What exactly is Ultima online

With 4000 players currently active according one of the tracker websites.lets do the math, 4000 divide by 4 or 15 because people have 5-15 accounts. 15 dollars a month times 500k at any given time 12mil approx. where is all the money going? the servers are slow. the Gms are slow. The whole game is full of bugs. Im sorry but its item based not skill based anymore what happened to UO???


  • RasputinRasputin Posts: 3
    which means if you rich in real life then you good in game....despite having no skill whatsoever situation is unacceptable

  • RasputinRasputin Posts: 3
    lets talk about the huge inflation that only brought money to scripters and botters who run those websites

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    No saul no 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    Depends what you are looking for.  It’s dated, buggy and fairly new user unfriendly, but it’s still fun to play.  You don’t have to spend everything you have on a suit just to enjoy the game. 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 519Moderator
    1. No Trolling - Do not post comments which have the sole purpose of causing an argument. You may express your opinion on a topic however, abuse to anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you will not be tolerated.
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