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  • Tim said: No some members of the UO community have some questions. I personally couldn't care less if UO ends up on Steam and I really bugs me when some one decides they speak for the entire "community". I mean no offense when I say; I do…
  • I like equipment like it is for the most part. I wish armor had 2 special abilities like weapons. . only perhaps 1 active and 1 passive. Example: Chain Mail Tunic 10% damage reduction against Sword weapons (Passive) (3 seconds movement bonus (Active…
    in Broken PvP Comment by Tail March 2020
  • Shatters are fine, as they won't be much different. The Remove Curse is fine but if you are going to do this . . .at least make Strangle do some damage or do anything again. With Hpr suits of 18 Strangle doesn't even hurt you now. And this is suppo…
  • Can we remove dismount? I think it's a bit OP.
  • #1 Splinter Immunity 10 Seconds is Fine (15 Seconds is too long, 5 Seconds is to slow. #2 5 seconds before you can hide is plenty after throwing a Shatter. #3 Evasion change is fine. #4 Disarming Shields? If its a new Special Ability on a weapon lik…
  • Petra_Fyde couldn't be more wrong. VVV is Bad, Way worse than old factions. At least then Both Solo and Team players could play the game. Who cares if 1 guy flags you while you are team fighting .  . . there is always Tram if it bothers you that muc…
  • Shatters are an Important part of the game. I was wondering if we could get an Area Shatter Potion that hits multiple targets at once. I think this would balance pots a little better.
  • Lynk said: The only ones who like shatters as is are the ones that exclusively play stealthers and just stealth around shattering people and not participating otherwise in PvP. No
  • I would suggest a lower timer on Shatter Pots.
  • I just can't believe the options on the table in regards to parry. It's like you guys have never pvped before. The problem with the parry skill is you don't have to sacrifice anything to have it anymore. Is it possible you still guys don't realize t…
  • -KoD said: Last time I played my one tiler it took me 10 minutes to kill one mage 1vs1... and he was on foot for like 6 minutes but with parry, I always missed and he had no ninja. Without splintering it will be pointless to 1vs1. Everyone wi…
  • Why do I keep seeing post after post of people complaining that dexxers have it hard and in the same sentence says parry don't need nurfed. WTF? Parry IS the reason Dexxers have it hard...lol. Splintering is way OP, at least take off 1 things that i…
  • KoD said: I think splintering should NOT be changed at all. The only OP issue was the disarm splinters and they have been solved long ago. The above statement is clearly biased. The poster claims that Splintering is NOT OP? Are you kiddin…
  • #1 Lower Parry chance in some way across the board. Everyone has it, this takes all player skill out of the game. #2 Splintering weapon is fine doing 2 things like other things can, For instance, Nerve Strike can stun + damage. However splintering …
  • Remember doing my idea of: #1 Change the Parry formula to give less chance to parry based on certain conditions like: {Pseudo Code]      if (player hasParried in the last 10 seconds) {players parry % chance is equal to 10% for 10 seconds.} Perhaps e…
  • I couldn't agree more . I think when u get splintered you should have a at least 3 seconds before you can be splintered again.
  • Clearly the bigger problem with this parry change is...it won't change a thing. Unless you require us to have 125 Dex to parry, (and the effects would be small due to our chars running 115 dex with 180 mana at end game) this method isn't a good fix.…