven't a clue
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
The resources could change on live shards like checks and gold. They stay as they are until you add them to the bank. I would add all of mine fast.
And apparently @ McDougle the satchels and bushels do not work like a standard container for EC. Not a good design.
How do they not work as normal? I ran a fish organiser agent, it
happily moved fish from my back pack to the bushel, and from the bushel
to another container. I ran 'loot all' on the bushel and it moved the
fish into my loot bag. What you can't do is set the ships hold as your
loot bag.
Ok. Was not wanting to ever more off topic. Those items all work like any container in EC. He wants the ship hold to pretend it is in his backpack and act like a bank.
I was unaware that the ship's hold couldn't be set as a loot bag, or more likely, I had forgotten.
That's why I have the organizers built instead of just using the "loot all" button.
@McDougle, I just logged in to check my fisher. I have organizers for various fish (shore, deep, lobster) etc., and a "master organizer" that is all the fish and stuff you pick up while fishing (except footwear). I have the ships hold as the destination container for the "master organizer". That way I can always empty my pack with 1 button (well, 2 buttons, I have a separate organizer to feed all footwear to a goat.)
As for doing this automatically, I don't know of a script that will monitor game state and respond, I believe this would have to be written as a mod. I could be wrong here and scripts might be able to do that.
Pinco's might already have an action to empty a pack at some defined point.
@Petra_Fyde, can you place the bushel into the ships hold and set the bushel as the destination container for an organizer? (I don't have a bushel to test with.)
I was unaware that the ship's hold couldn't be set as a loot bag, or more likely, I had forgotten.
That's why I have the organizers built instead of just using the "loot all" button.
@ McDougle, I just logged in to check my fisher. I have organizers for various fish (shore, deep, lobster) etc., and a "master organizer" that is all the fish and stuff you pick up while fishing (except footwear). I have the ships hold as the destination container for the "master organizer". That way I can always empty my pack with 1 button (well, 2 buttons, I have a separate organizer to feed all footwear to a goat.)
As for doing this automatically, I don't know of a script that will monitor game state and respond, I believe this would have to be written as a mod. I could be wrong here and scripts might be able to do that.
Pinco's might already have an action to empty a pack at some defined point.
Could you walk through setting it up not my strong point
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Here is a visual tutorial for this particular organizer: Push ESC and choose Agents Settings
On the Agents Settings window push the small "+" icon to the right of the dropdown menu to Add Organizer.
On the Agents Settings window dropdown menu select the new organizer (it won't have a name yet).
On the Agents Settings window, with the new organizer selected, click rename to rename the organizer to something you like (I used AllFish in this example).
On the Agents Settings window dropdown menu select the newly renamed organizer (AllFish).
Go to your ship, open the ships hold. From the Agents Settings window click Set Default Container and click on the ships hold. I click on the actual hold, between the beetles' legs in the pic below, not on the hold gump.
The Agents Settings window should now read "Un-Set Default Container", indicating there is a default container for this organizer.
Whenever you find something you want this organizer to put into your ships hold, open the Agents Settings for this organizer, click Add by Type, and target the item. If you have a bag of fish, you can just add them all to the organizer to begin with, or you can add items, fish, maps, white pearls, etc. as you fish them up. For each item you want to add, just open the Agents Settings for the organizer and Add by Type and target the item.
Set your backpack to run the organizer by right-clicking the Organizer Button on the backpack (little open chest) and selecting the organizer (AllFish).
Go fishing. Whenever your backpack gets full, left-click the organizer button on the backpack to run the selected organizer (AllFish). If you're near your ships hold, and the hold is open, the organizer will put everything you've told it to into the ships hold.
You can build as many organizers as you want. You can follow the steps above to build an organizer with a goat as the Default Container and footwear as Add by Type. Run it to feed your goat all the footwear you fish up.
@ Petra_Fyde, can you place the bushel into the ships hold and set the bushel as the destination container for an organizer? (I don't have a bushel to test with.)
Run the organizer on the bushel when the bushel is full.
I have three organizers for fish in my organizer list, Shore, Deepwater, and Dungeon. That way I can run any of the three on whatever container, whenever necessary.
If you're into modding, you can write a function to empty the bushel (or any other container) into the hold (or any other container) when some condition (weight or item count) is met.
