Vendor Search Timing Out

TheoTheo Posts: 224
edited January 2022 in General Discussions
Ok, who forgot to index the database?  Simple searches are timing out on all shards.  Just tried three shards for a single word and all timed out. 

Looks like someone needs to update statistics on the DBMS or something.  ASAP.  


  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Does anyone care?  Honestly.  A simple search on Great Lakes for 'Horned Runic' barely comes back after 2 minutes.   Barbed Runic times out.   

    Seriously. Index the database already. Do you need help?  This is like data management 101. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Game seems more unstable all around for the last month or so.  Get lots of connection lost messages at some point during most play sessions, and vendor search works some days and not others.  Did not mind so much when the game crashed every once in a while but now it appears to be a nightly event.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    I have given up on Vendor's totally useless. I type in ONE word and I get *It took too long blah blah please refine your search...How do you refine ONE WORD???

    Please for the love of everything UO......Please please PLEASE figure out what the problem is and fix it. It would be an AMAZING asset if it worked properly.

  • Vendor Search ALWAYS go Banana, when the devs are working o a new patch.
    this is no coincidence that only after the Castle contest started that VS went crazy.
    you can also notice that at least 3x last week was down , so they are having some sort of database issues.
    so here we will suggest again and again and again.

    @Bleak ; why not create 2 different Vendor Search?   
    1 Just for regular vendor
    1 just for auction safes
    i believe by having 2 databases will make the search easier?

    but yes, to the main topic, it is impossible to use VS now, sometimes you search today and the next day while you doing something total random the window will pop out of nowhere with the result, even while you hunting or pvping 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Larisa said:
    I have given up on Vendor's totally useless. I type in ONE word and I get *It took too long blah blah please refine your search...How do you refine ONE WORD???

    @Larisa - What are you looking for and what shard? I do have timeout issues sometimes on ATL but for the most part I find what I need.

    I think you might be thinking the opposite of what the message is telling you. You are saying you are only typing in one word which is the exact opposite of "refined" (you are broadening). The message is telling you to give it more detail; not less (ie 1 word). For example if you are looking for some armor legs for your mage and just type in "armor" or "legs" it's going to be sorting through hundreds if not thousands of items. Refine your search. That means maybe type in "leather legs" (if that's what you want) or add some stats on there that you want which will further refine it.

    I've found that most (not all) of what I'm looking for will find MUCH more success by using the option boxes rather than just typing in something. So if you want a tangle; instead of typing in "tangle" just select "Belt/apron" slot and then go to stats and enter 10 Int. Click search. It will return results pretty quick. There will be some items that might be hard to do this with (EM items w/ no stats etc) but for the most part this will get you what you need 80% of the time outside of ATL.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    VS has been wonky the last few days on Pac
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Okay refine EASTER.....anything to do with Easter is all I wanted...price starting at 2 Mil...yes I love deco lol.  I tried EASTER EGG and got the same message...I tried EASTER GOOSE...same message....or try DETECT ALACRITY...DETECT TRANSCEND.....DISPICABLE QUIVER.... I can't get much more matter what I type, what hour of the day I try....I either time out...and when I log back in later it pops up the *Please wait for your search to complete*.....seriously...

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    easter not EASTER should work and search high to low and leave default prices in.
    Try alacr detect or trans detect.  For scrolls do scroll detect and you will get all 3 if they are there, PS/Alac/Trans.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Larisa said:
    Okay refine EASTER.....anything to do with Easter is all I wanted...price starting at 2 Mil...yes I love deco lol.  I tried EASTER EGG and got the same message...I tried EASTER GOOSE...same message....or try DETECT ALACRITY...DETECT TRANSCEND.....DISPICABLE QUIVER.... I can't get much more matter what I type, what hour of the day I try....I either time out...and when I log back in later it pops up the *Please wait for your search to complete*.....seriously...
    Quiver is easy. Back slot checked with +5 Archery.

