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  • The 836th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows: 1A Pair of White Dye Tubs2Two BBQ Party Deeds3A Mounted Dread Horn4A Saddle5An Obsidian Mage Statuette6A P…
  • The 835th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows: 1A Tailors Guild Sign2100 Crystals of Shame3Red and Green Stained Glass Windows4A Three Piece Rubble Log5Ei…
  • The 835th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Tailors Guild Sign2100 Crystals of Shame3Red and Green Stained Glass Windows4A Three Piece Rubble Log5Eight…
  • The 834rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1An Ancient Samurai Helm2A Scarecrow3A Soul Seeker4Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings5Six Grass Tiles6Four Swamp Ti…
  • The 833rd Europa Auction will hopefully take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. Remember the rules are we need 10 people to start so please give it a go and grab yourself a bargain! The list of items i…
  • The 833rd Europa Auction will take place (again!) tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A History of the Great Work III2A Claw Foot Tub3A Large Elegant Aquarium4Two Golden Eagles5A 15th Ann…
  • Sorry there won't be an auction this week as we're both away for work! Hopefully we'll be back as normal next week.
  • The 833rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A History of the Great Work III2A Claw Foot Tub3A Large Elegant Aquarium4Two Golden Eagles5A 15th Anniversary …
  • One more try with the same list! Don't miss your chance for a bargain! 1A Ruined Tapestry2An Archdemon Statuette3A Bag of Collector's Books4A White Cloth Dye Tub5Wamap's Bone Earrings6Two Silver Plated Lamp Posts7A Totem8A Towering Heater Shield of …
  • We didn't have enough people last week so we're back again with the same list! Don't miss your chance for a bargain! 1A Ruined Tapestry2An Archdemon Statuette3A Bag of Collector's Books4A White Cloth Dye Tub5Wamap's Bone Earrings6Two Silver Plated L…
  • Sorry about last week everyone, we had no internet connection so couldn't even say it was cancelled! We're back this week with the same list. 1A Ruined Tapestry2An Archdemon Statuette3A Bag of Collector's Books4A White Cloth Dye Tub5Wamap's Bone…
  • The 832nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Ruined Tapestry2An Archdemon Statuette3A Bag of Collector's Books4A White Cloth Dye Tub5Wamap's Bone Earring…
  • The 831st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Coffee Making Set2A Box of Anniversary Bags3Two Demon Lamps4A Jukan Heirloom Vase5Three SA Music Box Gears6A…
  • WE'RE BACK! The 830th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture2A Large Grandfather Clock3A Gingerbread House Deed4"A Healer's…
  • The 830th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture2A Large Grandfather Clock3A Gingerbread House Deed4"A Healer's Bag"5A Green…
  • Sorry, Item 16 should be Two Obsidian Statues!
  • The 830th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture2A Large Grandfather Clock3A Gingerbread House Deed4"A Healer's Bag"5A Green…
  • The 829th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Valentine's Pillow with Furniture2An Albino Squirrel in a Crystal3A Snowy Scene of the Citadel4A Bag for Bat…
  • The 829th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Valentine's Pillow with Furniture2An Albino Squirrel in a Crystal3A Snowy Scene of the Citadel4A Bag for Bat…
  • The 828th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Jaana's Staff2A Katrina's Crook3A Snow Tree4A Sentinal's Guard5An Alchemist's Bauble6A Heart Shaped B…
  • The 826th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1"A Box for Valentines Romance"2A Bonfire3Five Un-Named Metal Chests4Six Crystals for Lava Deco5A Banner Deed6A…
  • The 826th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A 2013 Valentines Vase of Roses2A Scarecrow3Bronzed Armour of the Valkyrie4A Metallic Cloth Dye Tub5Four Swamp…
  • The 826th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A 2013 Valentines Vase of Roses2A Scarecrow3Bronzed Armour of the Valkyrie4A Metallic Cloth Dye Tub5Four Swamp…
  • The 825th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1An Alchemist's Bauble2A 10th Anniversary Statue3Pads of the Cu Sidhe4An Icy Patch5A Pendant of the Magi6Five M…
  • We're back! The 824th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Glass Candy Cane2A Tombstone of the Damned3A Shadow Fire Pit4A Skull Tiled Floor5A Jolly Holida…
  • Sorry for the late notice but there won't be an auction tonight! We should be back as normal next week!If you have items to sell please leave them in the mailbox in a bag, with a book saying your name and any reserve prices.
  • The 824th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Glass Candy Cane2A Tombstone of the Damned3A Shadow Fire Pit4A Skull Tiled Floor5A Jolly Holiday Tree6"Backpa…
  • The 823rd Europa Auction will take place tomorrow at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. We might be a little late this week so please hang around a few minutes if we're not there! The list of items is as follows: 1Three Differen…
  • The 822nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1A Ritual Tome2A Statue3Four 14th Anniversary Gift Tokens4An Enormous Venus Flytrap5A Fountain6A Box of Dec…
  • The 821st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows: 1Three Clocks2Two Barnacle Covered Paintings3Three Golden Strongboxes4Big Majic Flippers5A Mistletoe Deed6A C…