Mesanna, Set your alarm for 0300 YOUR TIME and GET UP

I refuse to accept the excuse from you and the GM's that you cannot find the scripters because they have logged when you look for them

PLEASE GET OUT OF BED, pay an hours overtime to the GM's and go check out the scripters.

Legends and Europa are rife with them and I bet others shards are too, when you are all tucked up snoring.  They know it, we know and YOU must know it

This is NOT what I expect as a paying customer of 3 accts should have to put with, and certainly not seeing a fix after all this time

BAN EJ accounts from these events, and you can permanently ban anyone stupid enough to use their main accts

I also think all these illegally gained items will soon be littering RMT sites and taking MORE money from the game


Time to start looking after paying customers


  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    and also please allow me to apologise for the content, but when you are this fed up and frustrated you need to vent, and the complete SILENCE from the dev team in dealing with this is very disappointing
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "what exactly is it that someone is doing that is upsetting you?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    and also please allow me to apologise for the content, but when you are this fed up and frustrated you need to vent, and the complete SILENCE from the dev team in dealing with this is very disappointing
    Those genuine people with basic human empathy will easily understand your frustration.

    Thanks for staying around despite all these issues.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,299
    I am going to say this with complete sincerity and empathy in my heart, @JackFlashUk , if this game is bothering you this much in this way, please step away. It is just a game to allow you to have fun and relax. Take a break and ignore the cheaters. don't let them rule your life.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2022
    "if it is egg scripters you're referring to, there are secret resistant wars going on. I can't post the screenshots i've seen here because nobody in our alliance uses official client that i know, but i know thieves and reds who like to hunt scripters.
    You can make a nice game out of it. Not only will you make a profit from looting eggs, but you'll feel some satisfaction i'm sure.

    There was a guy scripting the trade route from magincia to ocllo to get the FC1 gorget, i'm sure he's moved to a dead shard but on atlantic, i was blowing up the boat multiple times a day.
    At first it seemed like more expense from my side from fuses etc.

    But after i got an orc ship that deals more damage, and remembered there's a bug that you still don't need cannon to fire, and that you only need to get a ship down to 30% health to scuttle (no real need to damage any further), it became profitable to loot the leather and ingots from the scripter, i have looted over 20k iron ingots - which i use for reforging."

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    I see lots of comments about how scripters ruin the game, ban EJ accounts, ban gold sellers… this and that…. Personally I think it’s absolutely the wrong approach to the problem.

    IMO scripters only exist because there is demand for their product/service.  That demand only comes from people who plays this game.

    We need to quit trying to make content “scripter proof”, which always punishes the honest player more and instead design the content so the average player on any shard can acquire the items they want without tremendous grind.  

    Take this event for example: if every 3rd monster drop a piece in your pack and all the rewards were 10 piece each everyone would have every item the wanted and likely a chest full of spares at home.  By the end of the event the rewards would have practically no value in the economy because everyone has the ones they wanted.  In this scenario the scripters lose because there is no one to buy the rewards.  Content design should be about fun and reward, not about the grind to keep you logging in for 3 months hoping for that drop.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Would be helpful to know what exactly these scripters are doing which made the original poster upset. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Or we could just sell everything scripters do in the uo store cheaper than they do effectively putting them out of business 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    McDougle said:
    Or we could just sell everything scripters do in the uo store cheaper than they do effectively putting them out of business 
    Like an ostrich, stick the head in ground and imagine its in paradise... everything is peace on earth  :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited May 2022
    Merus said:
    I see lots of comments about how scripters ruin the game, ban EJ accounts, ban gold sellers… this and that…. Personally I think it’s absolutely the wrong approach to the problem.

    IMO scripters only exist because there is demand for their product/service.  That demand only comes from people who plays this game.

    We need to quit trying to make content “scripter proof”, which always punishes the honest player more and instead design the content so the average player on any shard can acquire the items they want without tremendous grind.  

    Take this event for example: if every 3rd monster drop a piece in your pack and all the rewards were 10 piece each everyone would have every item the wanted and likely a chest full of spares at home.  By the end of the event the rewards would have practically no value in the economy because everyone has the ones they wanted.  In this scenario the scripters lose because there is no one to buy the rewards.  Content design should be about fun and reward, not about the grind to keep you logging in for 3 months hoping for that drop.
    IMO scripters only exist because there is demand for their product/service.  That demand only comes from people who plays this game.