    Scroll of alacrity always helps to use the actual name (ie "Detecting Hidden"). I just did this search on Orgin (assuming your shard) and within 10 seconds it says no items matched my search.

    On the Easter items; you don't really have specific thing so I can't really help you narrow it down there but again if you want an "Easter Egg" that is what you should be writing; not just "easter". 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    Larisa said:
    Okay refine EASTER.....anything to do with Easter is all I wanted...price starting at 2 Mil...yes I love deco lol.  I tried EASTER EGG and got the same message...I tried EASTER GOOSE...same message....or try DETECT ALACRITY...DETECT TRANSCEND.....DISPICABLE QUIVER.... I can't get much more matter what I type, what hour of the day I try....I either time out...and when I log back in later it pops up the *Please wait for your search to complete*.....seriously...
    You are correct and anyone telling you that vendor search is working has not used it much.

    It started timing out a few weeks ago on all shards.  Right now on LS you can do any search and it will time out and the results will show up about 10 minutes later.  Unless you try searching over and over, then the results will show up every 5 mins or so for as many times as you tried.

    Some days it works everywhere without issues.

    So use a toon sitting at a bank.  Do the search and if it times out, leave him still until the search appears, then grab the scrolls to go to the vendors.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    edited January 2022
    @Larisa ; I just did an all caps EASTER search.  It did work fast on LS just now.

    Lots of Easter Baskets.  Also every item I could think of, I went and looked.  They all have the word Easter in them,

    The floating Valentines candles and the picnic baskets are also kinda Eastery. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Try it on Atlantic. I bring things over there to sell and I try to VS prices....for the past week I have just thrown stuff on my vendor for whatever I think it's worth because VS does not work there.

    Origin has like...9 vendors lol, so of course it works there :/

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    edited January 2022
    It took a while on Atlantic, but it gave me results for easter.  Most things are 100k +  Theres some easter basket grass for 45k.

    Geese and Dragon Eggs are 200k.

    I want some more of the little chocolate Bunnies, those are cool to place around your house.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Pawain said:
    Larisa said:
    Okay refine EASTER.....anything to do with Easter is all I wanted...price starting at 2 Mil...yes I love deco lol.  I tried EASTER EGG and got the same message...I tried EASTER GOOSE...same message....or try DETECT ALACRITY...DETECT TRANSCEND.....DISPICABLE QUIVER.... I can't get much more matter what I type, what hour of the day I try....I either time out...and when I log back in later it pops up the *Please wait for your search to complete*.....seriously...
    You are correct and anyone telling you that vendor search is working has not used it much.

    It started timing out a few weeks ago on all shards.  Right now on LS you can do any search and it will time out and the results will show up about 10 minutes later.  Unless you try searching over and over, then the results will show up every 5 mins or so for as many times as you tried.

    Some days it works everywhere without issues.

    So use a toon sitting at a bank.  Do the search and if it times out, leave him still until the search appears, then grab the scrolls to go to the vendors.
    Pawain said:
    @ Larisa  I just did an all caps EASTER search.  It did work fast on LS just now.

    Lots of Easter Baskets.  Also every item I could think of, I went and looked.  They all have the word Easter in them,

    The floating Valentines candles and the picnic baskets are also kinda Eastery. 
    Pawain said:
    It took a while on Atlantic, but it gave me results for easter.  Most things are 100k +  Theres some easter basket grass for 45k.

    Geese and Dragon Eggs are 200k.

    I want some more of the little chocolate Bunnies, those are cool to place around your house.
    LMAO  You tell someone that we are full of crap about VS working and then you turn around and prove that we are not full of crap and VS IS working.  Priceless.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    edited January 2022
    LMAO  You tell someone that we are full of crap about VS working and then you turn around and prove that we are not full of crap and VS IS working.  Priceless.
    I use it every day.  It did not work earlier.  It did work when I checked again.

    I am on earlier than normal.  I am usually on at 6pm C.  Check Atlantic at that time if you are so sure it works.  But also I check daily.  I am about finished running guys around from the artisan festival.  Been looking for things to bring back home on many shards every day.

