ninja belts can throw double shuriken

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited December 2022 in Bugs
"After witnessing this exploit in the field myself, it's pretty simple to reproduce.

there is supposed to be a couple of seconds cooldown between throwing shuriken,

However if you use 2 different ninja belts, you can throw 2 shuriken in quick succession so long as you throw the second before the first shuriken takes effect, meaning just do it rapidly between 2 belts.
(will assume same is true for fukiya dart), effectively giving the shuriken thrower a 100% increase in poisoning chance.


Please note, I am manually double clicking in this demo, however this is of course automated using scripts/macros by players.

Expected result: for global cooldown timer to be effective immediately on throwing first shuriken"

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  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    What is bad there , if anyone can do so? 
  • ElvisElvis Posts: 53
    drink cure pots no cooldown so who caring marv just don’t like ninja temps his alliance can’t 6v1 kill need dev hours to help him win.  shuriken is shuriken don’t compare to weapon or magic.  as the bola.  
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022
    “Without poisoning it’s not big problem just drink cure potion okay, but people using this bug with poisoning skill it’s sometimes 10-15 potions even with 50 Enhance Potion. And yes many of the big cheating guilds doing this.

    100% increase in chance to poison with this bug, very bad”
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  • Yoshi said:
    "After witnessing this exploit in the field myself, it's pretty simple to reproduce.

    there is supposed to be a couple of seconds cooldown between throwing shuriken,

    However if you use 2 different ninja belts, you can throw 2 shuriken in quick succession so long as you throw the second before the first shuriken takes effect, meaning just do it rapidly between 2 belts.
    (will assume same is true for fukiya dart), effectively giving the shuriken thrower a 100% increase in poisoning chance.


    Please note, I am manually double clicking in this demo, however this is of course automated using scripts/macros by players.

    Expected result: for global cooldown timer to be effective immediately on throwing first shuriken"

    Understand this might be an issue not really sure you seem to always be worried about this kind of stuff but are you napolean or yoshi kinda confused here, I'm pretty sure napolean is mervyn isn't that person banned from these forums if I'm not mistsken? 

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,639
    gypsyboy said:

    Yoshi said:
    "After witnessing this exploit in the field myself, it's pretty simple to reproduce.

    there is supposed to be a couple of seconds cooldown between throwing shuriken,

    However if you use 2 different ninja belts, you can throw 2 shuriken in quick succession so long as you throw the second before the first shuriken takes effect, meaning just do it rapidly between 2 belts.
    (will assume same is true for fukiya dart), effectively giving the shuriken thrower a 100% increase in poisoning chance.


    Please note, I am manually double clicking in this demo, however this is of course automated using scripts/macros by players.

    Expected result: for global cooldown timer to be effective immediately on throwing first shuriken"

    Understand this might be an issue not really sure you seem to always be worried about this kind of stuff but are you napolean or yoshi kinda confused here, I'm pretty sure napolean is mervyn isn't that person banned from these forums if I'm not mistsk

     merv/yoshi is allowed to continuously violate the TOS despite being banned ...
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    "yes this exploit in very very heavy abuse,
    not important who posts bugs, as long as report is descriptive and accurate"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,639
    Yoshi said:
    "yes this exploit in very very heavy abuse,
    not important who posts bugs, as long as report is descriptive and accurate"
    Reporting bugs good. repeatedly mentioning of third party clients and necroing old thread bad and clearly against the TOS  yet here you are unpunished @Rorschach can you explain why? 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "lol i didn't bump it, it was gypsyboy

    and here every 10 mins this cheat being used "

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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited January 2023
    Interesting how things that are used against you, that have already been adjusted in the past, is considered an "exploit". Meanwhile you happily used "methods" to have a full 120 Bush, Parry, Necro, Mystic, Spellweaver skilled mage (with 120 resisting spells) for some years before finally reporting it after other people figured it out.

    There was already a base cooldown increase of shurikens and darts, as well as an extended cooldown for when one successfully poisons a target. Across all belts/fukiyas.

    Personally I have 10 hotkeys for belts and fukiyas, five for belts, five for fukiyas.

    Following your logic someone could say swapping ward removal talismans to purge people is an "exploit". But we wouldn't go there, since it's something that you prefer to do, now will we?

    "Things used against me are an exploit, things I use against others are fine until someone figures them out." -EU's largest crybaby and well known hypocrite.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    “Cody made the complaint/report not me

    I am not interested in things “used against me” I have demonstrated the knowledge of how it’s performed and can assure you more people in my guild alliance abuse this against orange targets than visa versa. The person in the video just happened to be orange as it happened to happen in real time. Time stamp in bottom right hand corner. - today.
    If I wished to perform this exploit I am able to.
    As demonstrated in the original post.
    I don’t even need your third party client to do so.

    as for your personal attack about me abusing the +skill exploit for personal use. Absolute nonsense, I never performed the exploit on live server, only test centre. Was emailed to the team directly months prior to being made public. And was fixed within 36 hours of being made public. And who released it to public?
    me. Nobody figured it out

    the issue of being able to recharge talismans on vendors/mannequins has also been reported on this forum, by me”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    “And yes there is supposed to be a cool-down with darts and shurikens, hence the point in reporting this bug that completely eliminates the intended cool-downs”
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited January 2023
    The cooldown exists, if you ever actually used darts and shurikens before the change you would know this. It's literally written on your screen. They created TWO cooldowns for the items, a BASE cooldown for all belts/fukiyas when it's used. And then a LONGER cooldown for when a poison sticks.

    Also, sure I guess casting revenants, not swapping skill item to have trigger bombard, using mana shield, doing full skill evades, and summoning demons while having 120 resist for the few years you were doing that were all 100% within 720 skill point threshold with the 50 skill points you had on your entire suit.  :D
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    “literally not worth responding
    i’ll just take it as a compliment that you think I cheat

    If I throw a shuriken and try to throw a shuriken again from the same belt, I get a message saying I must wait…

    if its intended for me to be able to bypass this and throw 2 or 3 shurikens at a time by using different belts I’m sure Misk will jump in any moment now to say it’s okay working as intended…
    200-300% increased chance for me to poison someone is working just fine…nothing to see here”
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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,395Moderator
    I think this one can stop now
This discussion has been closed.