Token of alacrity scroll broken?

Yea, I purchased the EJ state pack to try the items. My token for alacrity when dbl clicked says this is not for this character.  I only have one account this went to. What can be done. Paging does nothing since they never respond  


  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    You say yourself the thing tells you it is not the right character. Then you talk about your account. Does this mean you bought it with another character? A lot of the items are character-specific. The armor even says "Owned by [name]".
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    A guildmate of mine had the same issue the other night. He paged and a GM came and switched it over to the appropriate character for him.
  • No I bought it on acct in question and it even says the toons name. Still won't let me use it. I've paged 3 times and waited over an hour each time. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    InLor said:
    You say yourself the thing tells you it is not the right character. Then you talk about your account. Does this mean you bought it with another character? A lot of the items are character-specific. The armor even says "Owned by [name]".
    Hmmm... if this is the case, then the DSP description page is wrong on the topic:

    @Mariah ???

    Deluxe Starter Pack

    Posted on April 4, 2018 by Mariah


    [LAST POINT] - All items are ***account*** [NOT CHAR!!!] and shard bound.


  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Perhaps other characters can use those items, in spite of the "Owned by [character name]" text. The runic Atlas can be used by other chars, of course. I haven't tested the armor.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The page was taken exactly from the publish notes, with merely the addition of some graphics. However I read:
    A Token of Skill Alacrity that allows you and your party members to experience an increased rate of skill gain for an entire week.  This token is bound to the character that purchases it.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited April 2018
    Mariah said:
    The page was taken exactly from the publish notes, with merely the addition of some graphics. However I read:
    A Token of Skill Alacrity that allows you and your party members to experience an increased rate of skill gain for an entire week.  This token is bound to the character that purchases it.
    Thanks, as always, for your reply. :)
    So, if I understand well:
    1) the ToSA is Char + Party locked;
    2) but the DSP Armor should instead be ACCOUNT locked? i.e.: usable by all the Chars of the Account from which the DSP was bought (or at least form all the Chars of the same "body structure", i.e.. Human-&-Elf vs Garg)?
  • thought I would give an update...logged in today and BAM! I get a message from a GM to talk about it.  Although it took a few days, partly my fault since I haven't been on for a few days, they were ready for when I logged in to pop in and see what they can do.  That made me happy.  been a long time for GM interaction
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