    And let us question then ourselves...

    Why is there "demand" from the players who play the game ?

    Perhaps, "just perhaps", because the Design of the game forces players to have to spend countless of their time in repetitive, grinding gameplay in order to get items in an increasingly itemized game?

    Let's take as an example the latest Fey Event in Destard, shall we ?

    On average, gathering eggs, but I seem to understand also from fighting in Destard, my impression is that the average points that a player can gather per hour of time spent grinding in the game (whether collecting eggs or fighting over and over in Destard, at least to my impression, it is grinding gameplay...), is, as I said, on average, 10 points per hour....

    Therefore, the average player collecting the average 10 points per hour would need 10 hours of his/her lifetime to get a, say, 100 points Reward.

    Since it is repetitive grinding gameplay, at least to my opinion, doing the same thing over and over, some players might think it more effective to spend those 10 hours working, rather then spending it in repetitive grinding gameplay, which, for example, in the US, considering that the minimum hourly wage indicated by the Federal Government is 7.25 USD, would net 72.50 USD.

    And, i would guess, that quite a few Ultima Online players might earn more then the Federal indicated minimum wage so, those 10 hours of their time necessary to be spent to get that 100 points item, could earn them more then 72.50 USD...

    Now, I see points for sale at about 2 millions UO gps so, the 100 points, if purchased, would cost 200 millions UO gps.

    Looking at some RMT sites, my impression is, that 100 millions UO gps cost, on average, about 20 USD so, a player who might want to purchase 200 millions UO gps would need to spend about 40 USD.

    That is, a player actually working those 10 hours necessary to gather through, what I consider repetitive grinding, the 100 points necessary to get a 100 points Fey Event Reward, could be "better off" working and earning money, as compared to spending those 10 hours in the game, doing repetitive, grinding gameplay.... 

    What I am trying to say is that, to my opinion, it is the Design of how some things in UO work.... for example, too much time to get a given Reward and, worse, with, what I personally see as repetitive grinding gameplay if we look at these "Treasures of" Events.

    So, as I said at the beginning of my post, let's look in depth at "why" there might be demand from some players that could promote then scripting gameplay and, if we conclude that perhaps, "just perhaps", it is how these Events and the getting of the related Rewards is that are Designed which might actually promote scripting in Ultima Online, we should perhaps, ask for the Design of the game to be changed if we do not want players to have reasons to then buy gold or items from scripters...

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    McDougle said:
    Or we could just sell everything scripters do in the uo store cheaper than they do effectively putting them out of business 
    I do not think it as possible to "drive them out of business" when it is possible, through unauthorized Third Party utilities, to gain gold and items AFK.... that is, without a human individual having to spend any of their time gathering that gold or items....

    At the most, their cost is the power to run their computer and, possibly, the cost of the internet connection.

    The most expensive commodity that there is, to my opinion, is one's own time.

    But AFK scripters, I understand, spend hardly any of their time, it is their script that runs without them having to spend much of their actual time.

    The real problem is, to my opinion, the enormous time that is necessary in the game to get some wanted items.

    As long as that time will be, by Design, so long, of course that AFK scripters will always have a business....

    Those players wanting to see scripting go, should ask for a change in the game's Design which would make items take MUCH LESS TIME to be gotten.

    Only this, to my opinion, would make scripting pointless.

    That is at least how I see it.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    We are doomed

    The email reply from Mesanna herself to me today states the following: 

    "I have notified the GM's of the ongoing issue.  They are aware but if the person response they are not scripting or unattended macroing."


    That is the level of enforcement we have at the top table.  So, if they reply they are NOT scripting. Give me strength


  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    edited May 2022
    so, its official,  scripting is legal, unenforceable, and not policed

    so to everyone playing you can now run ALL illegal 3rd party programs on EJ accts and as long as you are watching all your illegally scripting computers its all ok according to Mesanna herself. As long as you are there to reply to the dumb red text challenge.