    It does work some times and does not work sometimes.  You do not use it as often as I do.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661

    It works Great!
     Tried with the word scroll, 110, 120, Scroll 110.

    When it is working I do this and put "scroll 110" or whatever size I want and it works.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Pawain said:

    You are correct and anyone telling you that vendor search is working has not used it much.

    Oh ok... anyone saying VS works just doesn't use it much...

    Pawain said:
    It took a while on Atlantic, but it gave me results for easter. 
    Pawain said:
    It does work some times and does not work sometimes.  You do not use it as often as I do.
    Oh ok... 45min later it does work when you tested it... but... anyone that says it works just doesn't use it much...but you use it more than anyone...

    Error. Error. Cannot compute. *head explodes due to the infinite loop* 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Pawain said:
    @ Lord_Frodo

    It works Great!
     Tried with the word scroll, 110, 120, Scroll 110.

    When it is working I do this and put "scroll 110" or whatever size I want and it works.
    try adding cursed
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    When vendor search was working it works.

    Why don't you go to Atlantic and show it working instead.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    edited January 2022
    keven2002 said:
    Pawain said:

    You are correct and anyone telling you that vendor search is working has not used it much.

    Oh ok... anyone saying VS works just doesn't use it much...

    Pawain said:
    It took a while on Atlantic, but it gave me results for easter. 
    Pawain said:
    It does work some times and does not work sometimes.  You do not use it as often as I do.
    Oh ok... 45min later it does work when you tested it... but... anyone that says it works just doesn't use it much...but you use it more than anyone...

    Error. Error. Cannot compute. *head explodes due to the infinite loop* 
    Exactly. Vendor search does not work all the time.  It has deteriorated in the last month or so.

    It also does not work on small shards at times.

    I can not help the fact that it works sometimes and sometimes shows the results 5 mins after it says it timed out.  I have no control over it,  I just use it a lot.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "the search on Atlantic does not work great at the moment, but if you give it enough filters and think more carefully, you can get it to work."

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • I've been having this issue as well. I decided to test out different locations to try a vendor search and came up with mixed results. I tried on two different servers to make sure it wasn't just my server and had similar results. The places it eventually worked was very spotty. Those were at banks and Inns. It never worked inside my house. The only place it worked every time was when I was standing inside the EM hall on Sonoma. Still haven't tried that on Atlantic.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    its still being wonky
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I don't think anyone is saying that VS works flawlessly or really ever has (I've always had intermittent issues regardless of shard). The point I was trying to make is that even when VS is acting up, I've found that using those check boxes to find an item (when possible) returns a result most of the time. You don't always need to use them but when VS is timing out this is what I've done to actually get results.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Looks like they got the stats updated - the search is working better now.  Returns in a reasonable amount.  If this is the issue when setup a script to run every day to update the indexing statistics daily.   

    If you need DBA help let me know. Its been awhile but not that long since I used to consult DBA's.....
  • @Bleak and @Kyronix ;  WHO do we need to talk about getting someone to FIX this issue??
    I mean , come on, 2 years that WE been asking and NOTHING.
    It is very annoying the silence about this ISSUE,  yes, It is an ISSUE.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    Reporter said:
    @ Bleak and @ Kyronix   WHO do we need to talk about getting someone to FIX this issue??
    I mean , come on, 2 years that WE been asking and NOTHING.
    It is very annoying the silence about this ISSUE,  yes, It is an ISSUE.

    ask them about hosue placement Scripting on atlantic
  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    And Again Vendor Search is timing out. Might help if the data base was indexed. 
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    Vendor search basically hasn't worked correctly since the new patch.  Time outs.   Not returning full results.    Timing out... then the search popping up 10 minutes later out of the blue.   

    It began happening as soon as I patched up.  So that seems to have been the catalyst.  
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "Even i can't get it to work on Atlantic at the moment"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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