Pet usage of several masteries doesn't seem to work properly

ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
edited March 2022 in Bugs
  1. Pet trained in discord occasionally uses the bard mastery, but it appears to trigger then stop.
  2. Pet trained in magery occasionally uses death ray, but it immediately gets interrupted in practice.
  3. Pet trained in necromancy/necromage uses conduit, but that doesn't appear to function as expected.
Can the mastery usage be removed outright from pets?  This may be wasting mana / moves on the pet.

I'd rather a necro pet use spirit speak more aggressively than conduit.

Another ask/possibility - can you add a pet context control option, which allows more control over which spells/skills get preferred/avoided by the pet?

There's a thread in another forum that references more control apparently present with "bladeweave", so it seems there is some precedent for finer grained control with pets already.  Can that be expanded?  Quoted here:

"An interesting fact brought up by @Quickblade is that you can change the Mode of Bladeweave if you have UO Assist and he has only been able to see this menu on a Mountable pet. "you have to make a maccro with uoassist , that mount your cu sidhe, and as you are mounting it, you left one-click it.  He helped me change Modes for testing. When you select a mode it will stay as selected if you transfer the pet.
In Offensive mode the pet will use AI, Bleed, Mortal, Paralyzing Blow, and Crushing Blow more often.
In Defensive mode it will use Block and Feint more often.
In either mode it will use all of the abilities randomly.
The mode made a difference when testing."


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