    Time for a Netflix binge while the games in auto

    ITS LEGAL and Mesanna has NO idea 

    So you can run an illegal script in 2D client, and then talk to the GM if they bother to get up and they sod off and leave you to it.  LOL the most pathetic DEV team in UO history

    They have no idea about the illegal programs, how to identify them, because they have to actually be watching to see, and they do NOT enforce it

    So all the items these players get, that ultimately end up on RMT site for $$$$$$ are fine with Mesanna

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    The problem is that if attended you can script your heart out. Now I'm to dumb to write or run even the most basic script but a lot of people do it for training and monotonous things you know quality of life stuff. now the really smart people can write scripts that recall from reds or even respond to GMs now maybe a solution is a bit more in depth questions from the GM stuff a scripter wouldn't think to program his bot to say. 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    edited May 2022

    Here is your answer: Former GM River recently posted on reddit.

    Read all his Q&A replies:

    This should blow up the forums :D

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    wow, there you go

    Also, when you seen all the players handing in 10 eggs every few seconds you know they are running the script, no way a human can click that quick, is use th eEC with Pinco and even with the grid backpack I cannot click 10 eggs as fast and as consistently as the many Europa and Legends cheats I see. also regular journeys with I am guessing g10 eggs at a time to not overload or lose many when killed in Fel

    Just spend some time at the traders outside Destard.  Watch as the scripters recall in, slowing walk to traders, almost instantly get the completed quest clime, sell to trader, recall away,  PERFECTLY every time. On all shards I would bet

    Of course they are not Scripting Mesanna. hills the script is running they can also verbally abuse you by the way

    You should be ashamed you let this get to this

    Also, you should be ashamed that no matter what you and your team try, the scripters are cleverer than you, can beat you EVERY time, and the only people who suffer are the few legal paying customers you have left

    Be great on your CV when this game is dead and YOU were at the reigns. 25 year MMO killed by YOU, the lead producer
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    edited May 2022
    so may as well jsut give up on EM events and now global events because the scripters win, and I for one will NEVER buy an item form an "illegal" I mean legal, look the other way seller

    So how much of a cut do YOU get lead developer? pray tell..........
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    I give this protest about 5 mins before they start to get deleted as we cannot upset the school bully can we
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Star Citizen calls :) 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    This kind of talk will get the thread locked quickly focus on asking for acknowledgement and accountability rather than making accusations 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    edited May 2022
    I am done with it all now,  at least I know what doesn't go on.........  tamer training now, no longer interested in the event

    just as long as people read it before it falls away, at least we all know
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    edited May 2022
    UO is adverse to selling things players can use in the UO store. Sometimes think third party sellers have so many UO accounts UO cannot afford to lose them. Or, they just don’t want to offend those players that have multiple accounts and sell those things on their vendors. Think this policy really discriminates against newer players not having the 179 million gold to buy these items but to be honest don’t see much evidence that UO has any interest in the needs of newer players much less attracting them.
    Don’t really see all the cheating every one refers to on my shard. Sure it happens here. But know the names of a lot of players now and know they are real. Maybe with shard bound the market here just does not support scripters. That’s a good thing. Think game here is what it is suppose to be. EJ accounts do attract returning and new players. Don’t see anyway around that when no other effort is being made. Maybe put another limitation on them that does not allow their drops to be sold since they can’t have vendors.
    I collect eggs and I play in the dungeon each night. Spend more time collecting eggs because I do better that way time wise. Really like having the two options available to me. Do see irregularities that I am pretty sure are caused by players but they do not seem to present major problems. Actually, enjoy playing UO although the programs instability is starting to concern me. Have now forgotten what this thread is about so will stop now.
  • Radst said:

    Here is your answer: Former GM River recently posted on reddit.

    Read all his Q&A replies:

    This should blow up the forums :D

    you seem the picture where he said ALL EM's use EUO?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    I have been telling yall for months, as long as the players are attended they are ok.

    These are not robots, these are players using computers for what computers were made for.

    They are probably sitting at a bank of monitors like this and watching movies and doing their other job while monitoring UO.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    yep Pawain I believe you are right.  Whilst I am chilling and drinking wine I must say I have enjoyed arguing with you on the boards here over the years, and hope I have never offended you ;)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    I'm inoffendable.   :D

    Also a realist.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    ok, I'm going to lock this. I would like to suggest that @htgfjgfjgfjgfhjgfhj re-read the reddit article, I believe his claim regarding the software used by EMs is in error.

This discussion has been closed.