GM Threats for paging on BoTs?
Yesterday on Great Lakes a Castle fell in Tram to IDOC. This prompted a large number of players to pull out their scripted house placement Bots. A friend and guild mate of mine decided to start reporting them. This is the course of action we are repeatably told to take. As the system will only allow for 3 names to be reported at a time he was forced to make multiple reports of various BoTs. This should have prompted at the very least a GM to respond by investigating and perhaps banning the accounts. Instead the GM decided that an easier course of action would be to threaten the complainer.

So my question is simple if you are going to threaten those who follow the direction they are given on how to deal with BoT'ers what should we do? Many of us just want an even playing field where the people who take our subscription money work to keep the game free of cheats.
This wold be my guess as to why you got this response.....
You could ask one of them. Some are very chatty and do not lie about what they are doing.
We currently have a Luna spot on Great Lakes that was probably scripted, and now just sits as a small custom plot because who knows? Waiting for the right cash? No clue.
How do you know there were HIDDEN players running house placement scripts when they are HIDDEN, did you see them.
GM sees a char named A Llama and wonders is this a throw away account that is reporting BOTs in order to get them booted so their house scripters can get the spot.
I remember a Char named A Llama was a well known house placer so is this the same A Llama
I assumed he meant how do you know the hidden people were scripting.
I mean 25 years of game experience should tell
us what those are.
However after this long, I don’t expect it to do
much. This late in the game and we are still having to have this conversation about scripting and bots.
They probably checked on the first group that were paged on, they all answered the GM, so why do they need to continue, most of the ones paged on were probably the same account owners.
They can fix some issues if you are offline, you will get an in game message that you have to close when this is done.
They do not tell you the results of an investigation involving another player in any way.
Like they say in the Email they send you:
Thank you for your violation report, ticket number 936XXX8.