For production, physicalized resources are a big part of the game. Altering that to some sort of Diablo 3 inspired inventory-less magic resource bag thingy would gut a chunk of what makes UO...UO. Fine control over physicalized resources.
However, that fine control, without the UI necessary to easily manage those physicalized components, is also what makes harvesting and crafting such a chore.
Leaving the fine control, while adding functionality, such as (as you @PlayerSkillFTW suggest) resources appearing in a stack within range, where a player has already defined the type of and position of stack, that would be a big add for the base game. So would adding container selection to the crafting menu so you could choose where to draw resources from, or where to place crafted products (plain here, exceptional here), etc.
The team could do alot, alot, with the current production system for resources and crafting, by optionally increasing player control through the UI, leaving the fine control and physicalized resources people are familiar with.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I think you can do that with the Loot bag already? Set the loot bag as the container you're dropping the item bag into, drop in the item bag and click loot all on the item bag? It's something like that.
Yep. The actual harvesting method described for NL is great, and would be an awesome addition to regular shards as well. Hit one button, char automatically starts harvesting viable nearby resource nodes until they're depleted or the harvesting is interrupted by the player. The digital "Resource Tab" from New Legacy would be too much though for regular shards. Regular shards could gain the harvesting from New Legacy, but still have the physical resources placed in pack (or preferably automatically into a bag that reduces resource weight if carried, or even a ship's hold when fishing/mining from ship).
And apparently @McDougle the satchels and bushels do not work like a standard container for EC. Not a good design.
How do they not work as normal? I ran a fish organiser agent, it happily moved fish from my back pack to the bushel, and from the bushel to another container. I ran 'loot all' on the bushel and it moved the fish into my loot bag. What you can't do is set the ships hold as your loot bag.
That's why I have the organizers built instead of just using the "loot all" button.
@McDougle, I just logged in to check my fisher. I have organizers for various fish (shore, deep, lobster) etc., and a "master organizer" that is all the fish and stuff you pick up while fishing (except footwear). I have the ships hold as the destination container for the "master organizer". That way I can always empty my pack with 1 button (well, 2 buttons, I have a separate organizer to feed all footwear to a goat.)
As for doing this automatically, I don't know of a script that will monitor game state and respond, I believe this would have to be written as a mod. I could be wrong here and scripts might be able to do that.
Pinco's might already have an action to empty a pack at some defined point.
@Petra_Fyde, can you place the bushel into the ships hold and set the bushel as the destination container for an organizer? (I don't have a bushel to test with.)
Not sure how familiar with Agents you are. Mariah has a page explaining them here:
Agents Settings in the Enhanced Client – Ultima Online (uo.com)
Here is a visual tutorial for this particular organizer:
Push ESC and choose Agents Settings
On the Agents Settings window push the small "+" icon to the right of the dropdown menu to Add Organizer.
On the Agents Settings window dropdown menu select the new organizer (it won't have a name yet).
On the Agents Settings window, with the new organizer selected, click rename to rename the organizer to something you like (I used AllFish in this example).
On the Agents Settings window dropdown menu select the newly renamed organizer (AllFish).
Go to your ship, open the ships hold. From the Agents Settings window click Set Default Container and click on the ships hold. I click on the actual hold, between the beetles' legs in the pic below, not on the hold gump.
The Agents Settings window should now read "Un-Set Default Container", indicating there is a default container for this organizer.
Whenever you find something you want this organizer to put into your ships hold, open the Agents Settings for this organizer, click Add by Type, and target the item.
If you have a bag of fish, you can just add them all to the organizer to begin with, or you can add items, fish, maps, white pearls, etc. as you fish them up. For each item you want to add, just open the Agents Settings for the organizer and Add by Type and target the item.
Set your backpack to run the organizer by right-clicking the Organizer Button on the backpack (little open chest) and selecting the organizer (AllFish).
Go fishing. Whenever your backpack gets full, left-click the organizer button on the backpack to run the selected organizer (AllFish). If you're near your ships hold, and the hold is open, the organizer will put everything you've told it to into the ships hold.
You can build as many organizers as you want. You can follow the steps above to build an organizer with a goat as the Default Container and footwear as Add by Type. Run it to feed your goat all the footwear you fish up.
Good luck!